I'm about to miss the whole early access period because of some annoying bug with the access code mailing system plus slow to non-existent customer support. Two days ago I created a ticket for my problem (for reference: #140330-035990) and still haven't heard anything; not even a "thank you for your ticket" mail or whatever.
Be that as it may, my issue at the moment is, that I get that "this computer is not authorized" message -- but no mail. Not in my junk mail folder, not after 10 mins of waiting, not even after trying for what must have been the 100th time. And all other ESO related mails got delivered just fine to the same mail address (beta invites, early access announcement, what-have-you).
I'm seriously pissed of by now, so excuse my somewhat harsh language and unrealistically high expectations. I really hope this gets resolved soon.