Necrotech_Master wrote: »i dont know if MMR should be removed entirely, but it should at least well matter more than # of games played
i wouldnt vote the first option because the current MMR system is terrible, but i dont think there should be no MMR at all, because then your going to get sweaty competitive tryhards mixed with casuals trying to do their dailies which is going to cause other issues/complaints
the BG MMR should be overhauled so that its similar to the tribute MMR for ranked matches
would OP like to define what their acronym means, or should we be left to guess? because i'm not sure what Measles, Mumps, and Rubella have to do with BattleGrounds...
MMR should be used only to sort teams. It's dumb that it filters people out of quick matchmaking just because they play a lot of games.
chessalavakia_ESO wrote: »
MMR = Matchmaking Rating.
My impression is that ESO starts each character off with a low matchmaking ranking.
I'm not aware of any official statements on how exactly it functions.
Some people think it functions purely on the number of matches you do.
Personally, my impression is that your results also matter.
I level most of my alt's Alliance War rank in Battlegrounds and some of them have been dramatically better than others. The ones that have been better have found themselves against generally competent opposition before they hit max rank and the others have generally been against weak opposition.
ESO will generally try to match players with other players based on their MMR. (My impression is that the matchmaker will drop it's standards if the match takes too long to form as the times I've waited in queue for extended periods have generally placed me in matches that felt like they were a poor fit.)
As a result, players with high MMR can end up with longer queue times.
Personally, I tend to quit doing Battlegrounds regularly within a week or two after hitting high MMR on most of my characters.
I don't love the builds and tactics used in optimized PvP.
I don't enjoy interacting with some of the people and with maybe a few hundred people in the upper MMR you run into the same people over and over.
Needless to say, I'm opposed to the removal of MMR because I think having the players from High MMR interacting with the players in lower MMR more frequently will lead to bad outcomes for most parties. The matches where it feels the MMR has relaxed due to the matchmaker taking too long are frequently horribly uneven (with only four players to a team if their is a big skill gap it is very apparent). If the MMR was gone that would be every match.
If I don't enjoy playing with the High MMR population regularly, I certainly don't expect someone that could be significantly worse/less geared to enjoy the experience.
Remove MMR, and give us back the choice to que for specific game-modes. Most of the higher MMR players only care about DM and would only que for DM. This allows everyone to get what they want and much faster que's.
Here's an idea. Take away the MMR and just provide a box players can check or not check. Call it what you want. The "High MMR" box. The Veteran box. The Ranked box.
There will then be only 2 MMR levels, which is bound to help que times. And people can choose if they want it hard or easy.
Yes some high MMR players will dip into easymode sometimes to scorch the poor noobs and get a quick daily, but for the most part I don't think they will. No more often than the current method allows for similar happenstances.
El_Borracho wrote: »
Not a terrible idea, but you would need to put a limit or cap on queueing for the lower box. Something like you win 3, lower is locked for your account for a period of time, move up to the next level, win 3, get locked out, move up, etc. After all, this is a game where people spend real money (crowns) to max out sub-Level 50 characters in order to beat up noobs in U-50 Cyrodiil.
MMR doesnt need to be in a game mode where it doesnt matter. Look at WoW...MMR matters there because there is a competitive seasonal ladder. Thats not a thing in ESO. Its just queuing for randoms in a random non-competitive environment
Competitive and ranked or not, having a MMR may still matter to the stability of the population. If removing it results in newer players getting demolished and quitting then that does matter.
I support an MMR system I just wish it were different. Right now the game can't tell the difference in skill level between long-time players. Experience isn't the same as skill.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »
In some ways the current system is worse than no MMR at all. Every time I bring a new character into BGs the same thing happens. At first I'm in the middle of the pack as I learn (or re-learn) to play the character's class and develop a decent build. Then, once I get myself sorted out, I dominate almost every match I play for a little while. I eventually get moved into a high enough MMR bracket where I stop dominating, and the transition from dominating to practically useless happens very quickly. At this point I'm struggling to do enough damage to get anyone below about 75% health and I feel like I'm getting one-shotted (although my death recaps show I'm really taking 4-5 hits before I die). This isn't fun, and it's essentially a permanent state.
At this point, I've had some success golding out most of my gear and switching to tri-stat enchantments. This tends to get me back into feeling like I'm not completely useless, but it's also more than I can afford to do with most of my characters. I also never get back to a point where my K/D ratio is better than 1/3ish, so I'm still not particularly competitive (or having all that much fun).
Ultimately, I eventually stop playing all of my characters in BGs because high(er) MMRs just aren't fun. I'm just not good enough to compete in high(er) MMR and there's no way to move back down once you've climbed the mountain. As-is, the current MMR implementation actively drives away players who otherwise like BGs but don't have top-tier skills.
The ideal solution would be to have MMR decay when you have bad matches or don't play for a while, but a no-MMR solution would at least make it random who you get matched with, instead of consistently matching lower-skill BG enthusiasts with people who will consistently wreck them.
MMR should be based on your average score or average K/D and not on your total score.
With no MMR at all you would have 1 or 2 people in each BG that completely dominate, which is in most cases not fun for either side.
The problem at the moment is that 2 players who have been playing BGs for long time are going to end up in the same match even though one might have an average score of 1.5k and the other one of 4k+. Simply because the high MMR bracket is so small and the MMR system is terrible.