StoneSilence wrote: »If you have a guild, you can set a group of crafters and mail each other the items you dont use to free bag space and "powerlevel" your crafts. It's what I do and love it.
If yo have no guild, but have a friend, you can both install the return mail addon and mail each other items which will be auto returned to you.
You can actually craft with all those provisioning mats and raise your provisioning instead of banking them all.
EzikielStorm wrote: »I decided to try and work on Clothing and provisioning. I havent managed to get above level 14 yet due to CONSTANTLY having to go back to town and sell and put things in the bank. Of 80 bag slots and 80 bank slots at least 100 of these are full of provisioner materials!
Cant we get a seperate provisioners bag please? Im getting frustrated with the constant "bags and bank" full messages.
Im trying to decide if i should just infact never loot another crate or sack again and drop provisioning so i can actually play the game, instead of the "bag micro management" mini game.
Pretty please with cherries on top FIX provisioner mats spam!
michael.fielderrwb17_ESO wrote: »I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but a quick but awkward fix for bag/bank limitations is to make a bank mule. Store low level mats/pets/not frequently used items on the mule