Keybindings - way to copy to all characters?

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I created a set of keybindings over the past couple of days that work really well for my main character, then I tried a second (character) and started running into walls, jumping instead of talking, and spinning around things that were attacking me instead of fighting back. Enough!
The obvious changes I'd made to keybindings were easy to remember, but the waterfall of changes that follow are too much to write down or screenprint and duplicate.
Is there a way to designate a set of keybindings to apply to all characters?
Edited by WyeVxndzz on April 5, 2014 7:22PM
«♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • Swordmage
    Unfortunately no. They appear to be stored on the server, so there isn't any way to do this outside the game or with UI add-ons either.

    I have them all listed in a spread sheet so I can fix each new character.
  • MaxBat
    Yes, a preferences file on this would be sweet.
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Sarenia
    When you run the launcher, it contacts their server and configures the settings into the game files, among other things I presume.

    I agree about a local configuration file being ideal. If nothing else, it would allow people who cannot launch the game due to invalid settings to fix those settings.

    Niche example:
    User streaming via something like Splashtop to their laptop while on a business trip. Splashtop won't run in fullscreen mode. If they can't access their Windows machine physically, they can't launch the game to turn off Fullscreen.

    Looks like they'll be playing Solitaire!
    Edited by Sarenia on April 2, 2014 9:04AM
  • Swordmage
    Sarenia wrote: »

    I agree about a local configuration file being ideal. If nothing else, it would allow people who cannot launch the game due to invalid settings to fix those settings.

    Niche example:
    User streaming via something like Splashtop to their laptop while on a business trip. Splashtop won't run in fullscreen mode. If they can't access their Windows machine physically, they can't launch the game to turn off Fullscreen.

    Looks like they'll be playing Solitaire!

    There is a user settings file in My_documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live with client settings.
    Edited by Swordmage on April 2, 2014 10:07AM
  • sadhi
    yes but not the keybindings
  • begothprincessb14_ESO
    Perhaps a 'Save Profile' and 'Load Profile from another character' Could work for the key bindings?
  • WyeVxndzz
    Thanks for thinking this over! :)
    I think pending add-on or in-game fix I'll be making that spreadsheet as soon as I can get back to my main to scribble them down.
    Yesterday I kept trying to interact with people on an alt and instead pew-pew-pew tiny level 3 nightblade runt shoots them, jumps up and down, then runs into a wall. (the R key it is my frenemy) :\ Not the way to make friends.
    Edited by WyeVxndzz on April 2, 2014 3:59PM
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • WyeVxndzz
    I started poking around and found a really useful post by Jessica that has a list of the default top-level keybindings; will save a lot of typing time if anyone else is also going to create a tracker or spreadsheet. I just copied the text and dropped into Excel, then thought about dropping to my knees in praise of she-who-provides. Instead I just kind of gave a thumbs-up to the sky, thanks Jessica!
    Controls and Keybindings from the player's guide here.
    Also the next time I get confused and smack the "reset to default" button I'll know what I'm working with. ;)
    «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥» «♥»
    When you're feeling under pressure, do something different. Roll up your sleeves, or eat an orange.
    Be on the look out for things that make you laugh. If you see nothing worth laughing at, pretend you see it, then laugh.
  • calamity
    Yeah, as a left-handed mouser, I find it really frustrating as the game is essentially unplayable for me until I've re-bound keys. Combine that with being an alt-o-holic who loves to experiment with creating lots of different characters and it would be really helpful to have the option to apply settings from one character to the rest.
  • Moriak
    Can't believe this is not possible. Sometimes I wonder if these people have any experience with MMORPGs at all.
  • the__bullgodb14_ESO
    Import export for alts would be a nice addition. I do not change that many binds, but it would be a nice feature to have.

    "GAME ON friends, game on"
  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    Yes! Can't believe I have to redo key bindings every single time I roll a character.
    This message confirms that you have successfully cancelled your subscription to The Elder Scrolls Online. You will no longer be charged for a subscription on a recurring basis, and your access to the game will expire at the end of your current subscription cycle.

    We're sad to see you go now, but we'll be happy to welcome you back at any time! Whenever you're ready to come back, your characters will be waiting for you, just like you left them. You can return anytime by resubscribing on the Manage Subscription page on your Elder Scrolls Online account.

    Please print this email and keep it for your records.
  • mutharex
    Have you used /feedback in game to report/suggest this?
  • Etchesketch
    The UI, and by UI I mean all of it from key settings to fov to actual wysiwyg on screen, is minimal. People say it's on purpose and better, I say it's lazy programming and taking the easy way out.

    Less/minimal content is the battle cry of new programming. Less to go wrong.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • the__bullgodb14_ESO
    The UI, and by UI I mean all of it from key settings to fov to actual wysiwyg on screen, is minimal. People say it's on purpose and better, I say it's lazy programming and taking the easy way out.

