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• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v9.2.0

Community Manager
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.0! Update 40 features the new PvE gameplay activity, Infinite Archive, where you must battle your way through dynamic stages with monsters and bosses you’ve encountered all throughout Tamriel. Infinite Archive can be played solo, or with a friend or Companion, and gives you the opportunity to obtain all sorts of new loot and collectibles including new Class Item Sets, a unique mount, and more.

Alongside Infinite Archive comes a new Group Finder tool, allowing you an easy way to advertise and find groups for all sorts of in-game activities. This update also introduces new Grand Master Crafting Stations, reducing the hundreds of set stations for each tradeskill and consolidating them into single set stations, along with updates and a full rebalance for Jewelry Crafting. We’ve also improved the rewards you can obtain from the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild and Undaunted daily quests, in addition to adding a new Patron Deck for Tales of Tribute.

We’ve limited the amount of combat balance changes in this update while we continue to evaluate changes from the previous update, but you can expect a number of bug fixes for combat abilities, item sets, and a number of areas across the entire game. All PC/NA characters have been copied and the size of this update is approximately 4.9GB. We can’t wait to read your feedback!

  • New Features / Updates / Big Changes
    • New Activity: Infinite Archive
    • Class Item Sets
    • New Achievements & Titles
    • New Collectibles
    • New Antiquities
    • New Tales of Tribute Patron Deck
    • New Group Finder
    • Grand Master Crafting Stations
    • Jewelry Crafting Rebalance
    • Prologue Quest Bestower Redistribution
    • Improved Daily Quest Rewards for Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and Undaunted
    • Updates to Quest XP and Gold Rewards
    • New Homes
    • New Furnishings
    • Event Testing: Gates of Oblivion Celebration
  • Template Information
  • Known Issues
  • Combat & Gameplay
    • Combat & Abilities
    • Champion System
    • Itemization & Item Sets
    • Companions
  • Fixes & Improvements
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on December 17, 2023 9:35PM
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    New Activity: Infinite Archive
    The Infinite Archive, a section of Apocrypha’s great library, is rife with twisting pathways and Infinite labyrinthian halls. To wrangle the multitude of corridors and locations is an exercise in madness, yet Master Malkhest intends to do just that and fight back against the malicious force causing chaos in the formerly peaceful archive. The books and tomes within have come alive, spilling their words into reality and attacking any interlopers. Do you have what it takes to brave the shifting nature of the Infinite Archive, traverse the mazelike passages, and defeat the archive’s enemies? Venture forth solo or with a friend and brave the ever-increasing dangers for rewards bestowed by the Daedric Prince of Knowledge himself.
    • In Infinite Archive, you are tasked with venturing into the ever-changing halls to battle a random assortment of enemies from throughout Tamriel.
      • Most of these enemies have been seen and battled before… but not like this. Enemies increase in difficulty after each completed stage, and rewards and challenges increase the deeper into the Archive you reach.
    • You are not without help, though, in the form of Mora’s Boons: Verses and Visions.
      • Verses are powerful boons that last for the next stage only and can turn the tide of battle.
      • Visions are long duration boons only available after defeating a boss but persist for the entirety of your run.
      • Choosing which Verse and which Vision is integral to your success in Infinite Archive.
    • Infinite Archive can be accessed in one of two ways:
      • For Necrom Chapter owners, head north from the Speiran Tarn Wayshrine along the coast of Apocrypha.
      • For non-chapter owners, navigate to the icon on your map for Apocrypha and use that to enter.
    • Each new run starts from the beginning (no saving and starting again) so planning and preparation are key.
    • There are three ways to play: Solo, with a Companion or with a friend.
    • There are two Leaderboards for Infinite Archive: One for solo players and one for duo.
      • Rewards are offered to adventurers who delve the furthest!
    • New Class Sets are available to find and acquire in Infinite Archive, which are detailed in the next section below.
      • Curation rules in Infinite Archive dictate that you will find your class’ set items first. After receiving the possible entirety of your class item set, you will get drops from the other classes.
      • The further you progress in Infinite Archive, the greater the rewards scale up, as well as the chance of receiving them.
    • A new currency, Archival Fortunes, can be found while adventuring in the Infinite Archive.
      • This currency is exclusive to the Infinite Archive and is used by its caretakers and filers to exchange goods.
      • ESO+ members will receive a 10% bonus to all Archival Fortunes.
    • Filers Tezurs and Ool are watcher merchants found in the Infinite Archive. Both deal in Archival Fortunes.
      • Tezurs offers support for adventurers in Infinite Archive and also acts as this update’s Achievement Furnisher.
        • Consumables can be bought to gain a Verse while running the Infinite Archive.
        • You can also purchase boxes containing items from Class Sets if you so choose.
        • Crafters may wish to take advantage of the boxes and sacks of profession-related crafting materials for sale.
        • For the more accomplished explorers and adventurers, permanent upgrades are available for purchase to help make diving into the Infinite Archive easier.
        • There’s also a lockbox for those who simply prefer cold, hard cash. 
      • Ool has a continually rotating, eclectic set of wares from week to week. You can expect to find treasure maps, Antiquity Leads, monster set style pages, companion gear boxes, lorebook furnishings, and assorted achievement and dungeon fragments for sale. 

