There are a couple gold farmers posting wall of texts plus some can't be ignored for some reason

I have been reporting and ignoring the farmers but right now there are couple of them posting 25 to 30 line messages and when you try to click on there name to ignore them you can't. there is also a character posting a block of empty space and you can't ignore him either.
  • EQBallzz
    The reason you can't ignore them is they are formatting the text with a "fake" name on a fake starting line of chat using spaces. Try scrolling up and seeing the real name. It's quite clever but very, very annoying. It looks something like this..

    [real name] zone: lots of space to push this line out of your chat window
    [fake name you are trying to click on] zone: spam
  • babylon
    This^ It's an old trick.
  • vasdrakken
    Then the devs should re-enable logging the chat to text file, allow the chat window to be resized how ever big we want so we can nail these guys. That should be considered an exploit, if they can mess with your ability to see the chat window and prevent you from ignoring them. It is not so much as to if we can report them or not but not being able to ignore them is a big issue.
  • Xael
    What would be grand is if a gm just watched the starter zones and began banning these cockroaches... We have 2 megaservers and 3 factions, it's not like you need a lot of manpower to put an end to this (unlike games like WoW that have 50 servers and several start areas...).

    I seriously hope this filth gets dealt with swift and harsh.
    Edited by Xael on April 1, 2014 11:59AM
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • Zilyana
    In-game press M to open the map, mouse over your chat box corner and click and drag to resize. You should be able to report and ignore the name this way.
  • Loxy37
    Ive not seen one gold seller yet on the EU side. I may just have missed them though.
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