Holycannoli wrote: »Female altmer look like Amy from Kitchen Nightmares.
I have no clue who she is, but the should be proud that a whole fantasy race is modeled after her
AnduinTryggva wrote: »I also was quite disappointed when I discovered the character editor in ESO and how narrow the modification possibilities were.
For me the best character editors I have experienced is that of Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect. You could really create a face that felt unique and distinctive.
Here in ESO it looks to me that the most decisive decision with respect to looks you can make is race which fixes major features of your face with only some limited "fine tuning" provided by the sliders.
I also think it is worse for female faces. They almost all look pretty much like small variations of one face.
Alas, I don't think they will change anything on that.
I have no clue who she is, but the should be proud that a whole fantasy race is modeled after her
Araneae6537 wrote: »No need for the mud slinging! Let’s agree that additional options in character creation / customization would be great (to me, ESO is already the best game in this regard, but I’ll always love more) and different people like different aesthetics and for looks or lore or any number of reasons, enjoy playing different races and that’s a good thing!
spartaxoxo wrote: »They are the best looking of the Elder Scrolls games...
Sheezabeast wrote: »Ya all need to spend more time in character creator. Some of you clearly just hit randomize until you find one you consider hot enough.
Sheezabeast wrote: »Ya all need to spend more time in character creator. Some of you clearly just hit randomize until you find one you consider hot enough.
Minstrel9806 wrote: »
Character creator can only do so much to the overall design of a character (in this game at least).
ESO faces have obviously been designed to cater to a wider audience rather than just Elder Scrolls fans, so they went for a more cartoony less realistic look and they needed to keep them somewhat lower poly too for obvious reasons.
This game was made by a different company too, so art direction may vary.
Character creator is somewhat limited too considering there's quite some options missing for the player that for some reason the NPCs have. The infamous Black haired Altmer come to mind. Wish they included some of the "recessed hairline" Elven hairstyles for Elves too, just for variety.
For reference:
Nords are just very high T so they have huge jaws.
Nords ?
you must mean Orcs !