I agree about a local configuration file being ideal. If nothing else, it would allow people who cannot launch the game due to invalid settings to fix those settings.
Niche example:
User streaming via something like Splashtop to their laptop while on a business trip. Splashtop won't run in fullscreen mode. If they can't access their Windows machine physically, they can't launch the game to turn off Fullscreen.
Looks like they'll be playing Solitaire!
Etchesketch wrote: »The UI, and by UI I mean all of it from key settings to fov to actual wysiwyg on screen, is minimal. People say it's on purpose and better, I say it's lazy programming and taking the easy way out.
Less/minimal content is the battle cry of new programming. Less to go wrong.
the__bullgodb14_ESO wrote: »
I completely disagree with you. The minimal UI is perfect in my opinion.
This thread was about importing/exporting custom key bindings, not the UI.
I read your post closely, and you did include key bindings, understood. My point was, I do not believe that it was laziness or an easy way out. I believe that it's intention is to create a minimal UI, and offer differences from other MMOs out there. Set a bar, not mimic one.Etchesketch wrote: »Glad you like it, but if you had read my very easy to read post, you would see that I am including all those things in my opinion of the UI. It's all been reduced in function with the guise of being purposefully done to be more fun, instead of the real reason, which again just my opinion, is just devs too lazy to put the function into the game.
I started poking around and found a really useful post by Jessica that has a list of the default top-level keybindings; will save a lot of typing time if anyone else is also going to create a tracker or spreadsheet. I just copied the text and dropped into Excel, then thought about dropping to my knees in praise of she-who-provides. Instead I just kind of gave a thumbs-up to the sky, thanks Jessica!
Controls and Keybindings from the player's guide here.
Also the next time I get confused and smack the "reset to default" button I'll know what I'm working with.
Etchesketch wrote: »
Glad you like it, but if you had read my very easy to read post, you would see that I am including all those things in my opinion of the UI. It's all been reduced in function with the guise of being purposefully done to be more fun, instead of the real reason, which again just my opinion, is just devs too lazy to put the function into the game.
You necroed this thread .. for this? What on Earth does this drivel have to do with the fact ZOS doesn't provide a way to have one keymap for an account?I have years playing of MW, OB, SR, with my key set and in each game only had to set it once.... And it is different starting with right mouse to move and left to attack...
So yep, this is lazy programming, lazy design...
My guess is my characters are not saved in the same file...
The person who taught me to program 40 years ago had one master concept, programmers must be lazy, make the machine do the work. When he retired his title was Senior Systems Analyst for Sears.
Even if you don't want to pre-allocate space for a large number of characters that most folks never use, you could still have a base entry with login info, keyboard/control settings, (hmm, will I have to reset audio, video also?) then character one, with a cross-reference to additional records with individual info for additional characters. .
morimektab16_ESO wrote: »I'm a leftie who in the end gave up and bought a new keyboard: A programmable one, so the keys are remapped before getting to ESO. And using the numpad area for all keys:
(Num Lock) -> Tab (mark target)
/ -> X (synergy)
* -> Alt (toggle UI, exit siege etc)
- -> F (interact with players)
+ -> R (ultimate)
(Enter) -> Space (Jump)
1 2 3
0 -> 4
. -> 5
Arrow Keys:
(Up) -> H (Toggle Horse)
(Left) -> Z (Sheathe)
(Down) -> V (Remapped to Swap)
(Right) -> Ctrl (Toggle Sneak)
Menu keys:
(Print Sc) -> P (Group)
(Scroll Lock) -> L (Alliance)
(Pause) -> G (Guild)
(Ins) -> C (Character)
(Del) -> K (Skills)
(Home) -> J (Journal)
(End) -> I (Inventory)
(Page Up) -> ' (Mail)
(Page Down) -> M (Map)
Works like charm. Also having the list in front of you makes the remapping way faster (3-4 minutes instead of 15-20 or more, since everyone makes mistakes).
Note that if you want to use the numpad including the num lock key without a programmable keyboard, you need to map both the numeric and non-numeric keys.
Can't believe this is not possible. Sometimes I wonder if these people have any experience with MMORPGs at all.
There's an add-on called Binder...
There's an add-on called Binder that will copy your key bindings from toon to toon. It saved me a ton of time with alts. It's simple to use. On the toon that you've setup with your custom keybindings, type /binder save ToonName. That saves your key bindings. Any other toon can now load those same key bindings. Just load a toon and type /binder load ToonNameWithSavedBindings.
You can download Binder at esoui.com.
Elephant42 wrote: »esoui.com/downloads/info1174-VotansKeybinder.html
This is the addon I use - it is still actively maintained by the author unlike the previously linked addon.