Have you ever done a battleground?

  • wilykcat
    In reality this discussion should of been posted in the pvp section: battlegrounds category. It would make more sense there.

    Anyways I only do battlegrounds when they are for the daily or weekly endeavors.
  • KlauthWarthog
    I would run them if I could queue for specific modes.
    Alas, I can't, so I don't.
  • markulrich1966
    only for event tickets. I mainly PVE, but also enjoy cyrodiil, though no direct fights, mostly siege.

    The crazy king BGs are easy, you just have to run to flags and stand there, fighting off other players.
    In case you get killed too quickly, focus on running to new spawning flags while the others are busy fighting each other at the flags that spawned before. Like this you can many points, too.

    Such a match takes 15 minutes, it is ok for a ticket or endeavours, even if you mainly PVE. Apart from that I find them boring and repetitive.
    Edited by markulrich1966 on June 27, 2023 1:52AM
  • FeedbackOnly
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    i have.

    Do you enjoy battleground rewards?
    i like the transmute crystals, outfit styles, and antiquity lead for the Alessia statue

    Do you enjoy the maps in battlegrounds?
    they're fine
    i don't have a favourite and i don't have a least favourite

    Do you enjoy the different modes in battlegrounds?
    i enjoy everything except deathmatch

    What issues do you have with battlegrounds?
    people trying to do deathmatch in a different mode.
    not being able to choose specific modes like specific dungeons.

    none of the modes are pve. you can kill players on the other teams in each mode.

    I mean PvE like not to say it wasn't pvp
  • SeaGtGruff
    wilykcat wrote: »
    In reality this discussion should of been posted in the pvp section: battlegrounds category. It would make more sense there.

    Anyways I only do battlegrounds when they are for the daily or weekly endeavors.

    It will probably get moved there eventually, but the poll is probably more likely to get votes if it's in this forum.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    wilykcat wrote: »
    In reality this discussion should of been posted in the pvp section: battlegrounds category. It would make more sense there.

    Anyways I only do battlegrounds when they are for the daily or weekly endeavors.

    The only people that will respond in Battlegrounds are people that read the forums on recent or people that view the Battlegrounds forum.

    If you want to hear from people that don't necessarily do them much that's probably not the optimal place to put it.
  • endgamesmug
    Pvdoor doesnt do much for me so i do like for the most part you have the challenge of killing possibly experienced players in bgs.
  • disintegr8
    I've done a handful of battles when friends have dragged mw in and that's it. I just don't like fighting against other players (I also have auto decline duels).

    I can enjoy Cyrodiil in small doses to chase AP and transmute crystals but don't seek out fights against other players as that's not fun for me. High ping and middle age reflexes don't help either.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's about Battlegrounds.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • Hapexamendios
    I've done them for the weekly endeavors before because it took the least amount of time. Also did them to get a lead before. I don't like PvP, but I find Battlegrounds to be more palatable than Cyrodiil.
  • jtm1018
    Yes bg dweller here. Its all I do now since necrom is a big pass for me.
    If not for bg, I will just login for daily reward.
  • Soarora
    I do them but not consistently. I'm a PvE main at the end of the day.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • merpins
    I'm not interested i PVP, but do battleground dailies when I feel like it for the exp and motifs. I still want a few motif pieces, like the runner maul which is just a baseball bat for example. But I don't run more than like 2 a day if I'm really feeling it, and never more than once on the same character. And it's usually something I don't do at all.
  • Tenthirty2
    I'm a nope. Never tried in ESO and no plans to.

    I've done PVP in other games and it's ok, but it's not something I feel I'm missing from ESO and I have SO much other content I can do :)
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • rpa
    A bunch during some event. Only on a lowbie char and not enough to learn the maps. Could be fun but I'm not going to bother gear and build for PvP any soon, too bad.
    (I did PvP quite a lot in my previous MMO of choice (RIP) when I finally got into it. In that game PvP was balanced separately and max PvP gear grind was short and easy.)
  • Tandor

    What's that could cover never or that was my intention.

