Pixiepumpkin wrote: »The most fun I have ever had was on my hunter in world of warcraft as a DPS....but with a catch.
I ran a tri spec build in the old days. I was a marksman hunter (DPS) but had points into beast mastery buffing my pets health and armour (became a mini tank) and some points into survival for trap utility.
I would often be the off tank in raids in my guild and we were 3rd place from top guilds on sargeras (meaning we had progression). On Onyxia fights I was main tank using my pet.
I also performed as top DPS without changing my build.
So for me my favourite role was being a top DPS, but DPS that could pick up and tank adds well (often to keep them off the group, especially healers). I loved being able to take charge of the fight and help with group utility without having to sacrifice my DPS.
I have not played a character yet in any mmorpg that gave the same playstyle.
chessalavakia_ESO wrote: »Personally, I think the whole trinity thing wasn't the greatest idea in the start and has gotten worse over time.
The tank role innately is lacking in appeal and ends up even less popular due to the amount of pressure the role is frequently put under. Developers have a tendency to make this pressure worse by increasing the amount of power the role has and by leaning so heavily on mechanics that fights basically turn into "Simon Says Hard Mode".
The damage role innately has a significant amount of appeal which can cause queue time issues. Optimization has a tendency to change the damage role from something fun into something tedious.
The healing role in my view is the only one that is reliably fun because the queue time is decent, you have less people complaining at you, and you get more variation in what you do from run to run.
There is no alternative though. MMOs without the Trinity usually either fail or have communities that dont do the groupcontent (or mostly suffer through it).chessalavakia_ESO wrote: »Personally, I think the whole trinity thing wasn't the greatest idea in the start and has gotten worse over time.
The tank role innately is lacking in appeal and ends up even less popular due to the amount of pressure the role is frequently put under. Developers have a tendency to make this pressure worse by increasing the amount of power the role has and by leaning so heavily on mechanics that fights basically turn into "Simon Says Hard Mode".
The damage role innately has a significant amount of appeal which can cause queue time issues. Optimization has a tendency to change the damage role from something fun into something tedious.
The healing role in my view is the only one that is reliably fun because the queue time is decent, you have less people complaining at you, and you get more variation in what you do from run to run.
spartaxoxo wrote: »Also, I just find it easier to build a DPS to solo things.
Elvenheart wrote: »
Same here so I picked DPS as well. Although as some have pointed out when we solo we have to be our own tank and healer too. For example, I recently tried soloing the Asylum Sanctorium because I read it was the only trial that could be soloed, and by the time I killed the second boss I got an achievement for being a Trial Healer! 😂
(I tried soloing the third boss, but the fight just stretched out so long, and was so tedious I finally gave up.)
Out of curiosity: How long did your fight against Olms take? Never tried to solo him myself, but sounds interesting (although I would more probably do the fight in a duo with my girlfriend).
Elvenheart wrote: »
Oh, my gosh, both of them seemed to go on forever, but just guessing it was like 15 or 20 minutes or so per boss. That’s just a guess. I tried the final boss too for about that long, or maybe even a little longer, since I was almost done with the trial, but by that time, I was pretty tired, and sometimes missed dodging one particular attack that would wipe me out. I think duoing the bosses with someone with make it go by much better but still take a little patience, and, of course, the more people the merrier!
Edited to add: Isobel was my tank and she did quite well, some of the healing I did was to keep her alive while she soaked up a lot of damage.