    Class Item Sets
    A new form of Item Sets are here that you can earn from Infinite Archive! There are 7 sets total, each focusing on a specific skill line from each of ESO’s 7 classes. These sets come in all weights (light, medium and heavy).
    • Basalt-Blooded Warrior – Dragonknight, Earthen Heart
      • 2 – Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
      • 3 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
      • 4 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 5 –Casting an Earthen Heart ability grants you a Rock Stance buff for 20 seconds, with a 20 second cooldown. While on your Front Bar, you gain Molten Stance, granting you Major Heroism and Minor Heroism, generating 4 Ultimate every 1.5 seconds. While you are on your Back Bar, you gain Obsidian Stance, increasing your Healing Done and Damage Shields by 14%. Bar Swapping will swap your Stance automatically.
    • Wrathsun – Templar, Dawn’s Wrath
      • 2 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 3 – Adds 657 Critical Chance
      • 4 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 5 – When you deal damage with a Dawn’s Wrath ability, gain a stack of Sunlight for 10 seconds, once per attack. You can have 50 stacks max and gain 12 Magicka Recovery per stack. When at max stacks, your Dawn’s Wrath abilities deal 25% bonus damage and a Wrathful Nova is automatically cast on the enemy, but you cannot refresh Sunlight. When Sunlight expires at max stacks, you lose 50% of your current Magicka.
        Developer Comment:
        Wrathful Nova uses the same radius, damage, and other effects of Nova, and is cast on the last enemy you dealt damage to using a Dawn’s Wrath ability when you’ve reached 50 stacks of Sunlight.
    • Monolith of Storms – Sorcerer, Storm Calling
      • 2 – Adds 657 Critical Chance
      • 3 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 4 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 5 – Dealing damage with a Storm Calling abilities' initial hit or every 5th tick, creates a Monolith near the enemy for 10 seconds, up to one every 1 second. You may have up to 3 Monoliths at a time. Monoliths link to your other Monoliths within 28 meters of each other, each link dealing 3064 Shock Damage every 2 seconds to enemies between and near them. An enemy can only take damage from this set once every 2 seconds.
        Developer Comment:
        Every Storm Calling ability can trigger this set on initial damage, but Damage over Time Storm Calling abilities will also trigger this set every 5th tick of damage. The Monoliths you create will only link to your other Monoliths.
    • Soulcleaver – Nightblade, Siphoning
      • 2 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 3 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
      • 4 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 5 – While in combat and with at least 20 Ultimate, strengthen your Siphoning abilities at the cost of Ultimate: Increase the damage and healing of Siphoning abilities by 17% of your current Ultimate, up to 200 Ultimate, from a minimum of 3% to a maximum of 34%. Reduce the cost of Siphoning abilities by 15%. Casting a Siphoning ability while in combat drains you of 1% of your current Ultimate, with a minimum of 1.
        Developer Comment:
        You must have at least 20 Ultimate and be in combat to gain any effects from this set.
    • Gardener of the Seasons – Warden, Green Balance
      • 2 – Adds 4% Healing Done
      • 3 – Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
      • 4 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
      • 5 – Casting a Green Balance ability grants you Herald of Spring, causing your Green Balance overheals to apply Minor Heroism for 3 seconds. Casting 2 non-Green Balance class abilities within 2 seconds consumes Herald of Spring and grants you Harbinger of Fall for 10 seconds, causing your Green Balance Overheals to create an 8 meter area for 5 seconds, applying Major Maim to enemies and Minor Vitality to allies within. You can only create an area once every 5 seconds. You cannot gain Herald of Spring while Harbinger of Fall is active.
    • Nobility in Decay – Necromancer, Bone Tyrant
      • 2 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
      • 3 – Adds 4% Healing Taken
      • 4 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
      • 5 – Casting a Bone Tyrant ability while in combat grants you Beautiful Corpse, Minor Protection, and Minor Resolve for 16 seconds, reducing your damage by 5% and increasing your Armor by 2974. This can proc once every 20 seconds and is reduced by 2 seconds for each slotted Bone Tyrant ability. Casting a corpse consumer ability consumes Beautiful Corpse, treating you as a corpse.
    • Reawakened Hierophant – Arcanist, Curative Runeform
      • 2 – Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
      • 3 – Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
      • 4 – Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
      • 5 – Casting a non-Ultimate Curative Runeform ability grants an effect for 6 seconds to your affected allies based on how many Crux you had. At 1 Crux, allies gain a damage shield that absorbs 3618 damage. At 2 Crux, allies gain Minor Heroism. At 3 Crux, allies gain Major Protection.

    New Achievements & Titles
    There are 77 new achievements and 3 new titles in this update.
    • The title “The Unending” can be obtained by completing the achievement “Infinite Archive Challenger”. 
    • The title “Inkslayer” can be obtained by completing the achievement “Infinite Archive Conqueror”.
    • The title “The Well-Versed” can be obtained by completing the achievement “No Book Left Unread”. 

    New Collectibles
    • Mounts 
      • A “Maligraphic Mount” is available after collecting and using 50 “Maligraphic Ichors” and completing the “Ichor Most Malevolent” achievement. 
    • Pets 
      • A “Maligraphic Skeever” pet is available after collecting and using 25 “Disgusting Spoils” and completing the “Scheming Skeevers” achievement. 
    • Face and Body Markings 
      • The “Shattered Text” face markings are awarded to those who complete the “That’s Enough of Tho’at” achievement. The body markings are awarded for completion of the “Infinite Archive Challenger” achievement. 
      • The “Mirror Maze” face markings are awarded to those who collect and use 20 “Unreliable Archive Maps” and complete the “Peer into the Mirror Maze” achievement. The body markings are awarded for completion of the “Walk Through the Mirror Maze” achievement, accomplished by collecting and using 20 “Erroneous Archive Maps”. 
    • Mementos 
      • The “Summoned Booknado” is awarded to those who complete the “Give Me Some Mora” achievement. 
      • “Malkhest's Accursed Mirror” is awarded to those who complete the “I Got Some Mora” achievement. 
    • Outfits 
      • “Red Rook Bandit” bound style pages are available from Tel Var merchants. 
      • “Frandar’s Tribute” style pages are available from playing Tales of Tribute. 
    • Dye
      • The Arc Master Moss dye is available after completing the “Arcing Onward” achievement. 

    New Antiquities
    There are 31 Antiquities in total for this update. Many Leads are found in Infinite Archive, including: 
    • Apocryphal Clothier Station 
    • Vision of Mora 
    • Infinite Tome 
    • Archival Fortune stashes 
    In addition, you may come across new Leads in the following zones: 
    • Reaper’s March 
    • Glenumbra 
    • Alik’r Desert 
    • Deshaan 
    • Shadowfen 
    • Gold Coast 
    • Clockwork City 
    • Summerset 
    • Northern Elsweyr 
    • Southern Elsweyr 
    • The Deadlands 

    New Tales of Tribute Patron Deck
    We’ve added a new patron deck for Tales of Tribute, found in the Infinite Archive. It stands to reason that within the myriad, mazy halls of the Infinite Archive, a cultural curiosity can be uncovered. A game amongst mortals, Tales of Tribute, has indeed ended up in the seemingly infinite of the Archive -- why wouldn’t it? Further, the mortals adopted their own patron with its own rules, paying homage to the Daedric Prince of forbidden knowledge, Hermaeus Mora. Uncover the deck and its fragments within the shelves and books of the Infinite Archive and play with new-found power to defeat your opponent. Be wary, however; as is always the case with the Daedric Prince, such powerful knowledge comes at a price. In this case, cards that help you can also help your opponent…

    New Group Finder
    We’ve added a new tool to help you easily find other players to group with as a solo or partially filled group. You can access the new Group Finder through the Group and Activity Finder menu. Note that this helps you find other players that want to do the same activities as you; it is not a queueing system.   
    • Searching for a group
      • After navigating to Group Finder, select a category that interests you. 
      • Currently, Group Finder supports the following categories:
        • Dungeon
        • Trial
        • Infinite Archive
        • Arena
        • PvP
        • Zone
        • Custom  
      • The results displayed are heavily influenced by the role you identify as (damage/tank/healer). 
      • By default, any group you see is a group that you can join. 
      • If you want to find a more specific group, there are several filters available to search for criteria such as CP requirements, voice chat, difficulty, and more! 
    • Creating a group listing
      • You can also create a group listing for others to join. Note that you must be the group leader to create a group listing.
      • After pressing the create button, give your listing a name and select what activity you want to do with the group. 
      • You can specify additional criteria that your ideal group members should meet to join your group. 
      • You can either allow anyone into your group or have other players apply to join your group so you can check their class, level, and role. 
      • You can edit non-crucial details of your group listing after it is created.  