    What aren't you interested though? Not even a little bit ? @Tandor

    I simply have no interest in PvP in ESO whatsoever, in any of its forms. Just like I have no interest in card games or trials. Those things are not why I play ESO.
  • Tandor

    Typical PvPer's response, but a good reminder to many players why they don't bother with PvP.

    [Removed Quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Kraken on June 27, 2023 5:29PM
  • Wolf_Eye
    Tandor wrote: »

    I simply have no interest in PvP in ESO whatsoever, in any of its forms. Just like I have no interest in card games or trials. Those things are not why I play ESO.

    I don't like PVP because I don't feel any satisfaction when I win and kill players. It inspires the same emotional reaction in me as watching the paint dry. Players are simply obstacles in my way of getting some kind of prize (example, the red dye) that I actually want.

    In contrast, I do like killing AI because my brain apparently likes finding patterns in fights. And AI always acts according to some defined pattern.
  • Fallefel
    I think majority doesn't like PvP for reasons; being bad at it, no story, no willingness to improve due to frustration of being bad. Usually frustration doubles, because it's not a scripted NPC rather a real person whom they died to. This doubles down even further especially when surrounded by content that is hard to fail in and the mindset carries on. No bashing intended here, just my observations through many mmos.

    I personally do every content that includes combat as I view it as a main feature. Be it PvE or PvP anything works. I've noticed though that the lack of arenas or ranked PvP content do fade my interest in PvP. I can't do my seasonal gladiators like in WoW. Still good content.
  • Wolf_Eye
    Fallefel wrote: »
    I think majority doesn't like PvP for reasons; being bad at it, no story, no willingness to improve due to frustration of being bad. Usually frustration doubles, because it's not a scripted NPC rather a real person whom they died to. This doubles down even further especially when surrounded by content that is hard to fail in and the mindset carries on. No bashing intended here, just my observations through many mmos.

    I personally do every content that includes combat as I view it as a main feature. Be it PvE or PvP anything works. I've noticed though that the lack of arenas or ranked PvP content do fade my interest in PvP. I can't do my seasonal gladiators like in WoW. Still good content.

    I got good grades in math in school, but hated every minute of it because I hate math. Disliking something doesn't automatically mean you're bad at it, otherwise I would have failed math.

    You can be very good at something yet still dislike it. The two are not mutually exclusive.

    People can dislike something just because they dislike it. You cannot control what your favorite foods are, as your brain dictates to you (through your taste buds) which foods you should love and which you should hate. A person who dislikes spinach has no "reason" for disliking spinach other than "it tastes bad". They can't force themselves to "change their mind" because no one can magically change their taste receptors.

    It's the same with any kind of like and dislike. Sometimes your brain simply refuses to release dopamine for certain situations...and there is little you can do to change this. Short of doing drugs, that is (and I would not recommend that).

    Just wanted to add my two cents.
  • AuroranGoldenEagle
    Dabbled in BGs for seals a few times, but not my cup of tea, particularly after being told by a teammate that I belong only in overland.

    Haven't played much pvp overall in games since the early CoD days.
    I have way more fun in PvE with random dungeons and the nonsense that goes on there
    You have discovered the thirty-seventh Sermon of Vivec, which is a bending of the light, long past the chronicles of the Hortator who wore inconstant faces and ruled however they would, until apocalypse.
  • Fallefel
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »

    I got good grades in math in school, but hated every minute of it because I hate math. Disliking something doesn't automatically mean you're bad at it, otherwise I would have failed math.

    You can be very good at something yet still dislike it. The two are not mutually exclusive.

    People can dislike something just because they dislike it. You cannot control what your favorite foods are, as your brain dictates to you (through your taste buds) which foods you should love and which you should hate. A person who dislikes spinach has no "reason" for disliking spinach other than "it tastes bad". They can't force themselves to "change their mind" because no one can magically change their taste receptors.

    It's the same with any kind of like and dislike. Sometimes your brain simply refuses to release dopamine for certain situations...and there is little you can do to change this. Short of doing drugs, that is (and I would not recommend that).

