Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Necromancer Skill: Stalking Blastbones VS Grave Lord's Sacrifice.

  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    dcrush wrote: »
    Out of curiosity… has ZOS ever admitted they were wrong about a change they made that players did not like?
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Alaztor91 wrote: »
    Idk how could anyone find Grave Lord's Sacrifice to be a better skill when compared to Stalking Blastbones. BB had/has(Blighted BB still exists) issues but GLS is even worse:

    -''In-combat'' requirement to cast.
    -Self-buff effect relies on the Skeleton jumping to your player character so the effect gets delayed at best and completely negated at worst.
    -Forces you to use Flame Skull as a spammable to get the full effect from the buff. Spamming Flame Skull also causes sustain issues because it doesn't activate the Reusable Parts passive.
    -Flame Skull minigame doesn't really makes the rotation easier when compared to BB minigame.

    Blastbones was basically untouched since 2019, it was probably the most iconic skill from the Necromancer class. ZOS fundamentally changes this skill after 5 years, and this is what we get?

    Exactly, and that feedback was posted everywhere for ZOS to see before it went live. The fact that all the feedback was blatantly ignored just demonstrates ZOS's lack of respect towards the playerbase.

    THANK YOU. What’s the point in the PTS if you don’t actually listen to the people holding up your game. They would have been better off just leaving the skill alone (even thought he class needs a buff on all its skills to be up to par with other classes) this was a step in the wrong direction.

    The PTS seems to be there to give players the illusion that their feedback is valued.

    They have. After Vvardenfel first released they rolled back a number of changes after customer outcry. It was a long time ago, I don't remember the details. Also they rolled back changes on, I believe it was Ground AOE, after an outcry. And one of those accursed Mythic Rings literally killed Healing in the game for a while. You know, Healing? A pillar of RPGs since the dawn of gaming time? Zos was warned that this would happen but let the broken thing go live anyway. This was one of several egregiously broken elements that they've had to roll back over the years. EVERY. TIME. They are told what will happen. But here we are still. Why??? That is the question. I believe that the Necro is getting to that point. After systematic nerfs and now the deletion of Necro's best damage skill in an otherwise underwhelming kit, the disparity between the other Classes can't be ignored much longer.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • IncultaWolf
    Stalking Blastbones
    2 more days... let's see if necromancers got some love 💀
  • Wolf_Eye
    Stalking Blastbones
    2 more days... let's see if necromancers got some love 💀

    Wait, what happens in two more days?
  • IncultaWolf
    Stalking Blastbones
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    2 more days... let's see if necromancers got some love 💀

    Wait, what happens in two more days?

    The next pts cycle for the new chapter/scribing. It's already been confirmed that you can consume and generate corpses with the new scribing abilities using class mastery scripts.
  • mariliaribas
    Stalking Blastbones
    I swear to god if I have to use the new system just to fix the garbage mistake they made with Necro instead of actually enjoying it as an improvement to gameplay I'll uninstall this game and forget about it forever. I honestly can't believe it's been this long without even an acknowledgement. I just don't understand how can you look at the weakest class in the game and think "I'm gonna nerf it to the ground"???
  • Deimus
    Stalking Blastbones
    Tomorrow is the day. Did they read and take into account at the feedback of their players or did they double down, keeping their heads firmly in the sand?
    Edited by Deimus on April 15, 2024 6:28AM
  • Yamenstein
    Stalking Blastbones
    Came back to my necromancer, and ESO, since a year ago - only to come back to this garbage. I just don't get why we can't use GLS outside of combat? It feels clunky, still!

    This game is doing great at the moment - numbers wise. Financially they are probably raking it in. Is it too much to ask for some of that money to be spent on more gameplay than cosmetics?

    As everyone else has already mentioned, I'm sure, it feels like the developers don't know what to do with this particular skill. You had a choice to take a graceful exit and make it into something new or double down on the clunkyness. You picked the latter.
  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    Again, the majority of the playerbase refuses to use Grave Lord's Sacrifice and just swapped to blighted. Your data shows this as well.

    I mentioned players who do the highest pve parses even swap to blighted, here's a video showing so, with a very insightful description for those curious.

