The all-in-one attuneable crafting station teased will be comprised of 4 crafting tables.
According to somebody who was at the ESO Celebration 2023 community event dev panel on 4/12/23, they asked Rich Lambert about how the all-in-one attuneable crafting stations would work and the response was that there would be 1 table of each type for all the crafted sets.
You will need to feed the attuned crafted set tables into them to be able to make the sets from the 4 tables.
Furthermore, there will be a search function and it will not be tied to the crown store in any way.
Credit to "Sapphire_Ocelot" for getting this info.
Not the best way to do it. I was hoping it would be a true all-in-one so I could set it right next to my transmutation station and have access to every set in the game via 2 stations but 5 is better than 200 plus! Its still great.
Edit: added "dev panel" and added the sentence about the "feeding"
Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 14, 2023 12:14PM