    Just wanted to add my two cents.

    True! This can absolutely be the case. Especially since I somewhat fall into this category due to the missing ranked versions.

    I just think that, based on my experience, your situation falls into such marginal category that I didn't find it accurate to represent majority. Speaking from my exp again, most players in MMOs are casuals and usually MMO PvP requires effort that they aren't willing to put in. It doesn't match their playstyle. I think this is true to ESO aswell even though it has the lowest barrier of entry.

    There can be thousands of other reasons why to dislike PvP, I just found those to be top picks and didn't feel necessary to list all I could think of.

    EDIT: Now when I think of it; I'm assuming your reply was prompted due to the gloom-ish nature of my post and I can assure you, it wasn't my intention to seem bashful or annoying. 😄 Thanks for lighting up the situation a bit. I might've unintentionally created a bit negative point of view looking at people not liking PvP or battlegrounds.
    Edited by Fallefel on June 29, 2023 1:07PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    i played BGs a lot more in the early period (the year or 2 after release of BGs), then as they made changes to it i started playing it less, and it also was less fun when i kept getting matched up against super sweaty players

    i still have some achievements left to collect, but because theres no way to select a specific mode, and 90% of the people i end up playing against are super sweaty players still, its just not fun to try to accomplish anything in there

    i know im not the best pvper, i dont follow or use what people consider a meta build, but ive spent enough time in pvp to kind of know what to look for, what to avoid etc (made it to alliance rank 49 on 1 character, and lived in IC for many number of years, so ive put in my fair share of time)

    i also personally find the rewards of BGs to be lacking, you get zero AP while your actively fighting other players in the match, no rewards whatsoever until the end of the match

    i dont mind that there is certain sets you can only get from BGs, but ive actually collected all of them already, so there isnt a lot of reward to continue playing them unless i wanted to actually finish the achievements
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Wolf_Eye
    Fallefel wrote: »

    True! This can absolutely be the case. Especially since I somewhat fall into this category due to the missing ranked versions.

    I just think that, based on my experience, your situation falls into such marginal category that I didn't find it accurate to represent majority. Speaking from my exp again, most players in MMOs are casuals and usually MMO PvP requires effort that they aren't willing to put in. It doesn't match their playstyle. I think this is true to ESO aswell even though it has the lowest barrier of entry.

    There can be thousands of other reasons why to dislike PvP, I just found those to be top picks and didn't feel necessary to list all I could think of.

    EDIT: Now when I think of it; I'm assuming your reply was prompted due to the gloom-ish nature of my post and I can assure you, it wasn't my intention to seem bashful or annoying. 😄 Thanks for lighting up the situation a bit. I might've unintentionally created a bit negative point of view looking at people not liking PvP or battlegrounds.

    I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound combative myself, if I came across that way.

    Admittedly, there's a bit of personal frustration here, because I did really well in statistics (straight A's in Masters' class stats) but really really disliked it.

    I've had people tell me I should go into statistics. That I'd be "so good at it!". And I probably would, to be honest. But just imagining being stuck in a job that I hate all because of the peer pressure...all because I'd be "good at it"...It just rubs me the wrong way. I've purposefully not looked at a statistics textbook in a long time because of it.

    So I guess I get a little bit defensive when people make the connection that you must automatically like something you're good at (worst, that you should be FORCED to like it), and contrariwise that everything you dislike must automatically be something you're bad at.

    I've gotten into painting lately, with a game (more of a program) that's about painting. I'm definitely not good at it..I got um...stick figures for days, let's just say. But I enjoy it, and really think it relaxes me. And I'm pretty proud of a lot of the, admittedly ugly, pieces I've made.

    Everyone starts off not being good at something. But if you enjoy it, then you have a chance to improve from there. If you don't enjoy it, that's when you decide not to do anything to advance your skill.

    So I'm...I'm not sure I completely agree that everyone who's new at PVP and fails will consequently be too frustrated to try again. We have a pretty robust PVP crowd, so there must have been many new PVPers at one point who decided to push themselves to be better in spite of the setbacks.

