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Bank and player storage

From some of what I read it I thought you could by more "bag storage" starting at 400 gold at a merchant who had a "bag" symbol. The only thing I could find like that was the inn but they didn't sell bag storage. Did they do away with this idea? I think they did and instead gave us a larger bank storage; I think the projected amount was 30 or 40 but now we start with 60. Is this correct?

By the way, I am getting used to the different look to the game (I recently played Skyrim) and I love the music, even the bards in the inn sing a very pleasant songs (albeit sappy song). Really injoying the crafting in game and that I can finally one shot lower level beasts.
  • Seraseth
    Yes there are merchants who upgrade your bag space 10 slots at a time. It costs 400g for the first and 2000g I believe for the 2nd. The symbol is a bag, but it's a sub-symbol, the list you see when you mouse over another icon on the map.

    Banks can also be upgraded 10slots at a time at a banker. That costs 1000g for the first and then 3300g I think for the 2nd.

    You can also feed your horse at a stable once a day with oats(if you have 1). That increases your inventory by 1 slot each time.
  • tallenn
    There are still bag merchants. There is one in the Daggerfall bank, and one in Davon's Watch, near the Mystic (which is near the crafting stations). For the life of me, I can't remember where the one I bought my upgrade from is in Vukhel Guard, though.

    They increased the starting bag space and starting bank space, but not the overall bag or bank space. So, when you're fully upgraded, you have as much as was possible before the change.
  • Swordmage
    Yes, the change to default storage happened just a little while ago. We got 10 more inventory slots and 30 more bank slots initially. It was a MUCH needed change.

    However, I still find I need a mule character to store all those maps and pets that I am not using so that my three characters can, together, handle all the crafting junk.
  • Kingcroft
    thanks for the quick response, I am in Davon's Watch, so try to find it by the crafting stations.
  • Kingcroft
    Actually it is by the merchants, not crafting stations
  • McNicholas10
    I find myself wishing that it was still a matter of carrying capacity, in a fantasy world filled with crazy ***, at least some gear still weighed more than other gear. At least gravity was still a thing haha.
    All the dude ever wanted was his rug back. It really tied the room together.
  • Bob
    I hate bag system in ESO... with so much stuff this is just not fun. And if one part of the game is not fun, then it's just sucks. >:)

    Just put all craft thing in separate bag already, like in Guild wars 2.
  • PurpleDrank
    I find myself wishing that it was still a matter of carrying capacity, in a fantasy world filled with crazy ***, at least some gear still weighed more than other gear. At least gravity was still a thing haha.

    As an Alchemist I support this. The carpenters and blacksmiths might riot though :)
  • baduber
    1. Bank space between a possible 8 toons is a joke, currently that's less than 10 slots each toon.SERIOUSLY thats as much use as a "Chocolate fire guard". No other way of saying it. sort it out..

    2. Only 1 guild creation per account. That's just stupid. THUS you cant make bank toon on your account to send all your mats to if your a GM. Thats just stitching up those of us that create guilds and communities in game. Im currently GM of my guild who's members migrated from Rift. Thus the bank is filling up with all my members contributions. I have no way of making a second guild just for banking on a lowbee alt. Why Why Why?

    3. No in game mailing the same account thus you inventory is full. I'll send it an alt..NOPE not allowed..Thats just poor game play experience and bad forethought by the developers.

    4. The cost of bag space..ouch. Those gold sellers are gonna love this game with each extra ten slots going up at a ridiculous rate. I'm on my 3rd extra bag upgrade and you want 11k for 10 slots..

    You have got so much right about this game and yet the real basics of mail,bag space and pricing is so far wrong..
  • Bob
    ^ agree by 100%!
  • Alyrn_Grey
    You can increase your bag space by purchasing space from the bag merchant. Additionally you can slowly increase your space by feeding your horse.
  • Aureli
    @baduber‌ I've gotta admit that I agree on a lot of your points. Surprisingly inventories and banks are one of those things that nobody does correctly right off the bat. If they implemented a GW2 system for crafting materials and allowed us to pull straight from the crafting vault while actually crafting, that'd be awesome.
    Banks should be character specific with an additional 10 slots that are account wide. There's absolutely no reason to make the entire bank account wide, that just discourages the use of alternate characters. But they should remove the account wide part entirely.
    I'd be very interested to see what kind of gold can be made at level 50. Right now I'm seeing folks sell level 15-20 greens for 300-500 and blues for around 800. 25-30's are going for only a little more than that. If gold is as slow to come by (but in somewhat larger quantities) at lvl50 as it is at lvl15, it only encourages players to seek alternate methods of acquiring gold (thus creating business for gold sellers). I'm not condoning gold selling, just pointing out that high gold costs and requiring a big effort from players to keep up, means business.
  • baduber
    @Aureli The whole pricing is currently totally disproportional to current levels in game. I know of repairs costing 700+ and simple green vendor items 400+. For green items (at levels under 10).!!! . WHAT!!.

