all i see is him zoning you away from the action. this isn't a counter... if you have to run you are wasting several gcds on fighting
SilverIce58 wrote: »So your hard counter is to run away? Good luck beating anyone like that.
HidesInPlainSight wrote: »
Reengage. They now have no Crux up and no ultimate. If he had not dumped ulti, i would have turned, light attack and bashed. Arcanist entire kit is denied by moving to the side or out of can strafe, dodge through, simply out run their beam. Every offense ability besides Blades and a *** DoT, are 100% useless in any kind of lag. Blades is easily dodgeable, with an extremely open window to dodge. Often you can get 2 full cast of Blades dodged in one roll.