    Grand Master Crafting Stations
    Are you proud of your enormous collection of item set stations, but find yourself frustrated by how much space (and furnishing count) they take up? Have you ever wished there was a way to take the dozens and dozens of set stations for a tradeskill and squish them together into a single all-in-one station? Well, good news! Four brand new top-tier crafting stations to consume your attuned crafting stations and host them in a unified space are coming to your local alliance furnisher.
    • Each of these can be purchased for 1,500 Writ Vouchers from Faustina Curio in Elden Root, Wayrest or Mournhold, provided you have completed the "Grand Master Crafter" achievement.
    • As new craftable sets are released you'll be able to attune those and feed them into Grand Master stations as well.
      • The gorgeous looks for these superlative crafting stations improve based on the number of different crafting stations they've absorbed; Unlock them all!

    Jewelry Crafting Rebalance
    Jewelry crafting has long been a special case compared to the other gear crafting types. With this update we’re bringing it back in line with other crafting with a few major changes.
    • Firstly, we’re doing away with those pesky jewel crafting grains. Existing jewelry crafting plating will be converted into 10 platings and every jewelry crafting grain will become a plating. No more need to collect grains, refine them into plating to then improve your rings and amulets!
    • Secondly, the boosters needed to upgrade jewelry has been increased to match that of other crafting types.
      • The result of these two changes is upgrading rings and amulets will be MUCH easier.
      • These core changes ripple out to other areas. Notably, master craft writs are being re-balanced to account for this huge change in cost to craft.
    • Existing crafting writs will be unchanged but new ones will use this rebalanced formula.

    Prologue Quest Bestower Redistribution
    As part of our ongoing efforts to declutter the early game areas for the benefit of new players, prologue bestowers that are present in-world have been shuffled about.
    • As a rule, most prologues (with a few exceptions, due to either their relative isolation or knock-on effects from moving them) will be present in only one location, as thematically and situationally appropriate.
    • Upon accepting any prologue quest through any bestowal method, you will receive a small pop-up on the bottom right warning you that you’ve accepted a prologue quest.
      • All prologues are still accessible through the Crown Store quest starter entries as normal.
    • The new locations for any moved prologue quest bestowers are:
      • Of Knives and Long Shadows (Clockwork City Prologue): Mages Guild of Vivec City, Vvardenfell
      • The Ravenwatch Inquiry (Markarth Prologue): Outside of Evermore in Bangkorai, near the wayshrine.
      • The Missing Prophecy (Vvardenfell Prologue): Mournhold, Deshaan
      • The Demon Weapon (Elsweyr Prologue): Rawl’kha, Reaper’s March
      • A Mortal’s Touch (Blackwood Prologue): The Hollow City, Coldharbour
      • An Apocalyptic Situation (Deadlands Prologue): Belkarth, Craglorn
      • Ascending Doubt (High Isle Prologue): Wayrest, Stormhaven
      • Ruthless Competition (Murkmire Prologue): Stormhold, Shadowfen
      • Sojourn of the Druid King (Firesong Prologue): Evermore, Bangkorai
      • The Coven Conspiracy (Greymoor Prologue): Riften, The Rift
      • The Dragonguard’s Legacy (Dragonhold Prologue): Sentinel, Alik’r Desert
      • Eye of Fate (Necrom Prologue): Sadrith Mora, Vvardenfell
    • Additional prologues may be shuffled about in future updates to keep the streets of Daggerfall, Wayrest, Davon’s Watch, Mournhold, Vulkhel Guard, and Elden Root free and clear of stray people pestering you for help.

    Improved Daily Quest Rewards for Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and Undaunted
    The rewards provided for the daily quests (NOT pledges) for these three guilds (if you can call Undaunted a guild and not a motley collection of insane fools) have been completely revised.
    • With some key differences between the guilds’ “preferred” loot, the coffers will now contain a random assortment of the following:
      • Companion Gear
      • Overland Set Gear (from the zone to which the quest takes you)
      • Ornate Gear
      • Gold!
      • Deconstructable Equipment
        • This prioritizes a trait you do not have researched yet, or Intricate if you have already researched all traits for that item. This does NOT include Nirnhoned
        • Jewelry only drops with Robust, Arcane, or Healthy traits
      • A selection of random crafting materials
      • A small chance for a new Guild Commendation, which upon consuming grants you a small amount of reputation with the guild
        • These can be traded and stacked
      • A chance for a Draugr motif style page, with an exceedingly tiny chance at the whole motif book.
    • Drops for the Fighters Guild daily prioritize Heavy Armor, One and Two-Handed Axes, One and Two-Handed Maces, and Shields.
    • Drops for the Mages Guild daily prioritize Light Armor and all Staff-type weapons.
    • Drops for Undaunted prioritize Medium Armor, One and Two-Handed Swords, Daggers, and Bows.

    Updates to Quest XP and Gold Rewards
    In an effort to standardize the XP and Gold rewards of quests based on their categories, a mass audit was conducted across all quests in the game. The categorization gets a little fiddly and exactly how much XP and Gold you get is based on your current character level, but the general breakdown of what kinds of quests get what kinds of rewards are as follows:
    • Maximum possible Gold and XP rewards: Zone Stories, Main Stories, Prologues, Battleground Quests, Trial Quests
    • High Gold and XP rewards: Most objective/point of interest quests, “Incursion” Daily Quests (Dragons, etc.), World Boss Daily Quests, Dungeon Quests, Dungeon Pledge Quests, Public Dungeon Quests
    • Standard Gold and XP rewards: Miscellaneous zone content quests, Fighters/Mages/Undaunted Daily Quests, Delve Daily Quests
    • Low Gold and XP rewards: Event Quests
    • Minimum possible Gold and XP rewards: “Trivial” and “Vector” Quests (the kind that exist only to direct you from one place to another).
    • Minimum possible XP, maximum possible Gold: Basic Crafting Writs
    • Maximum possible XP, standard Gold: Master Crafting Writs
    • Any Cyrodiil quests were left alone from what they were previously set to.

