Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Give Me a Reason to Play in 2024

ESO turns 10 in 2024. Strangely enough I feel like I have less to do than ever.

Like many people, in 2015 I started off as a quester. I went from zone to zone exploring delves and completing quests.Eventually I tried out PvP and I loved it. I was never able to go back to questing after trying it. I joined some PvP guilds, made many friends, and had a great time for a few years.

I looked forward to doing daily dungeons because they were challenging and I hoped to finally get my bloodspawn monster set for PvP. I got into running vet maelstrom arena, which was challenging, but fun, and getting my first sharpened weapon as a reward felt great. When the maw skin came out I'd never seen anything cooler, I started joining PvE progression teams in order to obtain it. I ended up enjoying raiding so I stuck with it for years to come.

I had a bigger community to interact with, more PvPers, more raiders, more people interested in veteran content.

Between dungeons, maelstrom, raiding, and PvP I never felt like I had nothing to do in ESO. I was challenged, and I never felt that my time was wasted because there were worthwhile rewards at the end. Rewards encouraged me to branch out and do new types of content, which I ultimately stuck to for several years. This isn't true anymore. If I want a cool cosmetic all I have to do is open my wallet. There's nothing for me to progress or strive for. Many veteran dungeons are not challenging to anyone sufficiently geared, but there's no reason to do these dungeons anyway cause there's no reward. I can find challenge in doing trifecta achievements for the new dungeons, but my reward is a title. I already have my favorite titles and I can only wear one at a time. I don't feel that the rewards for trifecta dungeon achievements are worthwhile for the challenge that they are. Trials are very much the same way, the rewards are usually lackluster and nothing compared to what I can get in the crown store cosmetic wise. There's also the issue of replayability, especially when you think about account wide achievements.

I lose more gold and resources than I gain doing what I enjoy in this game. PvP/BGs require that I use expensive tripots, then I don't really get rewarded for participating in these activities. I also have to make builds which can also be costly. Doing trial progressions require potions and builds as well which also cost gold. This is completely unacceptable, I should gain more than I lose doing activities in this game.

Challenge, reward, and replay value for the key things that motivate many people like me to play. These things are lacking from ESO and need to be added in 2024. Many activities that see low participation (Cyrodiil, Imperial City, BGs, Dungeons) can see better participation rates with better incentives and rewards. Make it enjoyable to do these things again.
PC NA and Xbox NA
  • LunaFlora
    have you tried the infinite Archive?
    it got added with update 40 and is a new type of arena that has bosses from all over the game like Lord Warden, The Serpent, and Prior Thierric.
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • Stamicka
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    have you tried the infinite Archive?
    it got added with update 40 and is a new type of arena that has bosses from all over the game like Lord Warden, The Serpent, and Prior Thierric.

    Yes, infinite archive wasn't my style really. It takes a long time for the enemies to ramp up and I don't find any of the class sets particularly useful. I prefer my arenas to have a clear beginning and end rather than testing me to see how long I survive.

    When there's a clear beginning and end, speed is what matters and I feel good about seeing my time improve as I familiarize myself with the arena. Speed hardly matters in infinite archive and I have no desire to engage in a tank test, especially without good rewards. The idea was cool on paper, but I really wanted to see something more like a modern version of Maelstrom (Vateshran doesn't count it is nothing like vMA).
    Edited by Stamicka on January 4, 2024 5:26PM
    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • colossalvoids
    So relatable it pains somehow.

    They were trying to not upset people who aren't able to earn some rewards despite wanting them by making them not significant both cosmetically and gameplay wise, hope there's some middle ground or a way out of this "mediocre prison" in sight.
  • OsUfi
    No, I will not give you a reason to play in 2024 because honestly it looks like you've already made up your mind. Take a break, if you find something else, great, if not, ESO will be here for a good few years yet.
  • Gray_howling_parrot
    If you’re searching the forums for a reason to play, it’s likely time for you to take a break, find another game, and maybe revisit in the future when content releases that you’re interested in. Cheers!
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Tank/Healer Main
  • ArchMikem
    Elder Fashion Online.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • erdYrrson
    "I have done all that can be done. There is nothing left. No quests to be undertaken. No villains to be slain. No challenges to face. Except for you. You are my last challenge. Only you can send me to Sovngarde with honor. Make your preparations. When you are ready, come find me at my last vigil."
  • Stamicka
    If you’re searching the forums for a reason to play, it’s likely time for you to take a break, find another game, and maybe revisit in the future when content releases that you’re interested in. Cheers!

