Its nice to see our feedback considered, and implications made to mitigate bb change
But dont you guys see new issues raised with said changes? Using one skill now demands a use of another specific skill. Its weird to see it in game, because no other class ever had that. Necro is lucky to be first i guess.
Using GLS now directly adds new effects to your skulls. wow what... I mean, changing the way it works to something thats already in the game, for example flame leash, old blade cloack or assassanis will ability transform so after casting GLS the ability transforms to something that spawns corpse at target, for now and further testing would be better.
Hardwireing two skills together, not throught class mech or non attribute resourse is much more hindering to the class then live bb is. Pvp burst is gone with this one, pve rotation now has even longer startup and skulls spam is really tight to get all the corpses you need for boneyard and tether. Also bye to snipe/eleblade/crushing blade/forcepulse/twinslashes/rapid strikes/uppercut as a candidates for spamable if you running GLS.
In pursuit of smoothing out necros rotation we come from:
cast BB --> initiate combat --> cast boneyard --> cast bb --> cast tether (4) (deal with bb AI)
Intiate combat --> cast GLS --> cast Skull --> cast Skull --> cast Skull --> use boneyard --> cast Skull --> cast Skull --> cast Skull --> use tether (10), if used with venom (8) (deal with targeting, slow skulls projectile, GLS timer)
Maybe its not to late to put it back in the oven, to coock properly until its nice and crispy, or at least make this change less punishing for scarse build diversity that necro is already struggling with.
But in the end your cause in noble, necro defenetly needs some alternative approaches to its playstyle and too bad that such changes require sacrifice of our main offensive tool, and class defining ability. I belive skill like GLS could work if you consider changing other necros underused abilities, but as for now we ended up in a worse spot then we started, and its seems like struggle of a poor necros continues onto the next PTS cycle.