    New Homes
    Two new homes are available for testing and will be available on the Crown Store sometime after the launch of Update 40.
    • Gladesong Arboretum: The soothing sound of a waterfall accompanies the wind as it sings softly through the majestic trees in this druidic settlement. Carved stone shelters provide comfortable living spaces and open onto inspiring vistas.
    • Tower of Unutterable Truths: Only Hermaeus Mora knows why the previous curator fled this towering edifice filled with proscribed enigmata. Now the One Who Knows seeks a new cataloger who enjoys the panoptic views of Apocrypha and never, ever opens the books secured within.

    New Furnishings
    • Infinite Archive Furnishings
      • 71 new furnishing plans, which can be acquired via the vendors from the Infinite Archive or from chests in the Infinite Archive.
      • 11 new achievement furnishings that can be earned from the Infinite Archive achievements and purchased from the Infinite Archive vendors.
      • 14 new Antiquity furnishings with its leads acquirable from the Infinite Archive and excavatable in the Telvanni Peninsula Zone.
      • 65 new interactable book furnishings, which can be acquired via the vendors from the Infinite Archive.
      • 7 new furnishings which can be acquired from chests in the Infinite Archive.
      • 16 new Home Goods furnishings which can be purchased from the Telvanni Pennisula’s Home Good vendor.
      • 4 new Tales of Tribute tapestry furnishings, which can be acquired from Tribute victory coffers.
    • Some of our older zones are receiving a number of new furnishings to bring them up to our updated reward standards. These zones and updates include:
      • Alik’r Desert
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
      • Clockwork City
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
        • Four new interactable book furnishings
      • Coldharbor
        • 4 new interactable book furnishings
      • Deshaan
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
      • Glenumbra
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
      • Gold Coast
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
        • 4 new interactable book furnishings
      • Hew’s Bane
        • 3 new interactable book furnishings
      • Northern Elsweyr
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
        • 4 new interactable book furnishings
      • Reaper’s March
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
      • Shadowfen
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
      • Southern Elsweyr
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
        • 4 new interactable book furnishings
      • Summerset
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
        • 4 new interactable book furnishings
      • The Deadlands
        • 1 new purple antiquity furnishing
      • Wrothgar
        • 4 new interactable book furnishings

    Event Testing: Gates of Oblivion Celebration
    Kick Mehrunes Dagon back to the fiery pit of destruction from whence he came! No, not New Jersey, this is the Gates of Oblivion Celebration! This event celebrates the year of content for the Gates of Oblivion storyline, including both the chapter and DLC zones as well as all four dungeons released as part of the year (Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa, and The Cauldron). Pick up the introductory quest, “Burdensome Beasts," available for free in the Crown Store, or directly from the quest bestower, Plokun out in the wilderness of Blackwood.
    • Tickets work a little differently for this event; you can get 2 Event Tickets (and only 2) for the day by doing any one of the following activities:
      • Completing a daily delve or world boss quest in Blackwood OR the Deadlands.
      • Completing the weekly trial quest (if it happens to be the first thing you do that day) for Rockgrove.
      • Killing and looting the final boss of Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa, or The Cauldron.
    • Event coffers work a little differently as well, compared to previous events of this type. There are zone boxes and dungeon boxes, named in accordance with the location they were gleaned from.
      • Zone boxes are found by completing daily quests in their respective zones, killing delve and world bosses, public dungeon bosses, Oblivion portal bosses and the final chest, random enemies, treasure chests, safeboxes, resource nodes, thieves’ troves, and pickpocketing NPCs.
      • The first zone box each day (from either zone you decide to do first) coming from delve or world boss dailies is a Glorious quality box with higher drop chances of the good stuff.
        • The first final dungeon boss of any of the four dungeons will offer a Glorious quality box of its respective type.
        • You can earn two total Glorious boxes per day as a result, one from zone content and one from dungeon content. Do all the things to get the best rewards!
      • These boxes can contain the following items:
        • Crafting materials
        • Saleable treasures
        • Style items for Gates of Oblivion overland or dungeon zone motifs (depending on box source)
        • Set items from Gates of Oblivion overland or dungeon zones (depending on box source)
        • Companion gear
        • Furnishing recipes
        • Treasure Maps or Survey Reports
        • Motif chapters for Gates of Oblivion overland or dungeon motifs (depending on box source)
        • Pages for the new Y’ffre’s Fallen-Wood outfit style
        • Note: Veteran Dungeon final bosses drop two boxes to account for their higher difficulty. If one of these would be eligible for being Glorious, you’ll get one Glorious and one regular.
    • Bosses in Blackwood or the Deadlands, as well as the bosses in Rockgrove, Dread Cellar, Red Petal Bastion, Black Drake Villa, and The Cauldron will drop additional loot during this event. Resource nodes, daily quests, and various activities in all zones award extra loot during the event as well.
    • The Impresario will carry bound style pages of the Y'ffre’s Fallen-Wood armor style for 5 tickets each. She will also have all three fragments of the Passion Dancer Blossom and two of three fragments for the Hoardhunter Ursauk. Happy hunting!
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on December 17, 2023 9:38PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    In this update, we are again supplying two templates for you to utilize: one max level and another at level 25, both starting you in Belkarth. The max level template will include access to all the new Class Item Sets, along with all the new collectibles as well for you to test.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • The Infinite Tome antiquity currently incorrectly rewards the Visions of Mora furnishing.
    • Archival Fortunes antiquities currently incorrectly reward Gold instead of Archival Fortunes.

    Class Sets
    • Soulcleaver
      • Siphoning Ultimate and its morphs do not currently gain the correct bonuses from Soulcleaver.
      • The Ultimate meter occasionally does not display the correct Ultimate amount while using Soulcleaver and Siphoning Ultimate.
    • Reawakened Hierophant
      • The tooltip does not currently mention that this set does not work with Curative Runeform Ultimate.
      • This ability currently places “dummy buffs” on your buff bar when using 2nd and 3rd Crux power.
    • Monolith of Storms
      • Enemies will occasionally not take damage from this set if they took damage 2 seconds earlier.
    • Basalt-Blooded Warrior
      • The tooltip does not currently mention the set’s 20 second cooldown.
    • Nobility in Decay
      • You cannot currently use Necro tether abilities to tether to yourself.

    Infinite Archive
    • After entering a new stage, there are rare occasions where you can get stuck in a state where enemies don’t spawn, blocking you from continuing.
    • Several Infinite Archive-related achievements are currently not tracking correctly. These include:
      • Heavy Hitter
      • Monster Mercenary
      • Dynamic Destroyer
      • Heavy Heroics
      • Destined Dungeoneer
      • Arcing Onward
    • Archival Fortunes Purse and Archival Fortunes Container tooltips currently erroneously refer to them as a box.