    I do hope this isnt a back door method of offering these things via an in game shop! in a few months!!

    What the big problem is here, is that this bag/guild/bank space and no account mail it is interfering with game pay. Its becoming more frustrating than the Gold sellers. How many times have we heard "we wanted you to explore the game" mining,gathering ect is for everyone to enjoy..yay i'm Happy..
    HOWEVER many toons are spending too much time sorting a problem out of "lack of space" when this problem should never of been there in the first place.
    ..SO Patch it.

    I dont just complain I try and give solutions too

    1. Bag space could automatically be increased with every 5 levels. A min 10 slots per 5 levels.

    2. The price of bag space need totally re adjusting as well as every vendor item in game. I think there is a typo with an extra 0 on every item. Its so disproportional it a joke.

    3. Each toon should have its own bank . Not too much to ask

    4. In game mail to the same account should be allowed.

    5. Bosses/questlines could give page space too.

    6. Professions give bag space automatically in line with your current skill level

    7. Players should be able to be Guildmasters of more than 1 guild on the same account. Once a Guild has more than 10 members then that player should be able to create a second Guild on that account.

    Im sure some of you have better ideas,I've Not played GW2. only wow and rift so excuse my ignorance, but it seems to me GW2 and for sure the others have it rightish :pensive: .

    Seriously we shouldn't even be protesting about something that is a basic game play requirement. BUT I will and I am.

    For the member who informs me I can buy bag space, please read my post completely before commenting. I did inform you I had upgraded my bag 3 times (aprox to 90 slots) and for another 10 slots it will cost me 11k.
    Edited by baduber on April 4, 2014 8:02AM
  • Aureli
    I loved Rift's inventory/banking as well! As you approach max expansion the costs begin to get a bit silly (1100 gems for a third vault (20 extra slots)), otherwise it was pretty well balanced throughout. But I loved the system of bags, and you could expand the bags to get more spaces, and your belt to hold more bags.

    @baduber‌ I figured it was very disproportionate to levels all the way through. I gain 500 gold at level 10 in 3-4 hours of play (all I get) and spend half that in costs (horse, wayshrines, repairs). I'm sure other people are making more because they sell everything they can't use whereas I deconstruct everything. The in-game economy hasn't had much time to grow yet, but it looks like there isn't a lot of gold to go around anyways. The fact that some horses cost 42k (what?!!) is insane.

    While I don't agree with 7 (because what need is there for one person to be GM of multiples?), I like the other suggestions. I would add that there be a banker in every town large enough to warrant the full selection of crafting tables. It's just logical, and avoids having to run or teleport back to the major city in each zone to either drop stuff off or craft.
  • Kiwi
    at well over 110 unique materials sub L23 it becomes a nightmare
    A large yellow rectangle
  • baduber
    I do apologies, prob didn't explain .7 very well.

    Your currently only allowed to be One GM in acrossall your possible 8 toons. Thats one per ACCOUNT not toon... Crazy Why why why
    This has other implications if u join PvP guild on an alt and that wants u as GM or Trade guild and your already a GM on another toon..

    Currently ALL my toons are a GM just because I am GM on my main..Thats stupid.

    The point I'm getting is:
    IF I could make a guild on an alt "same account" DIFFERENT TOON.. called BankESO Then I could have my mates join (10 toons get my bank storage) and then kick/leave. IT gives me a complete bank on a low alt that I could send my mats to giving me storage space of 500 slots on that low alt. Thats why I would like an option for a GM on a completely Different toon same account.

    This again caused another problem not being able to email gear to the same account..But that's always get "aroundable".

