LamiaCritter wrote: »Didn't you already post about this? Where'd the other topic go? O-o It was here just a few hours ago.
LamiaCritter wrote: »Didn't you already post about this? Where'd the other topic go? O-o It was here just a few hours ago.
The thread was removed by mods for inappropriate content, I revised it to not include what they objected to.
From TVTropes:CoolBlast3 wrote: »
I also disagree with the idea that the slave master is written as a gay caricature and honestly find that idea a bit insulting.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »do you at least get to kill the abuser at the end?
CoolBlast3 wrote: »I'm content ZOS has done a dark story for once. Just because it makes some people uncomfortable does not mean it needs deleting (akin to what happened Galen)
FantasticFreddie wrote: »It's just too much as is.
I didn't read all the screenshots in detail, but I read enough to feel disturbed and it's indeed beyond off-putting. I hope they will amend the quest before release, especially the first-person PoV, otherwise I think a lot of players will just play with the sound off and skip the dialogue, or just won't do the quest. I don't know what changes they made to the writing team that the writing has deteriorated so much in the last 2-3 years, there's been a lot of discussion about it here in the forums, but every year seems worse. ESO has had quests dealing with darker subject matters, but it was usually from a poignant stance, and the writing wasn't sensational for sensationalism's sake, which I think is the case with this quest.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »It's just too much as is.
Not really. It's good to see something "darker" from time to time. For those who didn't like it, just skip it or rush to get you companion unlocked.
Treselegant wrote: »
Also, looking at the quest images - is the villain wearing bright purple lipstick? I really hope not because linking gender non-conformity to the rest of his character would really hammer home the flamboyant sexually motivated villain trope.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »It's just too much as is.
Not really. It's good to see something "darker" from time to time. For those who didn't like it, just skip it or rush to get you companion unlocked.
Darker is fine but if people who have been through the kind of trauma that is referenced here flag that the way the subject matter is handled is not ok, then the decent thing to do is to listen and not gaslight them.
I’m not a survivor myself but there are multiple people in this thread calling out an issue here, and I will gladly back them up if necessary because it’s important that this is addressed.
Treselegant wrote: »
Also, looking at the quest images - is the villain wearing bright purple lipstick? I really hope not because linking gender non-conformity to the rest of his character would really hammer home the flamboyant sexually motivated villain trope.
He is, and there were a few other traits of his that fell into that camp. Not great.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »It's just too much as is.
Not really. It's good to see something "darker" from time to time. For those who didn't like it, just skip it or rush to get you companion unlocked.
So I've been playing through the quest now after stumbling upon this thread. I felt it was worth checking out and forming my own opinion over. I like the quest so far and Sharp's personality is great although I don't like how much he seems to dislike Eastmarch. I can understand him not liking Sadrith Mora. But I digress.
I am currently at an important(?) choice in the story:
I am guessing I won't be going through his memories if I select the option of me also wanting to forget some things? Because that kind of makes a big difference when it comes to the way the quest is being handled. I can understand SA survivors having a hard time playing through this, but if one option really allows you to skip the worst parts of it (I presume), then it isn't so bad.
Even then, so far I don't think the quest has been handling the subject poorly. Sure, Sondivel seems to be very creepy and from the screenshots I already know he is quite flamboyant, but so is Federo. But I don't think it is a problem for a flamboyant character to be evil. After all, anyone has the capability to commit evil - nobody is excluded from that. And it's not like the quest portays all characters who are like that as evil. This trope was problematic at a time where that was the rule and characters in media could only be portrayed in such a way if they were also evil. Nowadays we have examples of both good and bad. Federo is a perfect counter example to Sondivel, showing that not everyone who likes to wear lipstick and make-up like that is a creep like him.
But back to my dilemma. Which option do I pick now? I originally wanted to go through the memories to see how bad it gets, but seeing as I (presumably) have the option to not go through them, I kind of want to know if that is possible or not. Anyone picked that option? Can you let me know if it affects the story at all?
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Yikes ! This sounds terrible. Why does always, whenever there is an interesting Argonian character, the story always has to do with either slavery or "something" sexual. I it kinda sad and I don't get it.
Tbh. I was kinda afraid that may happen. As soon as I heard that we are getting an Argonian companion I was like: They can not go with the "orientation" as companions are neutral. If they go with slavery again, it will be like reapeting old stuff.
I Guess I was just hoping they will figure out something new. But, here I see that they didn't. It is a shame.
I have not complete this quest yet, as I want to have as little spoilers as possible, but thanks to this thread - now at least I know what I am getting myself into.
So quick question:
Can we kill the bad evil slavers this time (In Morriwnd we could not) Yes/No ?
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Yikes ! This sounds terrible. Why does always, whenever there is an interesting Argonian character, the story always has to do with either slavery or "something" sexual. I it kinda sad and I don't get it.
Tbh. I was kinda afraid that it may happen. As soon as I heard that we are getting an Argonian companion I was like: They can not go with the "orientation" as companions are neutral. If they go with slavery again, it will be like reapeting old stuff.
I Guess I was just hoping they will figure out something new. But, here I see that they didn't. It is a shame.