Necromancer. I need to speak up.

Removing harmony is overkill. This nerf almost killed any motivation to play. I played with harmony for three years and now I go to teso mainly for events. I started playing with other classes and when I enter the game that I love, I feel like some kind of abomination in my soul. In pvp, you have to completely rely on proc sets. Consuming corpses should give some sort of bonuses to the necromancer but basically they limit you to having to run mostly around corpses. The bodies disappear very quickly. Mortol coil is useful because it is supposedly free. But in response to this, everyone is now running around with vigor. Mortal coil is taken only if the necromancer has a free slot. But I don't have any free slots and have to rely on a poor Mara defensive set. Since without it, the necromancer does not have adequate protection. I used to be able to get 7000+ spell damage and kill. It was difficult because even in that case, on a BG without CP, there was still not enough damage. Now, with such a huge value of spell damage, I have no damage, no defense and no healing. Since the mortol koil is trite and the ghost heals too little. And if you play in a group, then the ghost is only needed so that the bonus of 200 to the restoration of resources always works for you. Heals one of the 4 people in the group for 1000 every 2 seconds. Of course, he has a 10 percent defense bonus. But this is the only reason they take this skill. The second morph, which heals twice, is not even remembered anymore. Of the attacking skills, the necromancer has blastbones. Necromancer? In Teso, necromancers are NPCs. You really screwed up the class. And they acted so badly. We did this right before the release of a new class so that we would spend money on an arcanist. But I don't *** need an arcanist. I need a necromancer. Last year I got my hands on some gold ironblood jewelry right before the pts release. And in the same year, you nerfed the set so that the new snake mythic would be sold. After all, only a fool did not think of combining mythic and ironblood. But you've nerfed the set to such crap that no one is using it. Neither pvp nor pve. And now you have dealt with the necromancer. Bravo zos. Bravo.
  • Afterip
    Mara was a cancer in pvp and deserves nerfes.
    With the nerf of harmony and not providing anything, ZOS strongly nerfed necromancer. Even an ap of 30% damage to the 3d skull does not correct the situation. In the magical version of the skull, it is necessary to remove this crappy aoe and add minor breach 5 sec or something, stam ver. could slow target for 5 sec. So it will be reason to spam skulls. And of couse skeleton mage/archer NEED MAJOR BRUTALITY/SORCERERY.
    Dear @ZOS I'm not asking too much, I just want to revive some dead necromancer skills
    Edited by Afterip on April 30, 2023 10:33AM
  • Xarc
    Melzo wrote: »
    Removing harmony is overkill. This nerf almost killed any motivation to play. I played with harmony for three years and now I go to teso mainly for events. I started playing with other classes and when I enter the game that I love, I feel like some kind of abomination in my soul. In pvp, you have to completely rely on proc sets. Consuming corpses should give some sort of bonuses to the necromancer but basically they limit you to having to run mostly around corpses. The bodies disappear very quickly. Mortol coil is useful because it is supposedly free. But in response to this, everyone is now running around with vigor. Mortal coil is taken only if the necromancer has a free slot. But I don't have any free slots and have to rely on a poor Mara defensive set. Since without it, the necromancer does not have adequate protection. I used to be able to get 7000+ spell damage and kill. It was difficult because even in that case, on a BG without CP, there was still not enough damage. Now, with such a huge value of spell damage, I have no damage, no defense and no healing. Since the mortol koil is trite and the ghost heals too little. And if you play in a group, then the ghost is only needed so that the bonus of 200 to the restoration of resources always works for you. Heals one of the 4 people in the group for 1000 every 2 seconds. Of course, he has a 10 percent defense bonus. But this is the only reason they take this skill. The second morph, which heals twice, is not even remembered anymore. Of the attacking skills, the necromancer has blastbones. Necromancer? In Teso, necromancers are NPCs. You really screwed up the class. And they acted so badly. We did this right before the release of a new class so that we would spend money on an arcanist. But I don't *** need an arcanist. I need a necromancer. Last year I got my hands on some gold ironblood jewelry right before the pts release. And in the same year, you nerfed the set so that the new snake mythic would be sold. After all, only a fool did not think of combining mythic and ironblood. But you've nerfed the set to such crap that no one is using it. Neither pvp nor pve. And now you have dealt with the necromancer. Bravo zos. Bravo.


    But necro for sure needs an UP
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank47
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank27
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    - since april.2014
  • Melzo
    I believe that a class should have both strengths and weaknesses. And the absence of MAJOR BRUTALITY/SORCERERY buffs is the weak side of the necromancer. In contrast, the necromancer should have strengths like high damage or CC. AoE damage was Necro's forte. And the removal of this mechanic made the class pointless. Even adding these buffs won't make a necromancer strong. The maximum that this will give is more variety in the use of potions. Personally, I use potions to get these buffs and don't see the point in other potions as the potions are supposed to have more useful and short term effects. Let's be honest the mechanics of potions and poisons in teso trash. In addition to potions, there are sets and skills of other classes. Pushing all existing buffs into classes is called "through the ass".

