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How far have you gotten in the Endless Archive?

I managed to get to Arc 3 / Cycle 3 / Stage 3 in about 1 hour and 20 minutes before things got too difficult. I ran into a marauder that smoked me once, and the final stage boss "Taupezu Azzida" world boss finished the job destroying me twice because I couldn’t target the storm totems properly on my stamina nightblade. As Sharp-as-night would say.... skill issue? :)

I did this solo with a companion.... might not be the best choice i think.....

I found the Arc 3 difficulty to spike greatly because the mobs have very high health and hit very hard even with 27k health. I can't imagine what the next arc is like.....

We only have 3 threads or 3 lives, so we have to restart from the beginning again to get back to where we are at. That's is a load of..... ugh. I feel exhausted already with the amount of trash mobs I have to deal with.

I'm already tired of it lol. :#
Edited by Kikazaru on October 30, 2023 11:22PM

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    I made it to 4/5/3 solo on PTS. TBH, I didn't even continue beyond my first death as it was obvious I would need a build change to solo the dragon and I can't be bothered to theorycraft for something that takes so long to get to.
    Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on October 30, 2023 10:27PM
  • Brakkish
    Kikazaru wrote: »
    We only have 3 threads or 3 lives, so we have to restart from the beginning again to get back to where we are at. That's is a load of..... ugh. I feel exhausted already with the amount of trash mobs I have to deal with.

    I'm already tired of it lol. :#

    Old guy ramble incoming:

    I grew up in a world where there was no save point and this was standard; one quarter, 3 lives!

    Hint: Donkey Kong, Centipede, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Joust, Tempest, Asteroids, Space Invaders...

    Edited by Brakkish on October 30, 2023 9:49PM
    CP2332 +3100 hrs spent in BGs. US PS5 - Nine PVP Tanks - toons named variations of "Combat Medic" I like long walks on the beach. What's PVE?
  • ihazzit
    I've gotten as far as: what is the endless archive?
    If you are angry about anything in this game you are only punishing yourself.
  • valenwood_vegan
    Arc 2, Cycle 3... pulled some boss with mechs I don't know and that was that. NGL, it wasn't that fun, and I don't really feel like even putting in the time to get back to that point (mostly just boring trash fights), so I will probably run arc 1 a few times till it gets too boring and then go back to my regularly scheduled programming.
  • LouisaB75
    I haven't even managed to complete 1 arc. :(

    I have done two attempts with Isobel as a companion tanking for me. First attempt I got to boss 4 (Serpent Lord from a trial that I have only been to twice) and failed there.

    Second attempt I had better luck with the bosses and made it to the final boss (Tho'at) but died there.

    I did like the unknown portals. Had four of them spawn (three different ones).

    Also glad to see that the bosses give plunder skulls as if not I would probably have only had one attempt and then gone to do a few dungeons to grind more of those.
  • Kikazaru
    I failed Arc 2 earlier before my most recent attempt. The trial boss from the Maw of Lorkhaj requires me to go behind a pillar thing that spawned at the very edge of the arena.... to avoid being one shotted...I did that..... but still died..... and that was my third attempt after failing the first two for not knowing the mechanics beforehand. Le sigh.

    We just have to cross our fingers and hope not to get a boss with cheesy mechanics.
    Edited by Kikazaru on October 30, 2023 10:16PM

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • KlauthWarthog
    Did not bother going past Arc 1. Too much trash.
  • Luke_Flamesword
    I died at beginning of Arc 3, melted by marauder.

    btw I lost one life in most stupid way - in boss fight I was pushed by running bonus scamp. He just moved my character into abyss just by running :D
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • MidniteOwl1913
    TBH it sounds more like a "lather, rinse, repeat" archive rather than endless... If the majority of people will only get to 2 or 3 and then have to start over, not so "endless". I can make that level of "endless" on my own with base game dungeons and a companion.

    Really it sounds like a great idea with a poor implementation.

    Save points would help.

  • Vrienda
    Havent started it yet. The concept annoys me and I can't be bothered moving my gal from her haloween delve camp to do it yet. Maybe tomorrow. Or once this event ends.
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Kikazaru
    TBH it sounds more like a "lather, rinse, repeat" archive rather than endless... If the majority of people will only get to 2 or 3 and then have to start over, not so "endless". I can make that level of "endless" on my own with base game dungeons and a companion.

