If it becomes to much of a problem just wear the Mighty chudan set. Its really popular amongst sorcs.
If it becomes to much of a problem just wear the Mighty chudan set. Its really popular amongst sorcs.
It is not popular. Sorc's are forced to wear it to free up a skill slot because they cannot fit their rotation on the bars.
A NB will want to cast shadowy every 6 seconds or less to get the 300 wep/spell damage from vamp passives, it also gets you major resolve. A non-issue.
NB is simple, 4 skills: merciless resolve + spammable, a source of major brutality, and shadowy for the buffs and 100% crit rate when merciless is ready to rock. Everything else is flex.
hypnoticbeast wrote: »For the love of god DO NOT USE 4 HEAVEY. You only need 2 Nirn Honed. And yes you need to use concealed weapon and or surprise attack for MR to stay up THERE is no way around it. Quit trying to bring back the ALL TANKS ALL THE TIME BS in PVP people. 9 sec is all you need if you use the Spam. I put a post on this already. Please quit with the misleading [snip].
sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »You get major resolve on a nightblade whenever you use any shadow skill, and nightblades usually use concealed weapon as their spammable. Every single time you cast a shadow skill, you get 6 seconds of major resolve, but it increases per piece of heavy armor you have on. You have 4 on, so you're getting 12 seconds of major resolve whenever you use your spammable, cloak, paths, or shade. Since it's so on demand, you don't have to worry about it.With 4 heavy if you don't use concealed weapon just run refreshing path, both will have a 12 second up time so you will just have to cast path when it expires
These are the most correct solution I see in this thread. Just don't like that it's all you can sorta do though.The way nightblades access minor resolve compared to the other classes is something I've never been a fan of. In almost 10 years of playing, I've just never liked it.”
First, thanks for responding. I actually like that resolve and evasion are together. That is an example of something that helps with rotation. But even with that I panic when major resolve falls off.
I stop at 4 heavy because I get too slow in pvp. No complaints there, I think it’s part of balance. Yes, requiring heavy armor is a step in the right direction so nb doesnt get OP…im admitting that as someone who plays a night blade. I also sit at 30K health. 34k spell resist/30K physical resist buffed.
I don’t have these survival issues on my sorc or templar. They hit harder and if a buff falls off I dont have to panic lol.
DKs and templars have ruled due to balance. Warden has been the easiest, gets me the most kills with dual BOW build NO cloak? Im not sure what else ZOS can do to balance it.
hypnoticbeast wrote: »For the love of god DO NOT USE 4 HEAVEY. You only need 2 Nirn Honed. And yes you need to use concealed weapon and or surprise attack for MR to stay up THERE is no way around it. Quit trying to bring back the ALL TANKS ALL THE TIME [snip] in PVP people. 9 sec is all you need if you use the Spam. I put a post on this already. Please quit with the misleading [snip].
hypnoticbeast wrote: »For the love of god DO NOT USE 4 HEAVEY. You only need 2 Nirn Honed. And yes you need to use concealed weapon and or surprise attack for MR to stay up THERE is no way around it. Quit trying to bring back the ALL TANKS ALL THE TIME [snip] in PVP people. 9 sec is all you need if you use the Spam. I put a post on this already. Please quit with the misleading [snip].
[edited for profanity bypass]