    • With the addition of Infinite Archive, we'll be testing a few new Endeavor-types to support the new activity throughout this PTS cycle. Please note that the combination of Endeavors you see on the PTS may not be reflective of how they will be used when we launch.

    • You can currently get duplicate Clues from Tribute Reward bags for the Hermaeus Mora card upgrades.

    • The Help entry for ESO+ does not currently call out the +10% bonus to Archival Fortunes.
    • Several achievement entries have missing or incorrect icons.
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on December 17, 2023 9:38PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Our final update of the year is finally upon us, bringing many new toys to collect, content to do, and on the combat side, audits and bug fixing! In the previous update, we found a lot of opportunities that needed additional scheduling and time to work on and hammer out the details, so we’re continuing much of what you saw from Update 39.

    The main focuses we’ve worked on are continuing to improve Area of Effects from player abilities and item sets to use more performant and consistent technology and setups, and improving targeting of helpful effects to stop going to those pesky pets instead of their owners. We’ve also made a small pass to some Ultimate abilities to make them feel a little more impactful by adjusting their target caps, squashed some particularly frustrating combat bugs that got your character stuck in not-so-great states, as well as other miscellaneous tunes and tweaks.

    Don’t expect a lot of balance adjustments this update; we’re slowing down to let changes to values and functionalities “bake” longer so we can get more robust data and patterns before adjusting anything – but that doesn’t mean there are none to be had this update.

    During this PTS cycle, we’d love feedback specifically on the new item sets found in Infinite Archive (and of course on Infinite Archive itself!) With that, below are the fixes and adjustments in this update, particularly precise and verbose compared to usual to try and reduce some of the confusion we’ve seen from previous lighter presentations. Stay safe, and we hope to see you all in Tamriel!

    • Fixed an issue where some tooltips would fail to appear properly while Gamepad UI was active.
    • Fixed a rare issue where you could become unable to Light or Heavy Attack and would instead rapidly twitch as if you had more caffeine than your mortal form, or any Daedric entity for that matter, could handle.
    • Fixed an issue where the damage from siege weaponry could trigger many conditional requirements, such as Vicious Death, when you killed an enemy.
    • Fixed an issue where activating some movement abilities, such as Critical Charge, could disable your ability to jump for prolonged periods of time.
    • Abilities that override into other abilities in special situations may now differentiate their tooltips based on the state that the ability is in.
      • For example, Stonefist now has separate tooltips for its initial Area of Effect cast and its single target charge casts. These distinctions can only be seen when you hover over the ability on your ability bar. The base abilities seen in your skill book will always describe as much behavior that the ability does between all versions, similar to before.
    • Fixed an issue where some player sourced effects that visually disappeared could remain activate after their caster died. The affects the following abilities:
      • Agony Totem
      • Blood Altar and morphs
      • Circle of Protection and morphs
      • Daedric Mines & morphs
      • Domihaus
      • Draugr’s Rest
      • Eternal Hunt
      • Fire Rune and morphs
      • Flameblossom
      • Grand Healing and morphs
      • Hagraven’s Garden
      • Ilambris
      • Manifestation of Terror
      • Necrotic Orbs and morphs
      • Nightflame
      • Pillar of Nirn
      • Sellistrix
      • Siege Shield and morphs
      • Stormfist
      • Trapping Webs and Morphs
      • Trap Beast and morphs
      • Tremorscale
      • Widowmaker
    • Fixed an issue where certain attacks would only Deal Damage to 6 enemies, rather than hitting all enemies in the area but only applying their secondary effects to up to 6 enemies. This affects the following abilities:
      • Ice Storm and morphs
      • Nerien’eth
      • Sellistrix
      • Tremorscale
    • Adjusted a few more Area of Effect under the hood setups to improve their performance, including the following:
      • Combustion synergy
      • Daedric Mines and morphs
      • Eternal Hunt
      • Grave Grasp and morphs
      • Magma Incarnate
      • Ricochet Skull’s final cast
      • Shrouded Daggers
      • Trapping Webs and morphs
      • Trinimac’s Valor
    • Fixed an issue where some synergies were considered to be class abilities, while others were not. They will now only be considered synergies and will not inherit specific bonuses or interact with class abilities or class skill lines.
    • Updated many ally and group targeted player abilities to no longer target pets under the following conditions:
      • When Stamina, Magicka, or Ultimate is granted to a target, since pets cannot benefit from these effects.
      • When a bonus stat or buff is granted that the pet would naturally inherit from their parent, such as Major or Minor Berserk.
      • Ultimate abilities that target allies now always ignore pets .
      • All item sets that target allies now ignore pets, unless the set intentionally call out pet interactions.
      • Affected changes include the following:
        • Class passives that grant Minor buffs, such as Mountain’s Blessing
        • Absorption Field’s heal
        • Abyssal Brace
        • Aegis of Galenwae
          • Now only targets group members
        • Almalexia’s Mercy
        • Apocryphal Inspiration
        • Arcanist’s Domain and morphs’ named buffs
        • Arkasis’s Genius
        • Automated Defense
        • Barrier and morphs
        • Battalion Defender
        • Beckoning Steel
        • Bone Totem and morphs’ Minor Protections
        • Bone Wall and Spinal Surge synergies
        • Chokethorn
        • Colovian Highlander
        • Combat Physician
        • Consuming Darkness and morphs’ Major Protection
        • Crusader
        • Cryptcanon Vestments
        • Curse Eater
        • Drake’s Rush
        • Draugr’s Rest
        • Earthgore
        • Ebon Armory
        • Encrati’s Behemoth
        • Eye of Nahviintaas
        • Foolkiller’s Ward
        • Force Overflow
        • Gibbering Shelter
        • Gossamer
        • Grand Rejuvenation
        • Grave Guardian
        • Grave Inevitability
          • Now only targets group members
        • Grisly Gourmet
        • Hagraven’s Garden
        • Hiti’s Hearth
        • Hollowfang
        • Inventor’s Guard
        • Kargaeda
          • Now also targets only group members
        • Kinra’s Wrath
          • Now also targets only group members
        • Kyne’s Wind
        • Lamia’s Song
        • Lord Warden
        • Lunar Bastion
        • Magma Incarnate
        • Magma Shell’s damage shield
        • Maligalig’s Maelstrom
        • Master Architect
        • Meritorious Service
        • Mighty Glacier
        • Nightflame
        • Olorime
        • Ozezan’s Inferno
        • Pack Leader’s Minor Courage
        • Panacea and morphs
        • Pangrit Denmother
        • Pearlescent Ward
        • Phoenix Moth
        • Pillager’s Profit
        • Powerful Assault
        • Prayer Shawl
        • Rage of the Ursauk
          • Now only targets group members
        • Rallying Cry
        • Renewing Undeath’s purge
        • Rite of Passage and morphs
        • Ritemaster’s Bond
        • Robes of Transmutation
        • Scorion’s Feast
        • Secluded Grove and morphs
        • Sentinel of Rkugamz
        • Sleet Storm and morphs’ Major Protection
        • Spaulder of Ruin
        • Spell Power Cure
        • Spelunker Sanctuary
        • Stendarr’s Embrace
        • Stone’s Accord
        • Stone-Talker’s Oath
        • Symphony of Blades
          • Now only targets group members and calls out it excludes yourself
        • Syrabane’s Ward
        • Transformative Hope
        • Trinimac’s Valor
        • Troll King
        • Vitalizing Glyphic
        • Vrol’s Command
        • War Machine
        • Winter’s Respite
        • Worm’s Ramient
        • Yolnakriin
      Developer Comment:
      We’ve long received feedback about the frustrations of pets eating precious target counts to abilities, since pets don’t typically succumb to the call of the mortal coil as often or easily as their owners do. To help reduce these frustration points, we’ve done a large pass on player abilities and item sets to make them outright bypass pets in their target grabbing where we saw the most issues and feedback being sourced from. We’ll be keeping an eye on these adjustments to see if we need to go back or even double down on some target exclusions, and moving forward, we’ll be following the listed situations as best as possible.
    • Adjusted the following Ultimate abilities to affect up to 12 targets, rather than 6:
      • Absorption Fields’ heal
      • Consuming Darkness and morphs’ Major Protection
      • Gibbering Shelter’s damage shield
      • Magma Shell’s damage shield
      • Rite of Passage and morphs’ heal
      • Secluded Grove and morphs’ heal over time
      • Sleet Storm and morphs’ Major Protection
      • Soul Siphon’s heal
      • Vitalizing Glyph and morphs’ heal
      Developer Comment:
      We’re updating these portions of these Ultimates to help them stand out a bit more in effectiveness so they compare better to other Ultimates that already affect 12 targets, such as Barrier.

