No way I don´t like Cyrodiil much. It is a ongoing problem. The game lags, or crash lol no thanks! If no Event is on, you don´t play a Campaign. Take over a basic keep, that´s about 6-8k AP´s. And for a basic farm 1.3K AP´s. IF you arrive in time, and your faction is still fighting. If not frustrations ahead. A Event boost that process no doubt. I remember a battleground match during a Event. Our team won, first place.I collected 35k AP´s!! For 15 minutes work.
I agree avoiding fights don´t work always in Battleground, but you can try. Even if they attack you, you can ignore it. Some guys love to drag you into a fight, to keep you busy. The rest of their team try to capture a flag, or grab a relic in the meantime. I once tried to steal a relic. A enemy player, was kneeing right next to it. I didn´t fight, I just grabbed it and ran. You think the guy saw me? Had to laugh a lot.
I never cared about the quality of my armor. Should I? ZOS nerf so much armor, what´s the use? I never cared, if the others are stronger or not. Let the other feel like heroes. With all their bomber builds, invisible potions, and other fancy skills lol. I was just after the AP´s. That was my goal.
I know BG matches are unpredictable. Some groups suck, some are damn fast. I joined a Battleground match with 3 others.Crazy King. 2 of them left after 5 minutes. Lo and behold...............the two of us won the match! I still got the image, with the scoreboard. It shows you can win, even if you are bad in PVP. Ignore the fact, the others are stronger as you. You can score like I did!