    There's so many things you could do with this buff to make it worth all the drawbacks it currently has. Some ideas such as making it cause your 3'rd cast of skull unable to be roll dodged and or fear on hit. Make it also buff your class healing. If it even kept the original 20% damage buff it had during the pts, I might have considered using it on a few niche builds, but right now it's not worth slotting on any build. I'd prefer just giving us back stalking blastbones and putting this new buff on something like empowering grasp, but if that's just not something that can happen, these ideas would improve sacrificial bones a lot.

    We might be seeing some minor tweaks/buffs to Sacrificial Bones/Grave Lord's Sacrifice during this upcoming pts, but players who paid for this class would like some acknowledgement, assurance, and communication from the dev team as well that they have a plan and do intend to improve it and listen to our feedback.

    Very informative, thank you. This vid reinforces the sentiment expressed here on the forums and beyond backed up by some numbers and data. I hope this is all taken into account as we approach PTS. Not only did GLS not have the intended affects, Necro is in a worse position overall with Blighted. The same attention and love that is being given to DK and Arcanist needs to be spread to the other Classes as well, if the intended goal is actual balance. Hopefully Necro will take steps in the right direction this time.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • Alaztor91
    Stalking Blastbones
    Deimus wrote: »
    Tomorrow is the day. Did they read and take into account at the feedback of their players or did they double down, keeping their heads firmly in the sand?

    I have some bad news for you...
  • Nerouyn
    Stalking Blastbones
    I'm returning after a very long absence and generally finding the game much improved.

    Except for this.

    On paper it looks like a terrible change and I've tried to use it but, no.

    The original version was one of the best abilities in the game, which synced beautifully with other Necro abilities.

    Damage - always great - and it spawns a corpse at your enemy which is generally where you want them, and then you decided which of your corpse consumers to play.

    Ding ding ding ding. Fun.

    There are times when you want to create a corpse at your own feet but there are other ways to do it.

    If I were to play any of my necros seriously now, it would have to be with the stamina morph. Ugh.

    Not only do I avoid them generally but on necros like wardens you've split their visuals by morph. So aesthetically this would also jar.
  • Roztlin45
    Stalking Blastbones
    CdiHgvAaD:NlfGvjEaz;'ldfT z'lBmSA KmC"PSKLmfZ{psO"ieSKJ!!!!!...

    That statement makes as much sense as the change made to BlastBones, unless you use a 3rd cadence in letters to read it.
  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    Very disappointing that after much feedback and information that GLS/Stalking remains untouched. Not surprised after all this time. Does the balance team find releasing Skills in janky/broken states acceptable or is GLS working as intended with everything that we view as flaws? Still waiting for any communication.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • Nerouyn
    Stalking Blastbones
    Very disappointing that after much feedback and information that GLS/Stalking remains untouched. Not surprised after all this time. Does the balance team find releasing Skills in janky/broken states acceptable or is GLS working as intended with everything that we view as flaws? Still waiting for any communication.

    You have my sympathies if you main necros and are stuck with this change but I wouldn't necessarily assume incompetence.

    eg. look at Arcanists. Many of their abilities consume and scale to their highest offensive stat, i.e. either stamina or magicka.

    This seemingly highly questionable change to Blast Bones might make sense if the developer's intention is to move all classes in that direction.

    I made the point that not only do I not love stamina morphs but in this case where class abilities are coloured by morph, it would aesthetically jar.

    With set and CP bonuses in the mix the damage type change could also be impactful. Negatively.

    If damage type, visuals and resource were determined by your highest offensive stat, then players would almost effectively have the original and much preferred Blast Bones back.

    At which point the devs would appear to have been "incompetent" but listened to and followed player feedback, while achieving their real but perhaps not obvious to everyone goal.
  • totzummrdave_ESO
    Stalking Blastbones
    This unwarranted change just blew my main's play style. It now has a 15% buff of uselessness and has issues soloing content. Yay.
    Remember when ZOS used the excuse of, "We want your choices to have consequences", for their massive change/nerf of CP? Well we the players want ZOS to know their choices have consequences too. Stalking Blastbones being turned into self buff of uselessness just cost them my full time subscription along with frequent crown purchases. I bet I'm not the only one.
  • Vulkunne
    Stalking Blastbones
    C_Inside wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin The fact that you replied to a single person asking about crown sales 2 minutes after they created a thread yet you've ignored what has to be hundreds of necro players over the course of more than a month now is absolutely appalling and really shows where ZOS' priorities are. Not that we didn't already know, but the fact that it's so blatantly obvious is just disgusting.