    Well that's the point of this post... I don't play much despite having the time. I am pretty much on a break. I am giving my perspective on this issue as this is what the forums are for. I'd love to enjoy the game again, I'm sure many people would, the devs just need to make some changes. I am outlining what those changes could be.
    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • NeuroticPixels
    For the past ~3 months, I’ve only logged in enough to get the “best” monthly log in reward (mount, emote, etc), do events just enough to get the tickets I need for the next fragment, and pay my weekly guild dues (thankfully I have an okay stockpile of gold).

    I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3, Avatar, AC Mirage, Palia, Lego Fortnite, Fortnite BR, and COD MW3.
    There are so many other adventures out there. Hard to stick with one that feels stale.
    Check out the ReShade I made: Crispy Sharpness
  • Azphira
    Polyp Paladin...
  • merpins
    I really haven't logged in for a while, myself. 6+ months, at least. Probably more. I haven't even tried the archive because, as you mentioned, there's no reward there; you can get a set that isn't good. Not really an incentive if you ask me.

    Is it challenging? Sure, from what I've seen it does get challenging once you get deeper into the archive. Maybe it'd be entertaining if you could just start at the lowest floor you made it to, making it a really deep delve into difficult content. But it's apparently a slog for no reward, so I have no interest.

    I've stated many times in the 10 years I've been playing this game that there should be more meaningful rewards that you can earn in-game. Less paid cosmetics, more earned cosmetics. But time and time again, they just shove everything remotely neat into the cash shop. There's no retention to this game; no new cosmetics to really earn over time, nothing to really achieve. It shouldn't be like that. It should have meaningful stuff you can earn, even if it requires grinding. Some people don't like grind, but this is an MMO, something that's really built around grind. And it doesn't all need to be like that either, questlines and bosses could give rewards, achievements could give rewards.

    The game needs a good overhaul to some systems, or something dramatically new for it to grab my attention again. It's my favorite MMO, and though I see myself coming back to it from time to time to run a dungeon or two, I don't see myself spending money on it in the future if it keeps stagnating.
    Edited by merpins on January 5, 2024 12:36AM
  • Mascen
    sometimes you just need a break or hiatus. Many of us including myself have felt similar to you at one point. I left in 2019 and came back in march 2022 and was floored by all the changes and new zones.

    Perhaps thats just what you need. Take a breather from ESO, try something new, then when you feel in the mood for it, come back.
  • TaSheen
    No one can give someone else a reason to continue to play a game they've outgrown. Time to move on.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Uvi_AUT
    Stamicka wrote: »

    I lose more gold and resources than I gain doing what I enjoy in this game. PvP/BGs require that I use expensive tripots, then I don't really get rewarded for participating in these activities. I also have to make builds which can also be costly. Doing trial progressions require potions and builds as well which also cost gold. This is completely unacceptable, I should gain more than I lose doing activities in this game.
    Is this your first/only MMO? You just described on of the fundamental gameplay-loops. You gather stuff to use it for Endgame-Content. In exchange you get powerful Gear or new Skills. Whats the problem with that?

    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • Faulgor
    Wait until the announcement of the new chapter.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Hapexamendios
    If you can't find a reason yourself, it's time to quit.
  • Drammanoth
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Wait until the announcement of the new chapter.
    Yeah, and what will it change?
    A new system? Sure... I don't think so.
    New reward system? Nope.
    An overhaul of the Craft Tree? Huh.
    PR is the basis of people going into ESO. Catering to new players - yes. Player retention - no.
    Oh, and in case I AM / WAS wrong, I hereby admit my mistake
  • ApoAlaia
    Get into trading, you will get rewarded for doing what you enjoy.

    ESO, like the unfairly vilified Bloodmage Cassel, has no time for coinless ********

    You just need to, you know, learn to stop worrying and love the bomb hustle. :wink:

    Then once you've swollen your coffers you can unlock the true endgame: housing.

    Edited by ApoAlaia on January 5, 2024 9:03AM
  • FluffyBird
    I was in similar situation after High Isle. Story felt bland, grind (especially events) was unrewarding, and the game did not respect my time. Also I did not like how ZOS handled certain things. I was disappointed and frustrated. So I took a break.

    I found that I like grind in other games way more.
    Then Baldur's Gate 3 came out, scratched every single RPG itch and I knew that I'm not going back to ESO in the foreseeable future. Well, unless ZOS changes whole ESO writing team.
  • Roztlin45
    ESO is the only game I found where I can. Solo role play . Make up my own stories and find my own scripted adventure. Even though I have took a few breaks over the years, I seem to always fall in love again. Hope you do as well.
  • SeaGtGruff
    I was in Stormhaven this morning and some new players were talking about the game in zone chat. They were having a great time; one said he hadn't had this much fun in years. It's nearly always like that whenever I see new players in zone chat, and it reminds me of how much fun I had when I first started playing and everything was so new. I couldn't stop playing because I wanted to go everywhere, see everything, and do everything. I can still play for hours on end and love every minute of it, even if there's no longer that new player sense of wonder and amazement at seeing everything brand new.