    Everyone loses in the beginning; it's the desire to put that aside and advance ever forward that's an admirable part of the human nature. But only as long as there's a spark of interest to begin with, because if you hate the whole package then there's little point in forcing yourself to do something you despise.

    Sorry for the ramble. I just...have a lot of feelings about this. And probably needed to get some of it off my chest.

    We all only have so long to live our lives, and I think it's important to always try and weigh your options. Always try to pursue that which you enjoy, and try to avoid that which you do not. And compare any potential benefits and consequences of such choices....

    Thanks for taking the time to talk with me. I really do appreciate it.
  • DrNukenstein
    Do you enjoy battleground rewards? No, I think they pay out too few transmutes compared to running a random dungeon. Also most of the sets are not very useful or profitable; exceptions being PB/DC/Hrotghars/Maras balm when they were busted and Rallying Cry ice staves.

    Do you enjoy the maps in battlegrounds? Yeah they each add a different dynamic. Even the lava map is fun in it's own way

    Do you enjoy the different modes in battlegrounds? Not really. Most objectives are anti pvp, and actual death matches are primarily decided by healer diff or whether or not your team has exactly one.

    What issues do you have with battlegrounds? The rewards, matchmaking algorithm (it's pretty much just number of games played), scoring and design of objectives, a cultural problem in the game where people would rather not die than get a kill.
    -With bad rewards, players drop pvp fast.

    -The few that play maybe 20 games over 3 weeks will find themselves in sweat tier by week 4.

    -Crazy king actively discourages fighting, and other non dm objectives can be cheesed by immortal tank builds.

    -At some point many players in this video game decided they'd rather play to not get flexed on than to flex on others. This is not the way.

  • DarcyMardin
    Never. Not my thing.
  • Rhaegar75
    Love PvP, like BGs, hate the MMR.

    I love PvPing if I'm up against people that are more or less in my skill bracket -good fights, sometimes you die, sometimes you win. I feel that ESO's MMR is based on quantity rather than quality and, as a result, I often end up pitched against streamers and content creators. Most of them are really nice people and it's fun to talk to them after a fight.

    however, you can't put a casual jogger against a gold medalist: it gets frustrating and boring.

    The average troll will now say "get good", "train" or else. I have no time nor desire to train....it's a game not a job.

    To cut a very long story short: BGs could be great if there was a more logical match making system.
  • Braggar
    i played BGs a lot more in the early period (the year or 2 after release of BGs), then as they made changes to it i started playing it less, and it also was less fun when i kept getting matched up against super sweaty players

    i still have some achievements left to collect, but because theres no way to select a specific mode, and 90% of the people i end up playing against are super sweaty players still, its just not fun to try to accomplish anything in there

    i know im not the best pvper, i dont follow or use what people consider a meta build, but ive spent enough time in pvp to kind of know what to look for, what to avoid etc (made it to alliance rank 49 on 1 character, and lived in IC for many number of years, so ive put in my fair share of time)

    i also personally find the rewards of BGs to be lacking, you get zero AP while your actively fighting other players in the match, no rewards whatsoever until the end of the match

    i dont mind that there is certain sets you can only get from BGs, but ive actually collected all of them already, so there isnt a lot of reward to continue playing them unless i wanted to actually finish the achievements

    I focused on Battlegrounds for a while. Needed to level up in Alliance War. I get there faster results, as in Cyrodiil. A lot of Alliance Points. But I can´t say I enjoyed it. It was yawn a dull chore, to reach a certain goal that´s all. I agree the reward is really not exiting. One time I reached Alliance War level 38. I wondered how much Battleground matches do I need, to reach level 39? I counted it. A total of 164! HAH 164 matches x 15 minutes. Crazy! What I noticed during the matches, you don´t has to be a superman. If you can´t fight well, if your armor is not strong, focus on points. Let the others bash their heads in. You walk around that chaos and score. Capture a flag, steal a relic etc.
  • Necrotech_Master
    Braggar wrote: »