    And complaints regarding Templar Jabs and Duel Wield Flurry and WW issues and PvP problems like being stuck in combat.
    Edited by Vulkunne on April 16, 2024 2:38AM
    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI
  • Deimus
    Stalking Blastbones

    Alaztor91 wrote: »
    Deimus wrote: »
    Tomorrow is the day. Did they read and take into account at the feedback of their players or did they double down, keeping their heads firmly in the sand?

    I have some bad news for you...

    After months of silence my expectations were pretty low. The tether buffs are good. It won't fix the class pain points by itself or address the concerns of Necro players with GLS, but at least this buff is actually moving in the right direction. (GLS in this state is 100% another Necro nerf up there with Harmony, Graverobber, and Major Vuln for killing their damage potential)

    Maybe we'll get more throughout this PTS? If this is all they have it's not enough to pass my wallet test, but 3-4 more patches like this and we'll see.
  • Yamenstein
    Stalking Blastbones
    Vulkunne wrote: »
    C_Inside wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin The fact that you replied to a single person asking about crown sales 2 minutes after they created a thread yet you've ignored what has to be hundreds of necro players over the course of more than a month now is absolutely appalling and really shows where ZOS' priorities are. Not that we didn't already know, but the fact that it's so blatantly obvious is just disgusting.

    And complaints regarding Templar Jabs and Duel Wield Flurry and WW issues and PvP problems like being stuck in combat.

    Original post removed I'm guessing?

    I thought ZoS were going to uplift their communication with players?

    @ZoS - No one is expecting you to say what exactly you will be changing - players just want an acknowledgement that we are heard and whether the state of skills, classes, gameplay, etc is meeting your expectations and what you would like to look into over the course of the next year. Especially when you come out with major changes thinking you are doing something good but the vast majority hate.

    It is very frustrating when most communication is to do with trivial situations. I.e., Crown sales.

    Ask nicely, no response, ask rudely you just get posts deleted. Communication is a two way street.
  • C_Inside
    Stalking Blastbones
    We're now at the start of a new PTS cycle and @ZOS_Kevin and @ZOS_GinaBruno still haven't addressed our concerns with Suckrifice. Didn't they say they were going to "keep an eye on the skill" for future updates? How much more feedback do you need? Over the course of a month 200+ people have expressed their opinion in the poll and 90% would much rather have Stalking Blastbones back instead if the dumpster fire that is GLS. How much more blunt do you need the community to be on this topic?

    I'm starting to think that the combat team just has a vision about necro (a very poor one) and are completely unwilling to compromise for some reason.
  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    Very disappointing that after much feedback and information that GLS/Stalking remains untouched. Not surprised after all this time. Does the balance team find releasing Skills in janky/broken states acceptable or is GLS working as intended with everything that we view as flaws? Still waiting for any communication.

    You have my sympathies if you main necros and are stuck with this change but I wouldn't necessarily assume incompetence.

    eg. look at Arcanists. Many of their abilities consume and scale to their highest offensive stat, i.e. either stamina or magicka.

    This seemingly highly questionable change to Blast Bones might make sense if the developer's intention is to move all classes in that direction.

    I made the point that not only do I not love stamina morphs but in this case where class abilities are coloured by morph, it would aesthetically jar.

    With set and CP bonuses in the mix the damage type change could also be impactful. Negatively.

    If damage type, visuals and resource were determined by your highest offensive stat, then players would almost effectively have the original and much preferred Blast Bones back.

    At which point the devs would appear to have been "incompetent" but listened to and followed player feedback, while achieving their real but perhaps not obvious to everyone goal.

    Please don't mistake me, while I don't have a particularly high opinion of *waves hands wildly*, I do not think them incompetent. I have previously praised the Arcanist and how it is thus far being handled and I like most of the progress being made elsewhere. Hence my astonishment on the handling of the Necromancer. Good work is being done. But not here. Not for a while.