    Ref Rift, yes they got everything right, until F2P but thats another story.. Melting Pot went from the largest and most active guild on shard to a handful of toons in a matter of a few months...Gladly Those good friends are now here with me.

    Ref your comment on gold Sellers.. I dont blame any toon going down that path in the current economical climate. In fact with prices and terrible gold scaling. pricing for average items space and repairs its no wounder we are being smashed in trade/zone chat !!!

    Game developers have created the current game economy, for which "WE the paying player" are paying for with game inconveniences.

  • baduber
    @Kiwi Its only going to get worse. especially for toons that want 3 different armor sets and weapons. bag space is filled quicker than a matlows pint glass.

    In fact its putting me off crafting until its sorted. Too much messing about moving mats and trips to the bank..
  • awkwarrd
    This thread went a little off-track, some of you need to go make your own suggestion threads and let this person get the answers to his questions.

    I didn't read the garbage that didn't pertain to the OP's question, so go make your own suggestion thread and stop hijacking other peoples threads k.
  • Thete
    baduber wrote: »
    @Kiwi Its only going to get worse. especially for toons that want 3 different armor sets and weapons. bag space is filled quicker than a matlows pint glass.

    In fact its putting me off crafting until its sorted. Too much messing about moving mats and trips to the bank..

    It's not putting me off crafting but it is putting me off making multiple armour sets. I would like to have a medium armor set for using my bow while solo and a light armour set for restoration staff in groups. At the moment, I'm taking a hybrid set which isn't awful in either situation because I can't spare the bag space. As soon as my bags are full, it's time to go back to the city; so the longer they take to fill the longer I can be out in the world questing.
  • Reb
    baduber wrote: »

    The point I'm getting is:
    IF I could make a guild on an alt "same account" DIFFERENT TOON.. called BankESO Then I could have my mates join (10 toons get my bank storage) and then kick/leave. IT gives me a complete bank on a low alt that I could send my mats to giving me storage space of 500 slots on that low alt.


    and as soon as your member level drops below ten ..your nice shiny new bank will stop working, so kinda pointless really

  • Kiwi
    it would work better if it was more fluid but as it is you need to grind out a couple of deadzones in crafting to make it to the next tier and use up the mats as you go along.
    A large yellow rectangle
  • Osi
    Everything falls into place once you reach about 80-80 bank and bag space. keep all your enchanting, alchemy, and crafting secondaries in bank and hold onto provisioning supplies.

    I find I have around 70ish slots in bank always full and 60 in bag for provisioning. Although once I hit 50 provisioning on my alts (I'm already on my main and transferring supplies to alts) I will be much more select in the provisioning supplies I take. Should free up an additional 30+ bag spaces.
  • kina
    after reading all this comments and doing provisioning and being stuck in game as I have always a full inventory / bank, I finally understood I need a mule :D
  • tallenn
    I am able to get enough space for now by holding stuff on a variety of alts, but I have to say, I'm getting really tired of spending 30 minutes plus each time I log in, just to play the inventory management mini-game.

    I don't see myself doing that long term. A game has to be REALLY fun to overlook that kind of annoyance for very long.
  • Seraseth
    Yeah, every time I go back to town because my inventory is full, I have to spend a good 20mins+ shuffling items into and out of the bank, logging on and off various characters and alts to hold stuff. It's just such a huge waste of possible play time.
  • Vikova
    I personally love having a shared bank. Is it too small? Yes, I think it is. But it is so much easier to utilize stuff between characters without having to mail every freaking thing.
  • tallenn
    There's nothing wrong with a shared bank. The problem is in having ONLY a shared bank.

    If they had maybe 20-30 slots shared and the rest by character, it would be excellent.
  • Vikova
    tallenn wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with a shared bank. The problem is in having ONLY a shared bank.

    If they had maybe 20-30 slots shared and the rest by character, it would be excellent.

    Multiple bags could serve the same function, as well.
  • Thete
    I keep think I should do a time and motion study and find out how long I spend every day managing my inventory, but I'm scared it will be several hours.
  • Vikova
    Thete wrote: »
    I keep think I should do a time and motion study and find out how long I spend every day managing my inventory, but I'm scared it will be several hours.

    I've eventually made the choice to completely ignore provisioning in its entirety. It has saved a huge part of my bag management time, as most of the filler you find is provisioning mats.
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