Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Wednesday at 4:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC).

Cp Milestones (A wish)

A friend and I were discussing the usefulness of cp past a certain point. 1560 is I believe roughly where youll have everything you need. But whats the worth past that, save for being able to get a few more slottables to switch out with, or just having a high level to feel good about lol. Beyond that, it just feels kinda lackluster for those of us passing into the 2000s, or even 3000s.

If possible, it would be nice to maybe even have some reason to push further into those late cp levels. Like perhaps;

1. Stat bonuses(Cp Milestones)
Kinda like we used to get in the old cp system, doesnt have to be gamebreaking amounts, just enough to make it worth the pain of grinding to that point :D. And possibly making it to where we get those bonuses at certain cp levels, like 1000, 2000, and 3000. Almost like a milestone reward

2. An additional cp slot
Simply put, possible at 2000 or whatever level would be realistic(ish) we could get another slot for an additonal slottable cp passive. Again milestones.

All in all, its just a change that might make the high cp levels feel like an even bigger achievement past what it already is.
Edited by Austin6783 on April 27, 2023 6:40AM
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