    Buffs and Debuffs
    • Minor Mangle: Fixed an issue where Dragons could be affected from this debuff, unlike other boss-type enemies.

    • Curative Runeforms
      • Chakram Shields: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could be applied to hazardous plants and other trap-like objects in the world.
    • Herald of the Tome
      • Abyssal Impact
        • Cephaliarch’s Flail (morph): Fixed an issue where this morph was not properly marked as an execute to certain bonuses or conditional requirements, like Sheer Venom.
    • Soldier of Apocrypha
      • Rune of Eldritch Horror:
        • This ability and its morphs now properly display a debuff on enemy targets to warn them of the incoming crowd controlling effects.
        • Fixed an issue where these abilities could not be purged to prevent their effects.
        • Improved how these abilities complete their delay timers to be more uniform with other delays, such as Rune Prison, to make them feel more fluid and responsive to break free or react to.

    • Ardent Flame
      • Inferno: This ability and its morphs’ passive slotted bonuses now persist through bar swap.
      • Lava Whip
        • Molten Whip (morph): The Seething Fury stacking bonus from this morph now operates as a slotted passive bonus that persists through bars swap, rather than only on the bar that the ability is slotted on. Seething Fury now requires you to be in combat to gain stacks, to mitigate pre-buffing and burst potential.
    • Draconic Power
      • Dragon Leap
        • Ferocious Leap (morph): The damage shield granted from this Ultimate will now replace itself similarly to other shields, rather than stack if you managed to cast the Ultimate again that quickly.

    • Bone Tyrant
      • Bone armor: Fixed an issue where the corpse generated from this ability and its morphs had a chevron appear above it, as if it were a living entity. But don’t give up, skeleton, the corpse will continue to function for your typical nefarious deeds.

    • Dark Magic
      • Crystal Shard
        • Crystal Fragments (morph): This ability’s special activation now properly applies the Crystal Weaver bonus after activating.
    • Daedric Summoning
      • Summon Unstable Familiar
        • Summon Unstable Clannfear (morph): Reduced the cost of this ability’s active cast to 4320, down from 4500.
      • Summon Winged Twilight:
        • Fixed an issue where some attacks from this ability and its morphs could not be dodged.
        • Fixed an issue where the special active from this ability and the Twilight Matriarch morph were not consistently labeled as healing abilities.

    • Dawn’s Wrath
      • Radiant Destruction
        • Radiant Glory (morph): This morph now also grants Magicka restore when it deals damage, which is based on the missing health of the enemy, up to a maximum of 480 per tick.
    • Restoring Light
      • Restoring Aura: This ability and its morphs’ passive slotted bonuses now persist through bar swap.

    • Winter’s Embrace
      • Frozen Gate: Fixed an issue where the teleport for this ability and its morphs could pull enemies through some walls.
      • Sleet Storm
        • Permafrost (morph): Reduced the damage per tick of this morph by approximately 60% to make up for the Glacial Presence passive buffing Chilled as this morph, despite its existing damage reductions, still did more damage than Northern Storm.

    • Destruction Staff
      • Impulse
        • Pulsar (morph): Fixed an issue where the Flame and Frost versions of this morph would fail to properly damage enemies that were also immune to the Minor Mangle the abilities applied. The damage now properly applies to all targets in their radii, similar to Storm Pulsar.
    • Restoration Staff
      • Blessing of Protection: This ability and its morphs now no longer attempt to heal pets, in order to prevent them from taking the named buff effects that play a huge role in why the abilities are ran.
        Developer Comment:
        We’ll monitor this change to see if this is deemed worthwhile enough to keep, as it does hurt the skill’s solo viability for helping protect your pets.

    • Fighters Guild
      • Dawnbreaker: Increased the cone size of this Ultimate and its morphs to 135 degrees, up from 120, to help them land slightly more consistently to closer enemies and better align to their visual effects.
    • Undaunted
      • Radiate: Reduced the damage done by this synergy by 20% to ensure its power is more in line with other synergies.
      • Trapping Webs:
        • Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could be dodged.
        • Fixed an issue where the synergy from these abilities could be used on enemies not inside the Area of Effect.

    • Plentiful Harvest: Fixed an issue where the first stage of this node did not properly grant a 10% chance to harvest double resources.
    • War Mount: Fixed an issue where your Stamina would drain when dismounting in some situations while this node was slotted.

    • Updated many siege tooltips to be more in line with other ability tooltips to improve clarity on what they do.

    Crafted Sets
    • Coldharbour’s Favorite: Fixed a rare issue where this set could go on cooldown, even if Honor failed to appear, which wasn’t very honorable.

