Theoretically - Crowns are no object, every house is available. Which House you buying?

Suppose you have just enough crowns to buy any single house in the game, and every house that has ever been made in game is available for you to purchase.

Which house are you buying to use as your Main Character's Primary Home?

Personally I lean towards HighHallow Hold, Linchal Grand Manor or Ossa Accentium.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 14, 2023 11:54AM
  • TaSheen
    The upcoming ship.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Hapexamendios
    Probably Panthefang Chapel or Potentate's Retreat
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Ship. I'll be making a rope bridge connected to a levitating tower. It's going to be funny watching everything else move.
  • maximusrex45
    I don't see me changing my Main's house, but if I didn't have to pay crowns I would grab Pantherfang. I think it is cool, but too large for only 700 slots, but if I could buy it for gold I would mess around with it.
  • FeedbackOnly
    Werewolf one,

    The blacksmith one just for a fun theme

    Maybe the dueling one with traps

    Currently own over 40 houses so I am pretty satisfied for now.
  • rpa
    I do have a bunch of houses but only one I have actually decorated is Snugpod. Rest are furnishing dumps to be honest.
    Hunter's Glade maybe.
    Edited by rpa on April 13, 2023 3:29AM
  • DreamyLu
    Pariah's Pinnacle.

    I keep my gold and my crown aside for the day it will be back in shop, if ever. <3
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • Rutger74
    Hunter's Glade !!!!
    Been waiting for so long to come back into the store.

  • HappyTheCamper
    Idk I just want Tel Galen to return for the chapter.

    That being said, to give my answer I’d maybe say Pariah’s Pinnacle or Ebonheart Chataeu. Weird choices I know, but it’s character-related.
  • FluffWit
    Elinhir Private Arena was probably my most fun build and nothing since has really wowed me.

    The arena itself is unique and visitors always have fun playing with the traps. The house is just the right size for me and while I'm not a fan of the lava lake you can have a lot of fun with it or do what I ended up doing and pave it over to make a spacious guild hall crafting area.

    If it pops up on my new server during the pvp events I'll probably buy it again over any of the more recent additions.
  • spartaxoxo
    I actually didn't really care for it at first, but now my current primary is Highhallow Hall. I managed to make it seem cozy, fancy, and luxury. Well apart from the utility areas like the servants quarter and where I put my tables, lol. And it's part of a bustling town. So if any home would be my primary, it's my actually primary lol.

    My fancy Pantherfang or the Druid village I built in Hunter's Glade are also fun. They are the current residences of Bastian and my werewolf main.

    I am eyeing that boat though that's upcoming.

    Edited by spartaxoxo on April 13, 2023 4:29AM
  • JMadFour
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I actually didn't really care for it at first, but now my current primary is Highhallow Hall. I managed to make it seem cozy, fancy, and luxury. Well apart from the utility areas like the servants quarter and where I put my tables, lol. And it's part of a bustling town. So if any home would be my primary, it's my actually primary lol.

    I REALLY want Highhallow Hold. I wish it were still available, I’d buy it right now, no hesitation.

    As it stands I am currently debating between Hunding’s Palatial Estate and Strident Springs Demesne.

    Hunding’s is a “notable” house in all but name and price.

    Strident is pretty sweet and had a waterfall. But they are both in the middle of nowhere basically, which can be a pro or a con, depending on the day I guess.

    Edited by JMadFour on April 13, 2023 5:22AM
  • Kitziboo
    My EU main has Sweetwater and NA main has Psijiic so I would purchase these again so they both have my favourites.

    My biggest housing wish would be that alts can purchase homes you already own so I could decorate lots of variants of the coven house.
  • WiseSky
    Still not out.. but an Elemental house.. that has Fire, water, Ice, Lightning and earth all in it....
    Also add a furnishing that acts like a portal and I am sold
  • LunaFlora
    ossa accentium, agony's ascent, forgemaster falls, and honestly every other house that i don't have yet either

    though i have most houses that i want already.
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    My main's house is the Velothi Reverie but I play many characters with their own houses and they all currently have their most ''canon'' house.

    But answering the question in terms of getting any house I want, I'd probably get the ayleid ruin Varlaisvea. I love the ayleid aesthetic and it'd be fun to play around with that space. The Princely Dawnlight Palace and a few others would also be nice but the ayleid one is my first choice.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Narvuntien
    The clockwork one
  • Elrond87
    the one i have Grand Psijic Villa i like that the most
    20 characters
  • ADarklore
    I want the new ship... just don't fall overboard!! :)
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • BloodyStigmata
    All of them. And never decorate 98% of them like I already did with the in-game ones.
    Owner and proprietor of the Northern Elsweyr Guar Reserve and The Hunting Grounds Guar Reserve, Tamriel's home to all things guar.
    See the embedded brochures for all information regarding our reserves, as well as our collection status!
  • Sevalaricgirl
    My main home I already own, Hundings (very cost worthy for what you get, it's beautiful). It's my favorite but I would also like Hircine's though I will not pay for it because I think it costs too much for open space that you have to pay even more for to build on it.
  • LanteanPegasus
    Linchal Grand Manor

    My main (and de facto only) character is an Imperial Dragonknight, so it would be a great fit. Plus, the Gold Coast has been my favourite region in terms of climate and landscape ever since I travelled there in Oblivion. (Of course I would have preferred Benirus Manor, but sadly I won't get that in ESO.)
    I loved that house ever since it came out, but I could never bring myself to spend so many crowns on just one thing.

    Now my Imperial has been living in Strident Springs for years. It's a beautiful, quite cosy home. Plus, during his adventures all over Tamriel he developed a true liking for the Khajiit, so the house being in an Imperial/Khajiiti town is a perfect fit.

    If crowns were no object, though, I'd still buy Linchal. Just because I've been yearning to do so all those years. ;)
  • Ragnarok0130
    The two I normally use is Linchal Grand Manor and Bastion Sanguinaris but I would like to add Pantherfang Chaple as it’s a really neat home.
  • Grizzbeorn
    It wouldn't be my Primary (Fogbreak just became that), but other than the new ship that hasn't been released yet, I want to get my hands on Forgemaster Falls.
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • isadoraisacat
      The only time I NEEEDED a house was this upcoming ship as a Daggerfall fan it just brings back so much for me. So the ship !
    • TheImperfect
      I keep missing it, always seems to be on sale when I have no money but it would be Princely Dawnlight. Not for my main character though.
      Edited by TheImperfect on April 13, 2023 4:26PM
    • logan68
      the vampire one
    • AcadianPaladin
      I'd keep Snugpod. It's in a tree! :)
      PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
    • PrincessOfThieves
      TaSheen wrote: »
      The upcoming ship.

      I will probably buy it when it's available.
    • CardinalJack
      Hakkvilds, Pariah, Witch cottage, and linchal.
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