    This is not a recent development as the Necro has been grounded down to this low point for a long time. The deletion of Stalking and quite frankly, messy and ill advised implementation of GLS was a final straw for many of us. And in all this time the Necro has been headed here, there has been little to no communication on what a final vision looks like. If there is one at all.

    And my greatest concern regarding all of this is that this is indeed the dev's intention to move all Classes in this direction. Many of us agree that the largest drawback of GLS is the 'in-combat' requirement. Consider the mountain of mess that GLS has caused the Necro and apply it game-wide on top of the decidedly negative impact on the flow of ESO combat. As a community it is imperative that we make it clear to the devs in no uncertain terms that this direction is unacceptable. That starts here with the Necromancer.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • mariliaribas
    Stalking Blastbones
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    Very disappointing that after much feedback and information that GLS/Stalking remains untouched. Not surprised after all this time. Does the balance team find releasing Skills in janky/broken states acceptable or is GLS working as intended with everything that we view as flaws? Still waiting for any communication.

    At which point the devs would appear to have been "incompetent" but listened to and followed player feedback, while achieving their real but perhaps not obvious to everyone goal.

    I can tell you exactly which point the devs were incompetent about this change: when decided to lock a self buff that prevents you from using different spammables other than skull behind a skill that can only be cast in combat and needs to have a target on PVP. That's the main problem, these three things are the main issue: using this skill means not being able to use other spammables, not being able to cast it outside combat (so no pre-casting, contrary to every single self buff in game) and making it possible to line of sight your own self buff in pvp, that's where they were incompetent. I'm sorry, but if that's not incompetence, at least it shows a deep lack of understanding of how the class works. My bet is that not a single person that worked in making this skills has ever played a necromancer dps, because if they did, it would be the first problem they would detect.

    And honestly it's the same thing that happened to another game I used to play and that I abandoned because of it: the devs have a certain idea of how they want the players to play the class and they don't want us to deviate from this vision, they don't give the players freedom to play the class whichever way we want, so they lock their skills behind these useless, needless requirements, like "only when using flame skull", or "only usable in combat and with a target".
    Edited by mariliaribas on April 16, 2024 9:57PM
  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    Deimus wrote: »
    Alaztor91 wrote: »
    Deimus wrote: »
    Tomorrow is the day. Did they read and take into account at the feedback of their players or did they double down, keeping their heads firmly in the sand?

    I have some bad news for you...

    After months of silence my expectations were pretty low. The tether buffs are good. It won't fix the class pain points by itself or address the concerns of Necro players with GLS, but at least this buff is actually moving in the right direction. (GLS in this state is 100% another Necro nerf up there with Harmony, Graverobber, and Major Vuln for killing their damage potential)

    Maybe we'll get more throughout this PTS? If this is all they have it's not enough to pass my wallet test, but 3-4 more patches like this and we'll see.

    The Tether buffs are...something. But given that GLS makes generating corpses more difficult, and that the corpse generation mechanic is currently bugged, this is akin so slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound. I sincerely hope that these issues are being worked on in the background. It would be nice to hear about any progress...but yeah.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • Urvoth
    Stalking Blastbones
    Deimus wrote: »
    Alaztor91 wrote: »
    Deimus wrote: »
    Tomorrow is the day. Did they read and take into account at the feedback of their players or did they double down, keeping their heads firmly in the sand?

    I have some bad news for you...

    After months of silence my expectations were pretty low. The tether buffs are good. It won't fix the class pain points by itself or address the concerns of Necro players with GLS, but at least this buff is actually moving in the right direction. (GLS in this state is 100% another Necro nerf up there with Harmony, Graverobber, and Major Vuln for killing their damage potential)

    Maybe we'll get more throughout this PTS? If this is all they have it's not enough to pass my wallet test, but 3-4 more patches like this and we'll see.

    The Tether buffs are...something. But given that GLS makes generating corpses more difficult, and that the corpse generation mechanic is currently bugged, this is akin so slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound. I sincerely hope that these issues are being worked on in the background. It would be nice to hear about any progress...but yeah.