    Dungeon & Arena Sets
    • Aegis Caller: Changed this set’s 3-piece bonus from Stamina Recovery to Critical Chance, to better facilitate its proc requirements.
    • Azureblight Reaper: Fixed an issue where this set could generate stacks off some direct damage attacks, such as Daedric Mines.
    • Pillar of Nirn:
      • Reduced the total damage of this set’s proc by approximately 22%.
      • Adjusted the 2-piece bonus to 657 Critical Chance, rather than 1096 Max Stamina.
      Developer Comment:
      We’re finally taking a look at Pillar of Nirn’s place in the game, as we’ve seen it pull ahead of a considerable number of other offensive options over time. Since Pillar only requires a stationary target for its initial hit, we’re trying to better align its power to where it’s weaker than a set like Aegis Caller that requires a more consistent stationary target, while being stronger than directly applied over time effects like Viper’s Sting or Unleashed Terror. Simultaneously, to ease the nerf to the proc and to aid its approachability for build types, we’re adjusting the bonus to be more impactful and universally powerful with Critical Chance.

    Overland Sets
    • Ranger’s Gait: Fixed an issue where this set’s bonus to snare effectiveness reduction was not working properly.

    Trial Sets
    • Eye of Nahviintaas and Twilight Remedy:
      • Updated these sets’ tooltips to better describe their conditional requirements to gain their effects. They now clearly state the sets only activate on allies who activate a synergy you have granted them within a duration of that synergy being made available to the ally.
      • Increased the window of opportunity for allies to activate the sets to 10 seconds, up from 5.

    • Fixed an issue where Azandar could appear again in some spots after recruiting him.
    • Fixed an issue where Companions would sometimes not trigger their idle voiceover lines if they were summoned, but had not yet moved.

    • Bastian now correctly grants rapport for visiting both Eyvea and Artaeum every day.
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on December 17, 2023 9:38PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • The Emperor's Secret: Fixed an issue where knocking on Renna's door was exceedingly difficult unless you smashed your face up against it.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • To the Clockwork City: Divayth Fyr's assistant no longer spawns when accepting this quest from the Collections interface while within PvP-enabled world spaces.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Fixed an issue where some New Moon Dreadnaughts could not be killed by the Blade of Woe or vampire feeding.

    • The Pride of Alkosh: You can no longer leave the instance without taking the Mask of Alkosh.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Descendant of the Potentate: Fixed an issue where grouped players could block one another on the steps to solve the riddle or the elemental puzzle.
    • Home Sweet Home: Saevus can no longer be murdered with the Blade of Woe.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Guardian of Y'ffelon: Fixed some issues where steps in the back half of this quest didn't direct you properly on the map or compass.
    • The Ivy Throne: This quest now has proper "zone story" pins on the map and compass.
    • The Dream of Kasorayn:
      • The back half of the quest no longer tries to direct you out of the Shrine on the map, even though all of the action takes place in the Shrine chamber.
      • Elder Verline now has a dagger, and does not perform a certain dagger-necessary action with his imagination.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Blood, Books, and Steel: Fixed an issue where you might be backtracked through the lower sanctum when told to find the upper sanctum.
    • The All Flags Curse: Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be properly directed into the Monument Inn on the step to talk to Janne Emerie.
    • The Hidden Lord: This quest now uses proper zone story icons and pins in the Journal.  

    • Hear ye, hear ye, cardsharps and forumites! Sorinne Gerard, the Tribute herald, is now only present in Wayrest's Cloudy Dregs Inn, and won't yell at you until you get reasonably close to her.
    • Adjusted the difficulty of Novice Tribute AI to make it a bit easier.
    • Proficient AI now has access to the fully upgraded Almalexia Deck, and Expert AI has access to the un-upgraded Hermaeus Mora Deck.

    • Almalexia
      • Festival of Forbearance: Decreased cost from 4 to 3.
      • Bardic Veneration: Decreased cost from 4 to 3.
      • Mornhold Clergy: Decreased cost from 6 to 5.
      • The Lesson of Ayem: Decreased cost from 5 to 4.
    • The Druid King
      • Wispcaller Totem: Changed the 3 Coin on Combo 3 to 2 Coin Combo.
      • Draoife Ritecaller & Eldertied Fenwitch: Removed the 1 Coin on Play.
    • St. Pelin
      • Armory: Moved the +1 Coin from Play to Combo 2.
      • Rally: Moved 1 Power from Play to Combo 2.
    • Sorceror-King Orgnum
      • Patron Ability:
        • Favored: Changed the card created from “Maomar Boarding Party” to “Summerset Sacking”.
        • Neutral: Reduce cost from 3 Coin to 2.
        • Unfavored: Reduce cost from 2 Coin to 1.
      • Serpentguard Rider: Added +1 Power to Combo 2.
      • Storm Shark Wavecaller: Increased Power of base effect from 1 to 2.
    • Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
      • Customs Seizure: Increased Acquire from 5 to 6.
    • Psijic Loremaster Cellerus
      • Psijics Insight & Cephorah’s Insight: Changed on Play Replace 1 to +2 Coin on Play.
      • Time Mastery: Increased Toss 4 on Play to 5.
    • Rajhin, the Purring Liar
      • Jeering & Prowling Shadow: Increase HP from 1 to 2.
      • Shadow’s Slumber & Jarring Lullaby: Moved 1 Coin from Combo 2 to Play.

    • Increased the daily first PvP win of the day from Purple to Gold. Previously, this was only obtainable by completing all 3 stages of Muranji’s Daily Challenge.
    • New tapestry furnishings of Seeker Aspirant and Chromatic Reservoir can be discovered in Tribute Reward purses.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
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  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Reachwind Depths: Fixed an issue where taking the lift to the Servants' Quarters would despawn Companions and Assistants.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • The Sounds of Home: This quest's pins no longer look as if it is part of the zone story.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    Public Dungeons
    • The Underweave: Fixed an issue where this public dungeon's group event didn't increment Endeavors asking you to complete a public dungeon group event.

    • The Event Exchange map pin is now properly centered in Necrom.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Invitation to Orsinium:
      • Stuga has been re-recorded and has new voice acting. Her lines also received some revision as a result of getting a new actor in the studio!
      • Stuga is now relegated only to the stables in Shornhelm. Nothing personal, Stuga.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on September 18, 2023 3:57PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Manor of Masques: There is no longer an invisible Alchemy nameplate hanging out near the desk by the stage.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    • Reduced the range of death notifications triggered by player enemy deaths in Cyrodiil from 600 meters to 300 meters, to help reduce the number of messages displayed in chat.

