Enemies that die to Disease damage (such as from Befouled Weapon or the Diseased status effect) are unable to be affected by abilities which require corpses. The animation for a humanoid dying to this kind of damage is unique, but even non-humanoid enemies are affected by this bug.
In the image above, the enemy on the left has died to Disease damage — you'll notice how they don't have the beam of light showing that the Corpse Ability can be used on them.
This has been a long-standing bug, and it affects the following Corpse Abilities:
- Repentance (Templar)
- Devour (Werewolf)
- Bitter Harvest and its morphs (Necromancer)
- Restoring Tether and its morphs (Necromancer)
- Shocking Siphon and its morphs (Necromancer)
...and so on.
This bug particularly affects werewolves, as one of their spammables, Infectious Claws, deals Disease damage. Every so often, an enemy will suffer a killing blow with Disease damage from Infectious Claws, and thus you will not be able to feed on them to gain time for your timer. This is frustrating to deal with in regular gameplay, especially when your timer is low and you end up losing form because you were not able to feed.
PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf
Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
Please give us Werewolf
Skill Styles (for customizing our fur color),
Grimoires/Scribing skills (to fill in the holes in our builds), and
Companions (to transform with).