    Honestly, if you can't get fired up about the game and find any reasons of your own to want to play, then no one else is going to have much success at trying to light that fire for you. It has to come from inside yourself.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • reazea
    The only thing that will bring back 4/5ths of my friends list is more server capacity for Cyrodiil and higher pop caps.

    Edited by reazea on January 6, 2024 4:26PM
  • Dalsinthus
    I was feeling this way over the summer and took most July to December off. I came back for events and occasionally tried to play but was not feeling it.

    Well after the 6 month break, I'm back and truly enjoying ESO again. Infinite Archive is a great new system. Working on getting the GM crafting stations maxed out has been a fun side quest. Even replaying some zones, most recently Galen, has been surprisingly enjoyable.

    If you're not feeling it, then take some time away. Play some other games or just do something else for a while. You may find a break refreshes your interest.
  • Castagere
    TaSheen wrote: »
    No one can give someone else a reason to continue to play a game they've outgrown. Time to move on.

    That's what I was thinking too.
  • ellmarie
    Same, I was thinking I should take a break, suspend my ESO plus for awhile. I'm a quester. I did discover there were many zone achievements I haven't done, especially in Summerset. So I'm trying to do those.
    Xbox X- NA
  • Stamicka
    TaSheen wrote: »
    No one can give someone else a reason to continue to play a game they've outgrown. Time to move on.

    Except of course the people who make the game. Devs can always add reasons to play a game, thats the point of adding new content. It's just that the devs need to look at the reward system/difficulty and add/adjust content accordingly.
    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • oldbobdude
    As a few have said, when it becomes boring then take a hiatus. But I don’t think that’s entirely the answer. I recently started playing again after a year off following the U35 update. I started again and don’t have the sets I need, have to buy the new chapter and re-subscribe (an option I chose). But I don’t want to start another character or grind the new sets. So, quitting again. Not the fault of ZOS. They’re on this to make a profit and as long as sufficient people are playing no major changes will occur.
  • Kidgangster101
    merpins wrote: »
    I really haven't logged in for a while, myself. 6+ months, at least. Probably more. I haven't even tried the archive because, as you mentioned, there's no reward there; you can get a set that isn't good. Not really an incentive if you ask me.

    Is it challenging? Sure, from what I've seen it does get challenging once you get deeper into the archive. Maybe it'd be entertaining if you could just start at the lowest floor you made it to, making it a really deep delve into difficult content. But it's apparently a slog for no reward, so I have no interest.

    I've stated many times in the 10 years I've been playing this game that there should be more meaningful rewards that you can earn in-game. Less paid cosmetics, more earned cosmetics. But time and time again, they just shove everything remotely neat into the cash shop. There's no retention to this game; no new cosmetics to really earn over time, nothing to really achieve. It shouldn't be like that. It should have meaningful stuff you can earn, even if it requires grinding. Some people don't like grind, but this is an MMO, something that's really built around grind. And it doesn't all need to be like that either, questlines and bosses could give rewards, achievements could give rewards.

    The game needs a good overhaul to some systems, or something dramatically new for it to grab my attention again. It's my favorite MMO, and though I see myself coming back to it from time to time to run a dungeon or two, I don't see myself spending money on it in the future if it keeps stagnating.

    I know people don't like hearing it but when games take this approach it's usually the start of the end. DCUO did this exact thing everything was microtransactions and player base just kept falling. It fell enough they had to merge servers from PC and PlayStation. The money they make off those cosmetics don't get out back into the game. They are labeled as "a different part of eso" but yet it runs because of eso existince. They have a hard time fixing bugs in a timely manner but the second something is wrong with the eso store it gets fixed right away. So honestly think about it as a player base, if everyone stopped buying the microtransactions then they would be forced into fixing the game. But players have a fomo (fear of missing out) and they feel forced to buy the item that is available for the next 13 days.
  • Mesite
    I started playing more when I started again on another platform. I've been playing Vampyr when not playing ESO, which sort of makes me want to go back to my vampire warden sometime in the next week.
  • ArchMikem
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Wait until the announcement of the new chapter.
    Yeah, and what will it change?

    Another Story and set of adventure Quests + Landscape to explore.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
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