Ticket Status 404

Soul Shriven
Good day,

I am unable to log into my account with the game replying that my password might be incorrect, the website saying my account has been suspended, and an email in my inbox saying my membership has been cancelled. I submitted a ticket but I didn't get any auto-response via email and when I click the link to check the status, I get a 404 error. My ticket number is 230423-002306. Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by ZOS_Bill on April 25, 2023 4:46PM
  • FantasticFreddie
  • Kip_Anderson
    Soul Shriven
    I received an email response to my ticket indicating my account is reactivated. I wish there was some explanation for why it was suspended in the first place but at least I can play again (though I lost a day of writs and my login reward).
  • ZOS_Bill
    Thank you for the update regarding this account issue. With the account now restored, we will go ahead and close the thread from further comments.
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