    Less/minimal content is the battle cry of new programming. Less to go wrong.

    I completely disagree with you. The minimal UI is perfect in my opinion.
    This thread was about importing/exporting custom key bindings, not the UI.

    "GAME ON friends, game on"
  • Etchesketch

    I completely disagree with you. The minimal UI is perfect in my opinion.
    This thread was about importing/exporting custom key bindings, not the UI.

    Glad you like it, but if you had read my very easy to read post, you would see that I am including all those things in my opinion of the UI. It's all been reduced in function with the guise of being purposefully done to be more fun, instead of the real reason, which again just my opinion, is just devs too lazy to put the function into the game.

    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • the__bullgodb14_ESO
    Glad you like it, but if you had read my very easy to read post, you would see that I am including all those things in my opinion of the UI. It's all been reduced in function with the guise of being purposefully done to be more fun, instead of the real reason, which again just my opinion, is just devs too lazy to put the function into the game.
    I read your post closely, and you did include key bindings, understood. My point was, I do not believe that it was laziness or an easy way out. I believe that it's intention is to create a minimal UI, and offer differences from other MMOs out there. Set a bar, not mimic one.
    We both have an opinion, neither is right or wrong, they just happen to differ.
    GAME ON!

    "GAME ON friends, game on"
  • MaxBat
    WyeVxndzz wrote: »
    I started poking around and found a really useful post by Jessica that has a list of the default top-level keybindings; will save a lot of typing time if anyone else is also going to create a tracker or spreadsheet. I just copied the text and dropped into Excel, then thought about dropping to my knees in praise of she-who-provides. Instead I just kind of gave a thumbs-up to the sky, thanks Jessica!
    Controls and Keybindings from the player's guide here.
    Also the next time I get confused and smack the "reset to default" button I'll know what I'm working with. ;)

    I'm a little confused - sorry! How is this even useful? I must be misunderstanding something. Every game starts with the defaults in place, right? And then we remap them, correct? So what's the benefit for either (1) a post which gives us the defaults - which we already get in-game or (2) taking the time to make an Excel spreadsheet that we can't import into the game in any way?

    No offense to Jessica, I just don't see how doing this is useful if we can't use the information. But maybe I'm missing something.

    Edited by MaxBat on April 8, 2014 12:57AM
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Mortelus

    Glad you like it, but if you had read my very easy to read post, you would see that I am including all those things in my opinion of the UI. It's all been reduced in function with the guise of being purposefully done to be more fun, instead of the real reason, which again just my opinion, is just devs too lazy to put the function into the game.

    How do you know the real reason, are you really a Zenimax developer who was fired for disagreeing with their vision of the game and so now you troll these boards?

    On a serious note, the UI is great, I love not having rolling numbers/text, a bazillion hotkeys. In this game I actually spend time looking at the scenery and my opponent when I am fighting, not looking at my hotkey bars and watching for CD's.

    But I do agree with the OP, why-o-why have they not implemented account-wide options for all settings, especially key bindings. I would totally change all my key bindings, but seen as I am a bit of an altaholic I don't see any reason because I would have to spend 10-15 mins setting the each time I started again.

    Sort it out Zeni.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • morimektab16_ESO
    I'm a leftie who in the end gave up and bought a new keyboard: A programmable one, so the keys are remapped before getting to ESO. And using the numpad area for all keys:

    (Num Lock) -> Tab (mark target)
    / -> X (synergy)
    * -> Alt (toggle UI, exit siege etc)
    - -> F (interact with players)
    + -> R (ultimate)
    (Enter) -> Space (Jump)

    Q W E
    A S D
    1 2 3
    0 -> 4
    . -> 5

    Arrow Keys:
    (Up) -> H (Toggle Horse)
    (Left) -> Z (Sheathe)
    (Down) -> V (Remapped to Swap)
    (Right) -> Ctrl (Toggle Sneak)

    Menu keys:
    (Print Sc) -> P (Group)
    (Scroll Lock) -> L (Alliance)
    (Pause) -> G (Guild)

    (Ins) -> C (Character)
    (Del) -> K (Skills)
    (Home) -> J (Journal)
    (End) -> I (Inventory)
    (Page Up) -> ' (Mail)
    (Page Down) -> M (Map)

    Works like charm. Also having the list in front of you makes the remapping way faster (3-4 minutes instead of 15-20 or more, since everyone makes mistakes).