    I focused on Battlegrounds for a while. Needed to level up in Alliance War. I get there faster results, as in Cyrodiil. A lot of Alliance Points. But I can´t say I enjoyed it. It was yawn a dull chore, to reach a certain goal that´s all. I agree the reward is really not exiting. One time I reached Alliance War level 38. I wondered how much Battleground matches do I need, to reach level 39? I counted it. A total of 164! HAH 164 matches x 15 minutes. Crazy! What I noticed during the matches, you don´t has to be a superman. If you can´t fight well, if your armor is not strong, focus on points. Let the others bash their heads in. You walk around that chaos and score. Capture a flag, steal a relic etc.

    i wouldnt farm alliance pts using BGs ever lol, the gains are much better in cyro where i can somewhat consistently get between 50-100k per hour (maybe a bit more depending on if the event is active)

    avoiding fights doesnt work all the time in BGs, what if the enemy teams camping both enemy relics just to prolong the game? there is no avoiding the fight there because you cant capture a relic if the enemy has yours

    even fights with flags you will cross paths with people, or someone will be paying attention to the map and go after you

    i know im not that great at pvp, i dont use anything resembling a meta build, and i know in most 1v1 fights im going to lose, but thats the problem with BGs, when your put in a game, there is no MMR, so you will eventually only get matched up with super sweaty people and ALWAYS lose because you end up fighting way above your skill level

    there are also times when it fails to fill your team so your sometimes left with a team less than 4 which makes it almost impossible to win unless your really really good, or the enemy players are really really bad, the small scale environment just shows how OP certain specs are

    these problems dont exist in cyrodiil
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Braggar
    [quote i wouldnt farm alliance pts using BGs ever lol, the gains are much better in cyro where i can somewhat consistently get between 50-100k per hour (maybe a bit more depending on if the event is active)

    avoiding fights doesnt work all the time in BGs, what if the enemy teams camping both enemy relics just to prolong the game? there is no avoiding the fight there because you cant capture a relic if the enemy has yours

    even fights with flags you will cross paths with people, or someone will be paying attention to the map and go after you

    i know im not that great at pvp, i dont use anything resembling a meta build, and i know in most 1v1 fights im going to lose, but thats the problem with BGs, when your put in a game, there is no MMR, so you will eventually only get matched up with super sweaty people and ALWAYS lose because you end up fighting way above your skill level

    there are also times when it fails to fill your team so your sometimes left with a team less than 4 which makes it almost impossible to win unless your really really good, or the enemy players are really really bad, the small scale environment just shows how OP certain specs are

    these problems dont exist in cyrodiil[/quote]

    No way I don´t like Cyrodiil much. It is a ongoing problem. The game lags, or crash lol no thanks! If no Event is on, you don´t play a Campaign. Take over a basic keep, that´s about 6-8k AP´s. And for a basic farm 1.3K AP´s. IF you arrive in time, and your faction is still fighting. If not frustrations ahead. A Event boost that process no doubt. I remember a battleground match during a Event. Our team won, first place.I collected 35k AP´s!! For 15 minutes work.

    I agree avoiding fights don´t work always in Battleground, but you can try. Even if they attack you, you can ignore it. Some guys love to drag you into a fight, to keep you busy. The rest of their team try to capture a flag, or grab a relic in the meantime. I once tried to steal a relic. A enemy player, was kneeing right next to it. I didn´t fight, I just grabbed it and ran. You think the guy saw me? Had to laugh a lot.

    I never cared about the quality of my armor. Should I? ZOS nerf so much armor, what´s the use? I never cared, if the others are stronger or not. Let the other feel like heroes. With all their bomber builds, invisible potions, and other fancy skills lol. I was just after the AP´s. That was my goal.

    I know BG matches are unpredictable. Some groups suck, some are damn fast. I joined a Battleground match with 3 others.Crazy King. 2 of them left after 5 minutes. Lo and behold...............the two of us won the match! I still got the image, with the scoreboard. It shows you can win, even if you are bad in PVP. Ignore the fact, the others are stronger as you. You can score like I did!
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