Chests in the tutorial area.

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
In the beta the chests in the area before the prophets cell would eventually respawn after a period of time. I was curious if they still do or did they make them one time use to avoid people from just sitting in there and looting them forever. It made for an easy way to get your first set of armor.
  • Varko
    I think that may have changed for that exact reason. I went chest hunting and resource farming when I got to the main city. Got a lot of loot.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    They still respawn. I was standing on the beach RPing with a friend after we'd looted a chest, when one respawned right between our feet and surprised us both. We made an IC joke about another chest washing up from the shipwreck.
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  • Sarajlija
    I waited on a spot for like 10min but the chest never appeard. I knew there was a chest here from the Beta. Perhaps they moved the spawnpoint.
  • Haxnschwammer
    Whenever something is looted or harvested that node respawns somewhere else. That means you can ne lucky and a chest spawns right beside you. I hade once an ore node that I could use 4 times in a row. That also means that in less populated areas those nodes will stack. I found quite often nodes on the shore with runes, ore and wood on the same spot. Just a hint: Some nodes like Jute can have more stuff inside like worms. If you leave the worms inside the plant won't spawn again until completely emptied.
    Once I was a healer. Then I took a Wrobel to the knee.

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  • Usstan
    So @Haxnschwammer‌ , my question would then be. What would be the good reason for leaving the worms to prevent it from spawning again?
  • Sejadis
    @usstan i think he meant take the worms with u even when u dont need them .. if not this will not respawn
    the only "good" reason is to annoy the next one trying to collect it ;)
  • Tiyamel
    In the beta the chests in the area before the prophets cell would eventually respawn after a period of time. I was curious if they still do or did they make them one time use to avoid people from just sitting in there and looting them forever. It made for an easy way to get your first set of armor.

    They do respawn eventually i can confirm this, i took one of my alts around raiding chests before i got to the prophets cell and then went to make a some food and drink, when i picked up playing again pretty much everything had respawned, (helps that i was playing very early and few people were on and if they were they had already left the area).

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  • KerinKor
    In the beta the chests in the area before the prophets cell would eventually respawn after a period of time. I was curious if they still do or did they make them one time use to avoid people from just sitting in there and looting them forever. It made for an easy way to get your first set of armor.
    I've run 4 characters though there and looted every chest, didn't get one single piece of gear out of them.

    I did get a good selection of gear from killing the mobs, especially the Flame Atronarchs, though after 30 mins of killing them my Nightblade still didn't have a bow. :(

  • KerinKor
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    They still respawn. I was standing on the beach RPing with a friend after we'd looted a chest, when one respawned right between our feet and surprised us both. We made an IC joke about another chest washing up from the shipwreck.
    The OP is talking about Coldharbour instance, not the open world, from what I've seen the respawn rates are a lot different.
  • Avorniel
    KerinKor wrote: »
    I've run 4 characters though there and looted every chest, didn't get one single piece of gear out of them.

    I did get a good selection of gear from killing the mobs, especially the Flame Atronarchs, though after 30 mins of killing them my Nightblade still didn't have a bow. :(

    yeah this happened to me in last beta took well over 30 mins to get a staff for my Sorcerer,since they changed the start with 1 weapon,just hope i have better luck when i get in today lol.

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