    Really it sounds like a great idea with a poor implementation.

    Save points would help.

    That’s how I feel, some of these bosses don’t translate well for the solo experience also, at least in my experience lol.
    Edited by Kikazaru on October 31, 2023 12:32AM

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Soarora
    Somewhere in Arc 4. Feels like there’s still some balancing to be done. Mauraders are awful and so are some of the trash. Feels like I should make a build just for EA.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    Got the boss to complete the trophy head ONCE, as I rolled a 20 and got easier bosses.

    Went back and got my butt handed to me on a trial boss, tried again and got Lady Thorn, died to her too.
    Not going back. If they had made the first arc have bosses that were from base overland I might actually try it a few more times. A normal easier mode would be nice too, seeing as I had to fight 2 rounds of trash just to get one shotted, no thanks.

    I hope those that like it have fun with it. As with arenas though I will just ignore it exist and hope they add more casual content is a few years, I won't be here for it though.
  • Bobargus
    I couldn't get past Arc 1 yet. That quest boss, whatever's her name, i couldn't defeat her.
  • Achasse
    did till i hit a wall. bored now, hate it, back to fake tanks. it better then soloing this new hell.
  • Quethrosar
    3,3,2 or something like it solo with no companion. Arc boss is just nuts. Surprisingly made it past act 2 of him. On my 5th time in I died in arc1 to some boss I have no idea the mechs on. He kept charging up and 1 shotting me. No interrupt, 4 glowing circles on edges. A spire that disappeared.
  • vibeborn
    Died on first boss. Think it said 1.1.2(?)

    Boss was the guar that gets healed by spriggans
  • Roztlin45
    2-3 hours ish , I had zero issue. One bar sorc build made for grinds, Lord Warden killed me 3 times in a row because I forgot to jump in the portals and the one shot got me. Some boss have to follow the mechanics and not just dps down. Was fun however, and trash mobs didn’t bother me. All in all I rate it : fun ,thumbs up
  • freespirit
    Had a quick look last night, hadn't read anything about it because I like surprises with new stuff!

    I must admit it was quite good fun but I can see it could maybe get boring fast, not sure how far I went but I chose to leave because it was past my bedtime. 😴

    I didn't realise the bosses could come from anywhere in the game and it made me smile watching Bastian tanking a pink axe from AA, a job he did quite competently....

    So at the moment looking forward to going back and having a proper go!!

    Edit:- The secret area with the goat and the sweetrolls was hilarious!
    Edited by freespirit on October 31, 2023 7:59AM
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • adamsmith42
    2 runs; first died at 4/5/3 (well, last death; one to a trash pack that cycle and one to marauder boss a cycle earlier) second run cleared arc 4 (with a death to Tapin Azula at cycle 3 or 4 of arc 4, and one death on arc 4 boss) but died to a marauder in the first cycle of arc 5; both times with me as dps on stamarc, with a sorc tank first run and a DK the second time; biggest thing for me is that the first 2.5/3 arcs are really boring; takes too long to get to where it gets interesting.
  • LouisaB75
    freespirit wrote: »
    Edit:- The secret area with the goat and the sweetrolls was hilarious!

    Totally hilarious. That was one of 3 I had yesterday. After my initial panic of where are my skills it was a laugh.

    One of the other transformation ones (which I had before the goat one) I failed though as I didn't notice the skill bar had changed. My regular skill bar was similar icon colours and by the time I realised it was too late, my health was near zero and my heal button was now an attack. I am looking forward to trying that one again though.

    Edit: Really wish there were save points though.
    Edited by LouisaB75 on October 31, 2023 9:09AM
  • LokiPagan
    Made it to the end of arc 2 and died instantly to Tho'at or whatever. Yeah, this definitely needs some it is now, the vast majority of players are just going to farm the first arc.

    I was hoping for something like Hades, where you'd collect interesting bonuses and if you put together your "build" right, you could be super powerful. As it is now, a measly 2% bonus to AoE damage doesn't do much...just feels like I'm grinding BRP or something. And there's no way I'm spending 50-100 hours grinding out that currency just so I can buy the verse/whatever upgrades...knowing ZOS, the bonus will just go from 2% to 3%.
  • Wolfshade
    2-5-3 , without any trial gear in second run. Till second time Tho`at without any problem, Merauder was good work. Then simply no chance, but a lot of fun.
    This comment is awesome! It`s just a test comment!