    • The following quests’ goals are now group shared:
      • Abominations
      • Black Dagger Supplies

    • Fixed an issue where trying to move while previewing Outfit Styles at a vendor could cause your character to be rotated incorrectly.

    • Fixed several dozen animation issues with conversations and postures across the game.
    • Dyeing a weapon in the Outfit Station no longer plays the unsheathe animation each time.

    Visual Effects
    • Fixed an issue where some mounts could briefly show effects at an incorrect location in character select when leaving the appearance change screen.

    • Fixed an issue where the wrong sound effect would play when making a purchase with Event Tickets.

    • Quickly previewing different mounts in the Crown Store will no longer cause visual glitches where your character is clipping through the ground.
    • Dismounting from a Hollowjack mount will no longer cause your character to pop up and down.

    • The Trial leaderboard UI will no longer omit the personal best scores from some trials.

    • The Aurora Firepot assembly instructions and Hide Shoulder collectible are no longer hidden on Philius Dormier's store if you already own them.

    • Fixed an issue where the Cartographer costume would preview as the Mannimarco costume.

    • Fixed an issue with the furnishings “Log, Fallen Laurel” and “Tree, Sturdy Poplar” where the textures were stretched in unintended ways.
    • Fixed an issue with the furnishing “Mushrooms, Volcanic Cluster” where you could see through the base of the furnishing.
    • Fixed an issue with the furnishings “Alinor Sconce, Candles” and “Alinor Sconce, Candles Tall” where they did not properly align to surfaces when the align feature was used in the housing editor.
    • Fixed an issue with the furnishing "Indoril Streetlight, Full Stone" where its idle animation did not play.
    • Fixed a missing “Animated” tag from the furnishings "Deeproot's Undying Bloom" and “Khajiit Lantern, Hanging”.
    • Fixed an issue when previewing the furnishing "Statue of the Mother", the statue would face away from the camera.
    • Adjusted the names of the following furnishings so they follow our naming conventions for Bookcases and Bookshelves. Bookcases being shelving units that are freestanding and do not require a wall, while bookshelves are wall-mounted shelves and generally are not freestanding and require a wall.
      • Alinor Bookcase, Grand Full
      • Alinor Bookcase, Polished
      • Alinor Bookcase Wall, Timeworn
      • Ancient Nord Bookcase, Narrow
      • Ancient Nord Bookcase, Wide
      • Apocrypha Bookcase, Corner
      • Apocrypha Bookshelf, Intricate Filled
      • Argonian Bookcase, Short Woven
      • Ayleid Bookcase, Bare
      • Coldharbour Bookcase, Filled
      • Coldharbour Bookcase, Black Laboratory
      • Coldharbour Bookcase, Filled Wide
      • Coldharbour Bookcase, Filled Pillar
      • Elsweyr Bookcase, Ancient Stone Full
      • Elsweyr Bookshelf, Elegant Wooden
      • Elsweyr Bookcase, Elegant Wooden Full
      • Elsweyr Bookcase, Short Elegant
      • Elsweyr Bookcase, Short Elegant Full
      • Elsweyr Bookcase, Wooden
      • Elsweyr Bookcase, Wooden Full
      • High Elf Bookcase, Short Verdant
      • High Elf Bookcase, Short Winged
      • High Elf Bookcase, Verdant
      • High Elf Bookcase, Winged
      • Khajiit Bookcase, Short Arched
      • Murkmire Bookcase
      • Murkmire Bookcase, Full
      • Murkmire Bookcase, Grand
      • Murkmire Bookcase, Grand Full
      • Nord Bookcase, Short Alcove
      • Orcish Bookcase, Engraved
      • Orcish Bookcase, Peaked

    • Fixed an issue where you could not log in to some characters if you had too many outgoing gifts. Gifts are now limited to 500 at a time.
    • Fixed an issue where you could not move your character for a couple seconds after using a Wayshrine while having a polymorph equipped.
    • Fixed an issue where skipping the tutorial after creating a new character, and before logging in to another character after purchasing a new DLC, would not place you in the most recently purchased DLC starting area.
    • Fixed an issue where your mount speed could go above 60, in some rare cases.

    • Dragons are no longer affected by Minor Mangle procs from Hemorrhage.
    • Dark Aeon Senche-raht nameplates are no longer incorrectly offset from the monster.
    • Several Werewolf Behemoth monsters no longer have tiny weapons in their paws after transforming.

    • Fixed a number of typos across conversations, books, and responses throughout the game.
    • Adjusted yet another few hundred clipping, floating, or inaccessible creatures, resource nodes, books, and monsters.

    • Raiders at the Crossing: Nightseer now has a proper nameplate over her head.

    • Improved the accuracy of your character’s position on the map while inside Bloodthorn Lair.

    • Moved the Star-Gazer Herald somewhat closer to Craglorn proper; it is now outside of Hallin's Stand in Bangkorai.

    • Fixed an issue with Falvis Raram in Mournhold, who was not properly acting as a navigator with the quest pin system when connecting from Mournhold to either Wayrest or Elden Root.

    Main Quest
    • Soul Shriven in Coldharbour:
      • This quest now uses proper "main story" icons on its Journal entry, compass pins, and map pins.
      • Fixed an issue in Bleakrock Isle where you could hug a wall and despawn the Prophet after escaping Coldharbour.

    • Shornhelm Divided: Fixed an issue where killing Juberic and Orlozag did not advance their respective hint conditions.

    • Updated the OTP messaging to indicate you may not have received an OTP email due to an incorrect UserID.
    • Added the option to reveal your password on the login screen.
    • Fixed a number of issues with off-centered maps in various spaces.
    • Added some error messages to a number of doors across the game to explain why they are uninteractable.
    • Fixed an issue where invisible NPCs would sometimes display a nameplate over their heads.
    • Loot stream entries from different bonus drop sources no longer merge into a single entry.
    • Stolen items will now display the correct value in your inventory after using a fence specifically in the Keyboard UI.
    • Fixed an issue where opening a dialog directly from a right-click context menu in the sort filter list could cause the highlight of the sort filter list selection to become stuck.

    Accessibility Mode
    • Removed a reference to screen narration from the initial Accessibility Mode prompt.

    Gamepad Mode
    • Removed reference to a "Change Email" button from the “Resend Email Verification” tooltip.
    • Fixed an issue where the sort header selection for level in the group menu was being narrated as "L-V-L" instead of "level".

    Help & Tutorials
    • Added information in the Champion Point help entries with a reminder that the points can be spent on any character on that account, including sub-level-50 characters.

    Screen Narration
    • Fixed an issue where the invalid name tooltip in the armory settings dialog was not narrating.

    Target Markers
    • Target Markers will now be removed from player characters in a group when they enter a Battleground or Cyrodill.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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