First off, I'm not angry. I just want to express my opinion on the way customer support has worked with me and I'm curious to know if anyone else has had a similar experience or if my case is just an exception.
I got up about 15 minutes before 5 in the morning for 5-day early access. I had a problem with my computer playing the game, so I set up a call with customer support. I gave a general explanation of what was happening, and waited for a call back. Later that day I checked my email wondering what was going on, and I realized that they had sent an email to me at 10 in the morning saying that... "mudcrabs have clogged the communication line." So it was 5 hours later, and it wasn't a call, but I figured, okay, no big deal, it's launch day, this is normal. So I sent an email back explaining that that hadn't worked. It's been 3 days and they haven't replied to that email yet.
That afternoon I called customer support and left a message (like it asks you to when you call), but again no call back.
While I was waiting, I was talking to people on the forums for a solution. They were great, helped me any way they could - someone suggested filling out another ticket now that we had generally figured out what was going on.
The next morning I made another ticket. This time in much more detail and explaining to them what we had figured out. I walked away for 5 minutes to brush my teeth and while I was in the bathroom my email went off. I thought that there was no way they would answer me that fast when they haven't answered anything else I had sent and I'd been waiting 24 hours for a reply. But lo and behold, within 5 minutes an email from them. Great! They told me to do everything I had done and basically asked for the same information I had just sent with the ticket. But I didn't care - they had replied and it was about to get solved, so I was grateful and gave them whatever information they wanted.
Again, within maybe 10 minutes another reply back. The person from customer support said that this issue would have to be sent off to a specialized team and that they would report back to me.....ASAP. Still haven't gotten any kind of response back from them either.
This was EXTREMELY frustrating, and I love the Elder Scrolls games. I wanted to play this so badly, but their customer support made this whole experience terrible. They couldn't reply to someone who had been waiting for days? I know it's right after launch, but you can respond to someone within 5 minutes and not someone who has been waiting and waiting? I don't like that, and I don't appreciate it for spending $80 on your game and planning to spend $15 a month toward you from that day on.
It would have been nice getting any kind of response back.
Thanks, customer support, big help.
I ended up just buying an expensive desktop for one game.
As a side note, I'm glad they've been working on a fix for the big issues - it should help someone out.
Edited by Nurrasana on April 1, 2014 5:50PM