Hey everyone, i decided I'd make this post in order to raise the issue of the gardener of seasons set. now, it's got a really neat special effect for having it equiped which is cool, however it's frankly not very good.
What surprised me was just how little people seemed to care about this set's creation.
It was only until recently that i saw people start to talk about the set and what they think about it. generally, the consensus of the set is that it's not particularly good. we don't really know what it's designed for, however the issue lies in the bonuses it applies with the second part of the set, "Harbinger of Fall". Major Maim for enemies and Minor Vitality for allies are not really great. Minor Vitality isn't necessary in pve environments and Major Maim is cool and all but not really something healers want to apply instead of something like major courage i suppose it's more of a pvp set which is a shame seeing as these item sets are specifically only for certain classes, so the item set not being great in pve really limits it's impact pretty severely. it's visuals are great, but it's effects are not. Minor Heroism is fine with the Herald of Spring aspect of the set. it's not particularly strong on it's own especially in pve but it's solid in pvp.
i think if Harbinger of Fall was to instead apply different bonuses than major maim and minor vitality such as only major courage or major slayer, it would make more sense for the overhealing aspect of the set and would help to make the item set feel really valuable for healing as healer wardens would not need to feel like they have to run the same healing sets as everyone else as it would act as a better version of spell power cure or roaring oppertunist but only for wardens.
as it currently stands, If you overheal a ranged player and it drops the area of effect on them, you get literally no benefit from major maim and the minor vitality doesn't help as the target is likely still at full hp. i think this aspect of the set needs to be revisited.
I think that class sets should be very strong as they have a very limited audience of players who can use them and currently i don't see much reason to use this set at all, execpt maybe for large scale pvp healing.
Edited by ESO_Nightingale on September 30, 2023 9:38AM PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!: