The fan boys are like:

But seriously, the server (mega) may have stayed up and sure we could log in, but with quests broken, horses flying, monsters either OP or requiring groups (so much for geared towards solo play) and Zeni
Fail not responding to its player base, accept for the occasional - "its been escalated" forum reply and the occasional "ZOMG Servers offline, maintenance" I can say with clarity, fact and confidence that this was a typical and still is a typical MMO release, broken.
"But mr troll we could log in, I am a fan boy, I love this game, you wrong. why you hate?"
I could log in too, but the BloodThorn quests are broken, thus tutorial island 2 is out. People are spawn camping at specific quests and locations - phasing is making it really hard to play with your friends, and All I see in chat is "I have to catch up to you"
To be
THAT guy who compares this game to other MMO's at least in GW2, if I wanted to play with you I am either scaled to your level, you are scaled to me and their is no phasing or spawn camping.
An example of spawn camping is that in one of the blood thorn quests you have to kill necromancers, now these necro's have to start their ritual for the stuff to drop - but spawn campers go in and insta kill, then laugh in chat and call us noobs.
Their is a real issue with that in this game all across various areas.
Lets have some fun - WTS GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fail needs to put a stop to this, I cant even chat with people in zone because of the amount of gold sellers. where are you Zeni
Fail? are you even their? do you even care?
In conclusion, just because I can log in, spend all day gathering mats (what's up with the prices of bags and bank slots, 2000 gold for another ten slots in bag after the inital 400?, 1000 gold for bank slots? oO .... I make a 1000 in 7 hours of play) does not mean this was a smooth launch. Quests are bugged, gold spammer, spawn campers (especially at nodes .... make them shared), trolls in game and even bots.
this was a typical, if not worse, MMO Launch.
NOT WORTH THE 15$ A MONTH (please go free to play its your best bet Zeni