Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v9.0.0 and our brand-new Chapter: Necrom! Journey to the remote Telvanni Peninsula, enclave of the imperious wizards of House Telvanni, before losing yourself in the winding labyrinths of Apocrypha, domain of the Daedric Prince of Forbidden Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora!
In addition to exploring the mysteries and wonders of the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha, this Chapter introduces a new class – the Arcanist – and in order to ensure everyone can create an Arcanist, we’re giving everyone one free character slot!
Draw on the strength of two new Companions to help you on your journeys, including repelling the dark forces at work in the Bastion Nymic world events. For those seeking a true challenge, make sure to explore Sanity’s Edge, a new 12-player Trial located in the southeast of the Telvanni Peninsula.
Necrom also includes several new item sets for you to obtain, new Antiquities, many new Collectibles, and even a new Tales of Tribute Patron Deck. For you housing enthusiasts, there are 3 new homes to test (including a pretty incredible boat house) and lots of new furnishings.
Update 38 adds several new quality of life features including the ability to favorite collectibles, filleting multiple stacks of fish, some additional reset timer changes, and making it so your friend Stuga will no longer chase you down relentlessly.
All PC NA characters have been copied this week and templates are available for those that would like to utilize them. We can’t wait for you to jump into this Chapter – which is approximately 5.16GB in size – and read your feedback. Enjoy!

- New Features / Updates / Big Changes
- Necrom Chapter
- New Zones – Telvanni Peninsula & Apocrypha
- Bastion Nymic World Events
- New Class: The Arcanist
- Two New Companions: Sharp-as-Night and Azadar al-Cybiades
- New Trial: Sanity’s Edge
- New Item Sets
- New Mythics & Antiquities
- New Collectibles
- New Tales of Tribute Deck: Almalexia
- New Homes
- New Furnishings
- Achievements & Titles
- Update 38 Base Game
- Reset Timer Changes
- Collectible Favorites
- Random Mounts
- Filleting Multiple Stacks of Fish
- New Home
- New PvP Keep Messaging
- Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this change?!
- Template Information
- Known Issues
- Combat & Gameplay
- Exploration & Itemization
- Combat & Gameplay
- Combat & Abilities
- Companions
- Itemization & Item Sets
- Fixes & Improvements
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on April 17, 2023 5:28PM Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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