And there is always hundreds of people like you, that naturally assume the game is broken because your garbage pc, and Wal-Mart internet can't handle it. You and people like you are way to over dramatic the game has been out for three days and its not even official, yet you insist on complaining. Rather than filling out a bug report or even beginning to accept the fact that half of the problems in the these forums and the forums of every other mmo are caused by shity computers rather than shity coding. No one ever accepts the possibility that its their own setup they cry and cry and bash the game even though thousands experience no issues what so ever. The fact is every new mmo has bugs just like every old mmo has bugs.Wait for the maintenance tomorrow and least try to remedy the problemon your end instead of crying here. Im not saying therw aren't bugs because there are. How ever you can at least attempt the basics on your end.Etchesketch wrote: »Failure to transfer... obviously they are having problems in prime time. Despite mister everything is working.... always gonna be one of these guys.
Hopefully it will settle down as people wear out on the game.
Clotholachesisatropos666b14_ESO wrote: »And there is always hundreds of you, that naturally assume the game is broken because your garbage pc, and Wal-Mart internet can't handle. You and people like you are way to over dramatic the game has been out for three days and its not even official yet you insist in complaining. Rather than filling out a bug report or even beginning to accept the fact that half of the problems in the seal forums and the forums of every other mmo are caused by s hity computers rather than shirt coding. No one ever accepts that possibility that its their own setup they cry and cry and bash the game even though thousands experience no issues what so ever. The fact is every new mmo has bugs just like every old mmo has bugs.Wait for the maintenance tomorrow and least try to remedy the problemon your end instead of crying here.Etchesketch wrote: »Failure to transfer... obviously they are having problems in prime time. Despite mister everything is working.... always gonna be one of these guys.
Hopefully it will settle down as people wear out on the game.
Was all that really necessary?Clotholachesisatropos666b14_ESO wrote: »And there is always hundreds of you, that naturally assume the game is broken because your garbage pc, and Wal-Mart internet can't handle. You and people like you are way to over dramatic the game has been out for three days and its not even official yet you insist in complaining.
This got bad last night, but tonight is worse. Tried logging out then back in but it won't let me back in the game now. Just sits there pretending it is loading (for a half hour!?)....
Tried multiple toons, but will not actually run the game now.
A game that simply stops running during prime time on the east coast is a game that cannot ever be realistically played...
Clotholachesisatropos666b14_ESO wrote: »snip.Etchesketch wrote: »Failure to transfer... obviously they are having problems in prime time. Despite mister everything is working.... always gonna be one of these guys.
Hopefully it will settle down as people wear out on the game.
Clotholachesisatropos666b14_ESO wrote: »Once again you're wrong I've played every beta since November with no issues. You're better off not making dumb ass comments like this one because you quite clearly do not understand.what you're suggesting in this insult to me would be a problem with your isp and your backwoods router. Try again though its cute lol