I feel the need to weigh in. I’m referring to:
Jerall Mountains Warchief
* 1 – Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
* 2 – Dealing damage applies a stack of Malady to your enemy, reducing Healing Taken by 1% for 5 seconds, up to 35 stacks. You can apply a stack once every 0.5 seconds. Applying Malady gives you a stack of Contagion, reducing Healing Taken by 1% for 5 seconds, up to 15 stacks. You can only gain a stack once every 1 second.
ZOS has made themself abundantly clear that they want to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for new players, especially in PVP, where they can have a bigger role and influence in the gameplay.
I completely understand the direction they are moving into, however disagree with the path they seems to be taking.
IMHO, I DO NOT agree with encouraging passive playstyle, especially when it can lead to better outcomes that are otherwise unattainable.
IT MAKES THE GAME BORING, the trend of automating dmg/healing/defense NEEDS to be gone or suppressed!
Some examples: Mara’s Balm from last patch( thank god), vateshran ice staff, master dual wield, strong hots that require people standing still (Templar rune, dk ash cloud etc), and warden’s health stacking meta.
The stiffness of current PVP environment should be more than enough to manifest that, the enjoyment deprived from unearned passive power is NOT sustainable, because fundamentally, low effort high rewards is not fun.
That being said, please look at one of the newly introduced monster set in PTS.
It requires little to no effort (just slam a few ranged dots + light attacks), and then is able to reduce targets’ healing by 35%, or by 59% if combined with major/minor defile.
In group settings, especially if one is outnumbering one’s enemy, this set would be ridiculously overpowered, while the drawback it “seems” to have is negligible.
Even in duels, I foresee Arcanist to be T0 (since main heal is shield) just because of this set (since auto win after 10-20s debuff build up time, against most classes).
I can say with full confidence, if this set makes to live server as it is, solo play
would go instinct overnight. Nobody without purge could survive more than 30 seconds, not with 59% healing reduction on top of battle spirit.
As a self-claimed 1vx player, I welcome everyone, especially new pvp players, to be more “impactful”, but not in this way, not in an “auto lose” or “auto win” way.
Instead, if ZOS truly wants to balance 1vx & outnumbered PVP, in a much more healthy way, here are some of my takes:
1. remove or heavily nerf 20% healing increase when near a keep or tower (maybe 5% healing & shield strength increase).
2. Remove or heavily nerf 20% recovery increase & 10% spd/wd increase after taking a keep or tower. (Continuous attack buff does make 1vx/outnumbered situation a lot easier, trust me)
3. Remove or heavily nerf undeath passive.
And since I’m at it, here are some actual suggestions I personally believe would make the game more dynamic and fun to play (or play against)
1. Make resources points more important in the grand scheme of things, for example 3 resources cut will destroy the outer door in 5mins, and all walls in another 10 mins. (to incentivize actual fights taking places, instead of everyone crowded near keeps, zerging & sieging.
2. introduce scaling-ladder-like siege. Again, to encourage different types of gameplay, and to make things more chaotic and fun. I suggest 2-man operable, takes 10s to climb while disable all skill casting.
3. Fix stuck in combat bug!!
4. Buff sorc. Make conversion/exchange an instant cast ability.
5. Buff necro, give some sort of major savagery and/or brutality buff attached with class skill.
Alright, if you are still here, I appreciate your time and attention, since this post should’ve long exceeded the “too long didn’t read” threshold.
In the end, I want to say that, some of the changes made in pts are actually quite good, such as improvements on “spectral bow” and double bar savagery buff on “invis cloak”.
Not that I believe nightblade needs any sort of buff, it’s already a very competitive class in PVP.
My point is, if ZOS aims to make this game more “accessible”, I would rather them to simplify game mechanics, instead of automating everything.
Hence, please reconsider releasing sets like “Jerall Mountains Warchief”. automatic/passive strong effects should be either severely suppressed or completely removed.