Blessing of, I don't know some god, for solo players on daily quests in Imperial City

  • TaSheen
    Syldras wrote: »
    Beyond the main questline, which is an extremely short intro to PVP, there are some interesting tidbits to find in Cyrodiil. There are a lot of small, hidden sidequests that aren't mentioned on the map's sidebar. These sidequests are often from the perspective of the civilians who must deal with the effects of the war, and although they are usually very short compared to regular quests in PVE zones, they give the player insight into the views of non-combatants. They're all over, even on the very fringes of the map, and so far, none of them have been faction specific.
    The daily quests found in the various towns (Including those that cannot be flagged by PVP players) also contain a fair bit of interesting information regarding the effects of the war.
    Much of the best lore, however, can be found from talking to the NPC's that are still living in the wreckage of some of the villages and towns. I was quite taken with the information regarding the Moth Priests and the Elder Scrolls at the Temple of the Ancestor Moths, which is deep in Ebonheart Pact territory, close to the bases. It wasn't a ton, and it might not be new lore to someone who knows more about the Elder Scrolls than I do, but finding these things out during my explorations added depth to my own experience.

    Thank you. That does sound interesting!
    The zone is so large that if you stay clear of the keeps and resources, you should be able to explore for hours. I recommend doing so in a No CP campaign, as it is less populated. I've spent many hours there, completely unnoticed, just reading lore books and having a good time taking in the sights.

    I might give it a try some day, then. The main reason I haven't cared for Cyrodiil so far was the thought of not being able to read lorebooks and talking to npcs without hurry because of other players interrupting me - which would make the whole thing quite useless for me (as I don't care for fighting without a real narrative background anymore - and this comes from someone who played a lot of Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament and Battlefield 1942 when he was younger).

    I completted master angler on 4 characters - two accounts (at the time) on both pc megaservers. I saw almost no op-fac characters in Cyrodill - and the few I saw were fishing.... just like I was. We fished amicably at the same fishing holes....

    I fished on whatever was the lowest pop campaign. Still have two more to finish on my third account. If the damn events would stop, I might have time to fish. One more indrik.... *sgh* Should be done this quarter - and then, I'm DONE with events.

    Serious. I'm SO "evented out"....

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's event related.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • ApoAlaia
    I think that this is mainly an issue for players who 'want to have their cake and eat it'.

    In this particular event no one really had to put a foot on IC for tickets, there were plentiful PvE sources available therefore was IMO a non-issue.

    There was an unexpected (and most likely unintended) bonus to be had during this event if engaging with IC in a certain way, but was unrelated to daily quests so irrelevant to the OP.

    The one event where historically IC has been 'mandatory' to obtain all possible tickets has been Mayhem, but given that is a PvP centric event I don't think is unreasonable to expect PvP to be involved in some capacity.

    Furthermore one can still complete daily quests with minor disruption using stealth. It is still possible to be killed, but given that if the quest is chosen wisely no Tel Var is accrued in the process of completing the objectives nothing is lost upon death other than a small amount of time.

    Again IMO only if one's expectation is to be able to move around and complete quests and/or reap other IC exclusive rewards (like currency, sets, etc) completely 'unmolested' it becomes a source of friction.
  • Braffin
    If a player doesn't want to participate in PvP at all, they simply shouldn't enter a PvP-related zone.

    If a player "feels forced" to participate in content, they don't want to play, it's time to overthink this entitled (and unhealthy) attitude instead of trying to delete this content.

    There are events for PvEers, events for PvPers and mixed events (like the current one) and that's how it should be. Inclusive for everyone across the year. There is no need to exclude whole playstyles from the event-calendar (PvP in this regard) just because a few players don't want to participate in content but earn rewards for doing so nonetheless.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
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