I've been playing with the Almalexia deck on the PTS and I have some ideas I'd like to share for the user experience (UX). My feedback is primarily focused on the of the "Do an Action" prompt/modal/interstitial.
There are certain cards in ToT decks which prompts the player to look at your or the opponent's cards to make a choice. Here's a list of actions which utilize the same prompt:
- Donate (new, Almalexia)
- Confine (new, Almalexia)
- Refresh (Ansei)
- Toss (Psijic)
If you play with some combination of these decks, I found myself getting a bit lost as to what the action should be for the prompt. There is text at the top that says the action, but, let's be honest, when you get anywhere near proficient at this game or any software for that matter, users don't read. I'm wondering if we modified the prompt to make the action more clear.
Donate Example
This isn't the greatest aesthetic, but I wanted to show an idea here:
- Update the text to exclude the copy "up to". I felt like that was confusing since it's pretty much always 1. Also, I think adding context of "from your hand" helps the user understand where they're moving cards to and from.
- Not sure how we'd achieve this, but I added a large icon of the action to the left of the modal. It's a good way to reinforce the action without reading the text. This'll help more advance players speed up their gameplay while knowing exactly which action they're performing. Perhaps this would help with muscle memory. Note: I grabbed a screenshot of the icon from a card... it looks bad atm, lol.
Confine Example
- Update the text to exclude the copy "up to" and added "from your opponent's cooldown pile".
Remove the Bars
I understand why these bars are separating each of the patrons and the patron use counts, but I feel like they make the UI busy. Here's a rough edit of what it looks like without those bars.
Confined Cards
I found it a bit annoying that I had to press "F" to see the cards that were confined. I think you can remove this and just show the cards on click similar to when you have a lot of agents on the card mat.
Power Balance
I have played a few games with the Almalexia deck. I found the confine action to be super strong. I'm wondering if we put a maximum limit on the number of cards you can confine? It might not be as big of problem when playing other players rather than just the NPC. Also, Mournhold Clergy is crazy strong. It can pull in a lot of Prestige if you rotate through a lot of donations. I'm not sure how to balance this one, but just providing some feedback.
Thanks for reading and happy ToTing!
Edited by Raijindono on May 5, 2023 5:56PM