    Unfortunately the tether buffs are really only relevant for PvE as the damage tethers will first of all never hit anything in PvP, but also both tethers instantly break with a break on LOS. They'd be better off making the tethers consume a nearby corpse to be cast but then just sticking to you like with the necro class set. Unfortunately running that set just for the sticky tethers isn't very viable.
  • Alaztor91
    Stalking Blastbones
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    Very disappointing that after much feedback and information that GLS/Stalking remains untouched. Not surprised after all this time. Does the balance team find releasing Skills in janky/broken states acceptable or is GLS working as intended with everything that we view as flaws? Still waiting for any communication.

    At which point the devs would appear to have been "incompetent" but listened to and followed player feedback, while achieving their real but perhaps not obvious to everyone goal.

    I can tell you exactly which point the devs were incompetent about this change: when decided to lock a self buff that prevents you from using different spammables other than skull behind a skill that can only be cast in combat and needs to have a target on PVP. That's the main problem, these three things are the main issue: using this skill means not being able to use other spammables, not being able to cast it outside combat (so no pre-casting, contrary to every single self buff in game) and making it possible to line of sight your own self buff in pvp, that's where they were incompetent. I'm sorry, but if that's not incompetence, at least it shows a deep lack of understanding of how the class works. My bet is that not a single person that worked in making this skills has ever played a necromancer dps, because if they did, it would be the first problem they would detect.

    And honestly it's the same thing that happened to another game I used to play and that I abandoned because of it: the devs have a certain idea of how they want the players to play the class and they don't want us to deviate from this vision, they don't give the players freedom to play the class whichever way we want, so they lock their skills behind these useless, needless requirements, like "only when using flame skull", or "only usable in combat and with a target".

    The forced to use Flame Skull requirement is kind of wild if you consider that Scribing is releasing in a few months.

    ZOS: Here players, have fun trying all these new spammables that you can create with the Scribing system.
    Necros: That's nice, but GLS forces me to use Flame Skull as a spammable.
    ZOS: LOL, I wasn't talking to you. Go pray that your EC spot is not taken away or something.
    Necros: Well... guess that is one more reason to stick with Blighted BB.

  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Deimus wrote: »
    Alaztor91 wrote: »
    Deimus wrote: »
    Tomorrow is the day. Did they read and take into account at the feedback of their players or did they double down, keeping their heads firmly in the sand?

    I have some bad news for you...

    After months of silence my expectations were pretty low. The tether buffs are good. It won't fix the class pain points by itself or address the concerns of Necro players with GLS, but at least this buff is actually moving in the right direction. (GLS in this state is 100% another Necro nerf up there with Harmony, Graverobber, and Major Vuln for killing their damage potential)

    Maybe we'll get more throughout this PTS? If this is all they have it's not enough to pass my wallet test, but 3-4 more patches like this and we'll see.

    The Tether buffs are...something. But given that GLS makes generating corpses more difficult, and that the corpse generation mechanic is currently bugged, this is akin so slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound. I sincerely hope that these issues are being worked on in the background. It would be nice to hear about any progress...but yeah.

    Unfortunately the tether buffs are really only relevant for PvE as the damage tethers will first of all never hit anything in PvP, but also both tethers instantly break with a break on LOS. They'd be better off making the tethers consume a nearby corpse to be cast but then just sticking to you like with the necro class set. Unfortunately running that set just for the sticky tethers isn't very viable.

    Agree. I don't PVP regularly and sometimes overlook how much worse PVP Players were hit by these changes. Really sorry how often that segment of Players are completely ignored by Zos. I see now that the Tether buffs don't help PVP Players at all which is why I maintain that the restoration of Stalking and the moving of GLS affects elsewhere are steps best for everyone.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • C_Inside
    Stalking Blastbones
    While the syphon buff is nice and an overall buff to the class' damage was needed, it just further shows that the devs are not listening to the community. Who exactly was complaining about syphon's damage? Most of the discourse regarding why necro is bad this past month revolved around:
    1. How much GLS sucks.
    2. How much necro's overall damage has fallen behind. The general consensus on this point however was that the reason was because of how many trash skills like Skeleton Mage, Ruinous Scythe, and Grave Grasp are in its kit. I can't recall a lack of damage on syphon ever being mentioned.
    3. How buggy corpses are. There was a thread on the Bugs section that explained in detail what the issue is, how to reproduce it, and even provided video proof: Naturally it went completely ignored.

