5 Second graphical freezes - issues and possible workaround

All through beta I was getting 5 second total graphical freezes every so often, sometimes multiple ones per minute especially in crowded areas like cities.

Admittedly I don't have the most modern computer setup:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
4 GB
GeForce GTX 260 (Driver Date/Size: 3/4/2014)

What is posted below was posted before here and on other fan sites, this is more confirming it was "mostly" a solution for me and maybe to help the Devs take a look at why keeping the launcher open is such a problem for some.


That was the single biggest help for me, on High graphic settings closing the launcher cut the occurrence at least in half, then:

*** Lower GFX to Medium ***

Once I lowered to medium I do not get the issue at all. I do occasionally still get graphic hiccups where the hard drive starts to go crazy but instead of 5 second freezes its more like 0.1 second hitches.

Hope that helps some others.
  • Egdod
    This completely eliminated my lockups and I play with the highest graphics settings now. I was getting spikes of 100% CPU for eso.exe on all CPUs.

    Edit My Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\UserSettings.txt

    Search for the word Thread and change

    SET RequestedNumThreads "0"

    Save the file and restart the client
  • jnjapexb14_ESO
    Thanks Egdod, I will try that out as well to see if it lets my play using High settings again.
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    Also setting the CPU priority for the eso exe to HIGH addresses this as well... but I like egdod's fix better.
  • jnjapexb14_ESO
    How would you set CPU priority? Task Manager -> Processes? Would you have to set that each time application is launched?
  • Loxy37
    I still get the freezes everynow and again but sometimes they come with a crash whereas in beta that didn't happen. Yeah lowering the Textures to med helped no end with the stutter in towns but I don't suggest lowering Subsampling to any lower than high else it looks terribad! and you wont notice much hit at all when on high.
  • iPwNix
    The friend im lvling with is freezing every 5-10 seconds.
    He has his graphics on low and even tried it with the launcher closed.

    Getting pretty damn annoying , its a new PC with pretty high specs.
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    The above steps should fix that issue... worked in beta.

    And ya everytime the game is launched needed to go to task manager/processes/eso.exe and set to high.
  • Sakiri
    Egdod wrote: »
    This completely eliminated my lockups and I play with the highest graphics settings now. I was getting spikes of 100% CPU for eso.exe on all CPUs.

    Edit My Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\UserSettings.txt

    Search for the word Thread and change

    SET RequestedNumThreads "0"

    Save the file and restart the client

    Means multithreading is broke.
  • shinkicker444rwb17_ESO
    Oh handy, tag this for later.

    But yeah I get something like this very very occasionally. Running an i5 2500k, 8GB RAM, GTX670, SSD. And every now and then maybe once an hour or 40 minute the game freezes for a few moments. But outside that, it runs like a dream on max settings.
    Edited by shinkicker444rwb17_ESO on April 2, 2014 3:51PM
  • LandoMoonHunter
    Soul Shriven
    I had similar but no big issues lag maybe
  • Asys
    Thank you so much for this. No more freezing for me :)
    I need TP for my ***!
  • wulfgaard
    Soul Shriven
    I'm using the European version of the game and I don't have a "SET RequestedNumThreads". The only thing I have similar to that is "SET RequestedNumJobThreads" and "SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads" both set to -1.

    Any ideas? I appreciate any thought on this.

    I really dislike being "frozen" on the midst of a fight and dying because of that. It's quite unpleasant.... :smile:
  • Artimid
    Soul Shriven
    wulfgaar, I guess set them both to 0 and see how it goes? Easy enough to undo.
  • Seravi
    Change these:

    SET RequestedNumJobThreads "-1"
    SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "-1"
    SET RequestedNumJobThreads "0"
    SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "0"
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    wulfgaard wrote: »
    I'm using the European version of the game and I don't have a "SET RequestedNumThreads". The only thing I have similar to that is "SET RequestedNumJobThreads" and "SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads" both set to -1.

    Any ideas? I appreciate any thought on this.

    I really dislike being "frozen" on the midst of a fight and dying because of that. It's quite unpleasant.... :smile:

    Change priority to high in task manager... solves the issue 90% (will still happen but EXTREMELY rarely)

    Also.. dont necro 3 month old threads.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
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