    **End of the Internet**
  • zaria
    Brakkish wrote: »
    Kikazaru wrote: »
    We only have 3 threads or 3 lives, so we have to restart from the beginning again to get back to where we are at. That's is a load of..... ugh. I feel exhausted already with the amount of trash mobs I have to deal with.

    I'm already tired of it lol. :#

    Old guy ramble incoming:

    I grew up in a world where there was no save point and this was standard; one quarter, 3 lives!

    Hint: Donkey Kong, Centipede, Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Joust, Tempest, Asteroids, Space Invaders...
    LOL, gaming has changed a bit I say 😸
    Has not tried it yet and did not realize you had limited tries, but assumed it worked like vMA there your score got lower if you died.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Theignson
    My wife and I duoed it until the end of arc 3 (, I think its 5 cycles per stage and 5 stages per arc...I probably have this bizarre nomenclature wrong). Took about 1 hour 45 minutes. But then Trial Boss from Maw of Lorkhaj wiped us. It seemed to me his mechanics were off; first there was only 1 pillar. Then, without any pillar, I got blown off the platform.
    Its been years since I did that trial but it seemed broken.
    Having to start over at 3 deaths is ridiculous. Some of these mechanics take much more time to learn. I remember in Vet trials wiping a lot of times until we figured it out.

    There is way too much trash.

    They have to make it so you can stop and come back at the same point. It takes too long killing useless trash otherwise to bother with doing this.

    The sets: The DK set is ok but not game changing. Are any of the sets worth this effort?

    I will do round one (arc one or whatever its called) until I have a DK set build. Arc1 is easy to solo but boring although you have to watch on the final boss.

    One thing I like: you can farm the currency and just buy the sets.
    You get more currency per miniboss, the higher up you go.
    Edited by Theignson on October 31, 2023 4:46PM
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • rpa
    I soloed arc 1 at PTS. Died once on the arc end boss cause I was too tired to pay attention. Haven't yet bothered to try same on live.The trash between bosses was so dull experience.
  • Myrnhiel
    So, it seems that Tho'at (Arc 1) is the terminus für me.

    I was curious and went into the archive with Basti as a tank today. Everything went really fine, although not doing trials and DLC dungeons I didn't know most of the bosses, except for the "Symphony of Blades" that gave me a slight panic attack reminding me of the traumatic experience I had in the "Depth of Malatar" - the only DLC dungeon I've done so far. :#
    But as I said: everything was fine, until we met Tho'at... Three one shots (the last one 15 somethings combined into 100k damage :o) , so apparently that's where the archive draws the line for me.

    Well, I don't know yet if I will go there again...
    Edited by Myrnhiel on October 31, 2023 6:28PM
  • Warhawke_80
    Hopefully the lack of participation will convince the devs to make it more accessible.
    ““Elric knew. The sword told him, without words of any sort. Stormbringer needed to fight, for that was its reason for existence...”― Michael Moorcock, Elric of Melniboné
  • Aiden_Ayzaria
    Made it to middle of Arc 6 so far but it was pretty tedious and I wasn't build glass canon (on Arcanist on top of that so survivability is obviously god tier). It definitely needs to be tuned down imo at least in the early stages.

    Tip: keep a charged weapon in your inventory and be ready to abuse that Focus Effort vision if RNG is blessing you. (It's+200% status effect damage, +500% if you get the upgrade from shop). It can stack btw, turning burning, bleeding and poisoned into absurd dots ticking harder than a spammable at some point. Pair it with serpent disdain for easy uptime while focusing on surviving and mechanics. It also pairs extremely well with scorching support and fire aura as for some reason they do direct damage and so apply a ton of burning procs.
  • merevie
    Trial Boss from Maw of Lorkhaj wiped my friend and I also -we got ZERO pillars. We had our lives, but just respawned into certain wipe situation till it was Game Over.

    There's also a visual effects issue with the Marauder's sword ability reaching almost all the way across the arena, but it's not showing that so people think they're out of range...
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