Character Creation

1.)I've noticed that it's very difficult to see the character that we're creating since it's so dark. Maybe add some light around the character so we can pay more attention to the details of our character? That would be great.
2.)I've also noticed that sometimes when making a character the zoom in and zoom out doesn't work. Even clicking the (+) or (-) doesn't work. Possible bug? Maybe. If so please fix.
These are my only issues if any of you are having the same problem please post, so that staff may know it's an issue that needs to be fixed.
  • Zilyana
    If you make a character then delete it then make another character this has been reported to temporarily fix the zoom problem.
  • nooneonboard
    "Fixed an issue where you could not zoom in to look at your first character’s face in the character creation menu."

    I just realize I had that problem last Sunday. Went on random and start leveling. Is there any place for change appearance setting? I don't want to remake character and level up again.
    Dum Spiro Spero
  • gunplummer
    In both the beta and main game the 1st character wouldn't zoom in. Each additional character had no problems.
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