Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.0! Update 40 features the new PvE gameplay activity, Infinite Archive, where you must battle your way through dynamic stages with monsters and bosses you’ve encountered all throughout Tamriel. Infinite Archive can be played solo, or with a friend or Companion, and gives you the opportunity to obtain all sorts of new loot and collectibles including new Class Item Sets, a unique mount, and more.
Alongside Infinite Archive comes a new Group Finder tool, allowing you an easy way to advertise and find groups for all sorts of in-game activities. This update also introduces new Grand Master Crafting Stations, reducing the hundreds of set stations for each tradeskill and consolidating them into single set stations, along with updates and a full rebalance for Jewelry Crafting. We’ve also improved the rewards you can obtain from the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild and Undaunted daily quests, in addition to adding a new Patron Deck for Tales of Tribute.
We’ve limited the amount of combat balance changes in this update while we continue to evaluate changes from the previous update, but you can expect a number of bug fixes for combat abilities, item sets, and a number of areas across the entire game. All PC/NA characters have been copied and the size of this update is approximately 4.9GB. We can’t wait to read your feedback!

- New Features / Updates / Big Changes
- New Activity: Infinite Archive
- Class Item Sets
- New Achievements & Titles
- New Collectibles
- New Antiquities
- New Tales of Tribute Patron Deck
- New Group Finder
- Grand Master Crafting Stations
- Jewelry Crafting Rebalance
- Prologue Quest Bestower Redistribution
- Improved Daily Quest Rewards for Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and Undaunted
- Updates to Quest XP and Gold Rewards
- New Homes
- New Furnishings
- Event Testing: Gates of Oblivion Celebration
- Template Information
- Known Issues
- Combat & Gameplay
- Combat & Abilities
- Champion System
- Itemization & Item Sets
- Companions
- Fixes & Improvements
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on December 17, 2023 9:35PM Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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