    Obligatory @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno tag. Because we're still eagerly waiting for the communication you promised all the way back in U35.
  • Imperial_Archmage
    Holy crap! I had not played my necromancer in a very long time but just now I was inspired to create a new Worm Cult outfit for her and decided to dust her off the shelf. At first I thought the target dummy was bugged when I saw the skeleton jumping to me instead but then I looked at the tooltip and realized it was... intentional?? How could they possibly think this was a good idea!? It honestly boggles the mind.

    So now it's basically impossible to play a magicka necromancer and if you are essentially forced to go stamina but because they stubbornly refuse to allow all weapon types to restore either resource (whichever is your max) we also can't use a staff and have to be in melee range. That totally ruins the whole class fantasy for me. All they had to do was address sustain issues but instead they up and imploded the entire magicka side of the class. Sheer madness (and incompetence)!
  • Kalle_Demos
    Stalking Blastbones
    eps best for everyone.
    Holy crap! I had not played my necromancer in a very long time but just now I was inspired to create a new Worm Cult outfit for her and decided to dust her off the shelf. At first I thought the target dummy was bugged when I saw the skeleton jumping to me instead but then I looked at the tooltip and realized it was... intentional?? How could they possibly think this was a good idea!? It honestly boggles the mind.

    So now it's basically impossible to play a magicka necromancer and if you are essentially forced to go stamina but because they stubbornly refuse to allow all weapon types to restore either resource (whichever is your max) we also can't use a staff and have to be in melee range. That totally ruins the whole class fantasy for me. All they had to do was address sustain issues but instead they up and imploded the entire magicka side of the class. Sheer madness (and incompetence)!

    Lets not forget that GLS is, as far as we can tell, bugged along with general jankyness and we've received no communication on whether these are problems being worked on or was this all intentional. But yeah, another aspect I feel that was overlooked was the fun factor and Class fantasy. It seems that these changes were observed on a spread sheet and tested on Dummies without anyone ever bothering to ask if it would be fun? If it was in line with how players would like to play as a Necromancer, an iconic Elder Scrolls series villain. The Necro wasn't the most requested Class because people thought the math would look good. We're here to have fun and well, this direction is decidedly not.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • OsUfi
    Stalking Blastbones
    C_Inside wrote: »
    While the syphon buff is nice and an overall buff to the class' damage was needed, it just further shows that the devs are not listening to the community. Who exactly was complaining about syphon's damage?

    IMHO this is the best kind of buffs we can get. Incremental buffs to each skill. If they over correct, we get a nerf later on. If they overhaul skills, we end up with GLS. If they buff lots of things at once, and over buff us, then it's a pain tuning things back down.

    Give me incremental little buffs like this each month, and I'll be very happy tyvm.
  • Yamenstein
    Stalking Blastbones
    OsUfi wrote: »
    C_Inside wrote: »
    While the syphon buff is nice and an overall buff to the class' damage was needed, it just further shows that the devs are not listening to the community. Who exactly was complaining about syphon's damage?

    IMHO this is the best kind of buffs we can get. Incremental buffs to each skill. If they over correct, we get a nerf later on. If they overhaul skills, we end up with GLS. If they buff lots of things at once, and over buff us, then it's a pain tuning things back down.

    Give me incremental little buffs like this each month, and I'll be very happy tyvm.

    Yeah. So by the 20th year anniversary we will have a fixed Necro class. 🫢
  • StarOfElyon
    Stalking Blastbones
    OsUfi wrote: »
    C_Inside wrote: »
    While the syphon buff is nice and an overall buff to the class' damage was needed, it just further shows that the devs are not listening to the community. Who exactly was complaining about syphon's damage?

    IMHO this is the best kind of buffs we can get. Incremental buffs to each skill. If they over correct, we get a nerf later on. If they overhaul skills, we end up with GLS. If they buff lots of things at once, and over buff us, then it's a pain tuning things back down.

    Give me incremental little buffs like this each month, and I'll be very happy tyvm.

    It's crazy because they don't take that approach with every other class.
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