    Here is an example of interesting fixes. Some apply to all classes.
    1 . Battle Spirit does not reduce the damage of all massive AoE dot damage. No one is afraid to stand in poisoned puddles. The necromancer has two skills, but no one uses them because the damage is weak and the players stay in them for a maximum of 3-4 seconds. During this time, the puddle will cause damage only 2000-3000 thousand. And even if the enemy stays there for 10 seconds, this is 6000 damage. Given that everyone has 30 thousand health and you deal damage in 10 seconds, isn't this a ridiculous indicator?
    2. In the second branch there is a skill that stuns, slows down and immobilizes. One of the morphs is just not used. If this skill hit an allied pet, then the pet would be strengthened. For example, a skeleton archer dealt damage to 3 targets.
    3. In the second branch, remove the skill that gives major protection and add a skill with stacks. When you activate the skill you absorb the corpses around you and gain one stack for each corpse. At 5 stacks, you can release a bone arm at the opponent. The mechanics of damage is like a monster set, and a set of stacks is like a mechanic with daggers for a sorcerer, only absorbing corpses.

    Here are a few changes and the necromancer has a lot more useful skills. But we won't wait for that. Unless the leader of the development gang is replaced.
  • Stx
    Necro should be the king of dot damage. JK that’s DK.

    Necro should be the king of minion damage. JK that’s the Sorc.

    Necro should be the executioner class. JK that’s Templar for some reason.

    Necro should be mobile? No.

    Necro should have the best heals? Eh, no.
  • ketsparrowhawk
    Stx wrote: »
    Necro should be the king of dot damage. JK that’s DK.

    Necro should be the king of minion damage. JK that’s the Sorc.

    Necro should be the executioner class. JK that’s Templar for some reason.

    Necro should be mobile? No.

    Necro should have the best heals? Eh, no.

    They need to be the anti-warden. Wardens are all about strengthening allies. Necro should be all about weakening enemies. Warden gives allies minor toughness? Necro should give enemies minor mangle to counter. Wardens armor buff applies to their allies? Necro armor buff should apply Maj Breach to attackers to counter. The new arcanist passive that gives +15% damage to status effects should be a necro passive. Increased chance to apply statuses and/or increased duration for statuses would also be fitting. Add minor defile to blastbones base ability. Etc etc. Rather than load the class up with buffs I'd like to see them turned into a walking debuff factory. That would make them unique and give them a reason to exist alongside the other classes.
  • Afterip
    Necromanser is BEST JOKE of ZOS, becouse of this passive:

    Rapid Rot - Increases your damage done with damage over time effects by 10%

    And Necro dont have CLASS DoT skills.(Boneyard useless double nefred aoe, with crapy damage and poor burst)
    Edited by Afterip on April 30, 2023 6:01PM
  • Tessitura
    Stx wrote: »
    Necro should be the king of dot damage. JK that’s DK.

    Necro should be the king of minion damage. JK that’s the Sorc.

    Necro should be the executioner class. JK that’s Templar for some reason.

    Necro should be mobile? No.

    Necro should have the best heals? Eh, no.

    They need to be the anti-warden. Wardens are all about strengthening allies. Necro should be all about weakening enemies. Warden gives allies minor toughness? Necro should give enemies minor mangle to counter. Wardens armor buff applies to their allies? Necro armor buff should apply Maj Breach to attackers to counter. The new arcanist passive that gives +15% damage to status effects should be a necro passive. Increased chance to apply statuses and/or increased duration for statuses would also be fitting. Add minor defile to blastbones base ability. Etc etc. Rather than load the class up with buffs I'd like to see them turned into a walking debuff factory. That would make them unique and give them a reason to exist alongside the other classes.

    Yeah I would be down for that, I'd be more down for for them summoning minions that do that for them. Like, elementally infused skeletons that apply statuses and debuffs. Instead of a dumb flesh atro we summon a small army that attacks for a limited time and spreads debuffs and dots. Instead of a stupid looking gravestone area we get a dark miasma cloud that slows and weakens, instead of a summon that does little to nothing we get a spell that applies crit buff or something and when we consume a corpse or crit it spawns a minion that attacks for a limited time before falling to pieces. (I saw that last one suggested somewhere else and loved it.)

    Also, where is our lich crystals? You telling me the necromancer class doesn't have access to lich crystals? We don't gotta be a lich but it would be really cool to have a skill that is a nod to the liches in game.
    Edited by Tessitura on April 30, 2023 9:29PM
  • BahometZ
    Changing Harmony for sure broke a ton of hearts. It's not surprising, but sad all the same, that ZOS would remove the core of Cro PvP playstyle and not give it anything meaningful in return. Harmony Cro was admittedly such a crutch, but without it, reveals the paper-thin depth of the class. Meanwhile blade-bombing in various forms continues unabated (and long may it continue).

    I really liked having something extra to fear on the battlefield, seeing a plar/cro bombing duo I knew *** was about to go down. I wish instead of closing doors, ZOS flung em open. There needs to be more dangerous builds not fewer.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • IncultaWolf
    Stx wrote: »
    Necro should be the king of dot damage. JK that’s DK.

    Necro should be the king of minion damage. JK that’s the Sorc.

    Necro should be the executioner class. JK that’s Templar for some reason.

    Necro should be mobile? No.

    Necro should have the best heals? Eh, no.

    Just delete necromancer and play dragonknight :mrgreen:
  • katorga
    Afterip wrote: »
    Necromanser is BEST JOKE of ZOS, becouse of this passive:

    Rapid Rot - Increases your damage done with damage over time effects by 10%

    And Necro dont have CLASS DoT skills.(Boneyard useless double nefred aoe, with crapy damage and poor burst)

    ...and THAT got nerfed! Used to be 15%. wth

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