OtarTheMad wrote: »Also, Trinimac was seen as one of the most powerful Aedra and they ganged up on him too. Twisted him, cursed him, imprisoned him and turned him into a weaker Daedra.
kirk_lewis_ESO wrote: »Exactly, if you think about it, there are lots of parallels to Greek mythology. I have no idea why what happened to Ithelia confuses people so much. It's inline with established pathology of Daedric and Aedric gods.
That's a funny way to call it
And yes, real-world myths (and in general: cultures) are a huge source for TES lore. Not only Greek mythology.
Maybe "pantheon" instead?
Either that or "mythology". I'm quite sure it's an autocorrect mistake. Not criticizing OP either, I just found the typo amusing.
It's just not possible to apply human behaviour and morals to beings that are non-human, not even mortal. They're not the same, they don't have the same ethics, ways of thinking, ways of functioning. They only (mostly) manifest as humanoid-looking to mortal eyes, but that doesn't mean there's any real similarity.
I mean, we don't apply human morals to animals either, do we? In animals, there are many behaviours that would be totally unacceptable and immoral when it comes to humans, yet they are the nature of these animals. Female praying mantisses eat their males after mating. Are these animals evil? Immoral? Ill?
Daedra are personification of mankind's worst traits.
"And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,That when brothers wage war come unfurled!Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,With a hunger to swallow the world!"
OtarTheMad wrote: »The way I have also seen the Daedric Princes, and I could be wrong on this… wouldn’t be shocking even slightly but I’ve seen them as kind of robotic. What I mean is they decide what they want to do-they make a plan on how to do it-they execute said plan in the most efficient way they think possible given the paths they usually take (which is how they earned their titles). They don’t know what good is, or bad is but can see certain other Princes or Beings as a threat to them.
Answering OP's question, Ithelia would be considered a larger threat then Jyggalag because Jyggalag has checks and balances. He's the Daedric Prince of Order and Deduction. As long as everything falls within logical order and deduction, Jyggalag isn't a threat. He's a "neutral" Daedric Prince that keeps balance. This is why Jyggalag is a counter to Ithelia, but not a greater threat. Ithelia's very nature is to disrupt logical order and deduction by trying to manipulate and change it. Jyggalag steps in and says, "no". Ithelia can't do anything. But when the Daedric Princes, in their nature, turned on Jyggalag, what did they do? They didn't kill him (because you can't), but they cursed him to be the opposite of what he was, which gave birth to Sheogorath. But how could Jyggalag let something like that happen? Because it's logical and balanced. Jyggalag is now Yin and Yang, Order and Chaos, and switches between the two every 1,000 years (if memory serves me right). Therefore, Jyggalag, in his nature of Order, couldn't stop it, because it was within the rules of logic and balance to have Yin and Yang, which he's now become (and potentially always has been, but is now doing it in a "different" way).
With Jyggalag gone though, there are no checks and balances to keep Ithelia at bay. However, Ithelia doesn't have the power that Jyggalag has, and as we know, there's always a way to stop an individual outside of simply killing them. This is what I like about Daedric Princes and their stories, because in most stories in games, the objective to stop an opposing force is quite simple; you just kill it. That doesn't apply to Daedric Princes and ES lore. For Daedric Princes and ES lore, it's much more creative and complicated and typically has something to with manipulating the nature of said being in order to "defeat" it.
But yeah, personal opinion, everything surrounding Ithelia is basically just FanFic. The year long story idea they had seemed great at first, but started falling flat on its face and received bad reception from their players for various reasons, forcing them away from the year long model and into what we have now. The last piece of content, and arguably their best before they started the year long stuff, was Summerset Isles. As far as lore, nothing topped what was at stake in that story, and with Necrom/Ithelia, they're basically trying to repeat that formula.
Ithelia was a way for them to try and introduce something new and large stake to top Summerset Isle, cause how do you top having infinite power in all realms and realities? By manipulating fate/reality itself. You have to imagine the conversation they had at ZOS HQ.
"Let's introduce a new Daedric Prince!"
"[snip], how would we do that in the already established lore where this Deadric Prince clearly doesn't exist?"
"No, no, no, it's not that this Daedric Prince never existed...it's just that EVERYONE FORGOT THEY EXISTED!"
And what'd they do? They gave Ithelia the same treatment they gave Jyggalag. That's literally what was going through my mind when playing Necrom. This is just copy pasta of Jyggalag lore. The experience was fun though, I enjoyed coming back to ESO and playing through the content, can't lie there. But this is all just copy pasta from Jyggalag. Fitting though.
[edited for profanity bypass]
This all reminds me of Shadowlands WoW expansion. Someone thought that they could invent "new lore" but the reality is that TES has already a massive lore to build a story.
Stop Inventing "New Lore"
Ithelia < Jyggalag
Pretty much summons everything. This chapter should have been about Jyggalag.
When I saw Blind Cultists and that other "glass shard" looking style of Ithelia minions I immediately thought about old Sheo. It looks exactly as Jyggalag's style would look like.