what other stuff do you do while playing eso?

  • zaria
    Watch streams/news/listen to music while writting/surveying/area dailies/pledges then off when im in group and need to focus.
    Same, doing writs surveying, area dailies or farming skyshards and similar I usually watch something like youtube.
    In groups or doing story quests I don't

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • fizl101
    I might put a spotify playlist on instead of the ingame sound track (played through the playstation) but thats about it
    Soupy twist
  • menedhyn
    In response to your subject question, I don’t. But then I also won’t grind, farm or do other repetitive tasks for the sake of doing them, so no need for outside stimulus.
    Thurkul gro-Guth - DC Orc Warden
  • LalMirchi
    I have the large TV on all the time in my gaming room. I mostly run a playlist of fantasy series and films while gaming as it fits the mood. However it's always in the background and I only look at it when waiting for something in ESO.
  • Anifaas
    I have a pet Khajiit, named Jupiter, who demands attention whenever I play ESO. Often when the login screen music starts playing he arrives to assume his position in between my monitor and keyboard where he proceeds to knead the keyboard and my fingers. Between focusing on the game and entertaining Jupe, there's not much else I could do.
  • zaria
    Anifaas wrote: »
    I have a pet Khajiit, named Jupiter, who demands attention whenever I play ESO. Often when the login screen music starts playing he arrives to assume his position in between my monitor and keyboard where he proceeds to knead the keyboard and my fingers. Between focusing on the game and entertaining Jupe, there's not much else I could do.
    😻 Remind me of my old cat, it tended to lie next to my keyboard with head on my left hand while I played games using WASD.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Rogue_WolfESO
    Depending on the day of the week, I will have hockey or football on the big screen while playing ESO on the pc
  • DivadSesom
    Soul Shriven
    Usually podcast or chatting on Discord.
  • mdjessup4906
    Listen to music, paint, eat breakfast, eat dinner, tidy my computer area, play with my cats.
  • shadyjane62
    I watch politics on YouTube, I fold whites even though I swore I never would after watching my mom fold whites for 5 men (4 bros and a dad) and I eatmeals Iv'e missed.
  • AzuraFan
    Nothing. When I'm playing ESO, I'm playing ESO.

    (one of the reasons I rarely do group activities is the waiting. I only go with guildies. Fortunately the guilds I'm in start events on time.)
  • Cazador
    I sometimes listen along to music, podcasts or a video in the background if I'm just doing writs or quests that I've already done, otherwise the game has my full attention.
  • SandandStars
    I swear at the lag in bgs, and come up with creative insults for the guy who is on his masters dw/vatesh + engine guardian + undeath DK virtually EVERY time I’ve logged on for the past couple years.

    Sometimes, if it’s late at night, I worry that my neigbors are watching me play ESO because the blind is broken on the window in the living room.

  • DarcyMardin
    Pat my cats, who like to climb into my lap when I’m playing ESO. And try to keep their paws off my keyboard.
  • SandandStars
    ^^ My Cat Ruins ESO With Freakish Consistency!!

    It’s the only time she ever jumps in front of the tv screen or attacks my feet.

  • Cazador
    ^^ My Cat Ruins ESO With Freakish Consistency!!

    It’s the only time she ever jumps in front of the tv screen or attacks my feet.

    My pet does too!
    It's a dog in my case but apparently he sees what I'm doing and thinks "you seem busy, this is the perfect time to jump in your lap".
  • Jaraal
    Eat food, listen to music, play with my birds, and tab out to other sites when the action is slow.
  • Destai
    Maybe surf the forums or discord. If I am in the game, I am focusing on the game itself.
  • Lugaldu
    Working. I am all day long in the home office. :)
  • Khenarthi
    I listed to podcasts while I do crafting writs, otherwise I listen to the game
  • colossalvoids
    If I need some other distractions / stimulus when playing it's often a sign something isn't right so I'm rather considering stepping away for a time.
  • BenTSG
    9 out of 10 times I have YouTube on my second screen to fill the space, since I find ESO is just so 'brain off' easy. The last 1 is if I am trying to focus on the story of a quest, or if I am doing something like Vet Vat Hollows
  • jtm1018
    Collecting sets for sticker book.
    While redoing every quest for the 3rd toon.
  • ApoAlaia
    Same as others have already mentioned in the thread.

    While doing chores (daily writs/surveys/dailies/masonry in Cyro/whathaveyou) I listen to podcasts or similar.

    When I am doing the fun stuff - won't even try calculate a ratio of chore to fun, sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss - then nothing, I try to make the most of it.
  • vibeborn
    I'm usually just listening to music from other sources, (if I have the game's music turned down)

    Although admittedly these days I really only play if my brother asks if I want to play ToT, and in that case, we're usually having a chat/discussion on discord about various subjects, both game related and irl related

    When I played regularly I would be 99 % focused on the game, and not do anything else while playing

  • Wolf_Eye
    I like watching Youtube videos while loading screens are happening.

    Except for the House Ravenwatch loading screen (you sometimes get when entering the game). It's so cool, I sometimes just admire it instead.

    Edited by Wolf_Eye on October 21, 2023 3:20AM
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