    Note that if you want to use the numpad including the num lock key without a programmable keyboard, you need to map both the numeric and non-numeric keys. :(
  • alanbard
    Soul Shriven
    I have years playing of MW, OB, SR, with my key set and in each game only had to set it once.... And it is different starting with right mouse to move and left to attack...
    So yep, this is lazy programming, lazy design...
    My guess is my characters are not saved in the same file...
    The person who taught me to program 40 years ago had one master concept, programmers must be lazy, make the machine do the work. When he retired his title was Senior Systems Analyst for Sears.
    Even if you don't want to pre-allocate space for a large number of characters that most folks never use, you could still have a base entry with login info, keyboard/control settings, (hmm, will I have to reset audio, video also?) then character one, with a cross-reference to additional records with individual info for additional characters. .
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    alanbard wrote: »
    I have years playing of MW, OB, SR, with my key set and in each game only had to set it once.... And it is different starting with right mouse to move and left to attack...
    So yep, this is lazy programming, lazy design...
    My guess is my characters are not saved in the same file...
    The person who taught me to program 40 years ago had one master concept, programmers must be lazy, make the machine do the work. When he retired his title was Senior Systems Analyst for Sears.
    Even if you don't want to pre-allocate space for a large number of characters that most folks never use, you could still have a base entry with login info, keyboard/control settings, (hmm, will I have to reset audio, video also?) then character one, with a cross-reference to additional records with individual info for additional characters. .
    You necroed this thread .. for this? What on Earth does this drivel have to do with the fact ZOS doesn't provide a way to have one keymap for an account?

    Clearly it's a design flaw. If you truly understood how software is developed you'd know the programmers have nothing to do with how things work they write the code they're told to write.

    As for the Senior Systems Analyst for Sears .. yeah, I've met the type in the years since I started as a trainee programer in 1973 .. a fancy job title and little clue, quite often the bigger the corporate the more clueless some of them are, because if your views of this are a result of what he taught you, you should be asking him to apologise for mis-leading you all this time.
    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on June 12, 2014 6:36AM
  • Tiyamel
    I'm a leftie who in the end gave up and bought a new keyboard: A programmable one, so the keys are remapped before getting to ESO. And using the numpad area for all keys:

    (Num Lock) -> Tab (mark target)
    / -> X (synergy)
    * -> Alt (toggle UI, exit siege etc)
    - -> F (interact with players)
    + -> R (ultimate)
    (Enter) -> Space (Jump)

    Q W E
    A S D
    1 2 3
    0 -> 4
    . -> 5

    Arrow Keys:
    (Up) -> H (Toggle Horse)
    (Left) -> Z (Sheathe)
    (Down) -> V (Remapped to Swap)
    (Right) -> Ctrl (Toggle Sneak)

    Menu keys:
    (Print Sc) -> P (Group)
    (Scroll Lock) -> L (Alliance)
    (Pause) -> G (Guild)

    (Ins) -> C (Character)
    (Del) -> K (Skills)
    (Home) -> J (Journal)
    (End) -> I (Inventory)
    (Page Up) -> ' (Mail)
    (Page Down) -> M (Map)

    Works like charm. Also having the list in front of you makes the remapping way faster (3-4 minutes instead of 15-20 or more, since everyone makes mistakes).

    Note that if you want to use the numpad including the num lock key without a programmable keyboard, you need to map both the numeric and non-numeric keys. :(

    G19 for the win, custom macros and button mapping and such for every game and character I play, couple that with a G13 and I have an incredible array of custom keybinds, able to tweak and adjust on the fly, now add a gaming mouse with same capabilities i.e in my case an M.M.O.7 and you have even more possibilities at your disposal, never need to change in-game keybinds ever again.
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • AlexDougherty
    Moriak wrote: »
    Can't believe this is not possible. Sometimes I wonder if these people have any experience with MMORPGs at all.

    Well since it's their first MMO, i'ld say no.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Pele
    There's an add-on called Binder that will copy your key bindings from toon to toon. It saved me a ton of time with alts. It's simple to use. On the toon that you've setup with your custom keybindings, type /binder save ToonName. That saves your key bindings. Any other toon can now load those same key bindings. Just load a toon and type /binder load ToonNameWithSavedBindings.

    You can download Binder at
  • Uzkul
    Pele wrote: »
    There's an add-on called Binder...

    I want to quote this, because it is just THAT handy!
    If you have alts, get this addon !
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Pele wrote: »
    There's an add-on called Binder that will copy your key bindings from toon to toon. It saved me a ton of time with alts. It's simple to use. On the toon that you've setup with your custom keybindings, type /binder save ToonName. That saves your key bindings. Any other toon can now load those same key bindings. Just load a toon and type /binder load ToonNameWithSavedBindings.

    You can download Binder at

    You're my new best friend.

    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Elephant42

    This is the addon I use - it is still actively maintained by the author unlike the previously linked addon.

  • Saraya
    Elephant42 wrote: »

    This is the addon I use - it is still actively maintained by the author unlike the previously linked addon.


    Thank you; working as of March 2017
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