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PVP Update Request List


Hello, this post is simply a collection of some things I would like to see added/modified regarding PVP. I play this game primarily for PVP and only do PVE content to obtain gear for my PVP builds. I primarily play in Ravenwatch/No-Proc Imperial City, and Battlegrounds. Please take my ideas as just that, IDEAS and if a DEV happens to see these ideas, please use any of them for future updates.


I would like the DEV team to revisit the approved set list for "no-proc" sets. There are a number of conditional and stat based sets that should be working that are not. Also, there are sets that may be considered "proc" from a technical standpoint, but are not actual "procs" from a PVP standpoint. For example, sets that apply a conditional effect while something is active/worn should work. This is not the same as, "when you execute 2x light attacks, a giant ball of OMFG WIN spawns at your target location". I will update this list of sets as I discover them.

Stat only and conditional sets currently not working in Ravenwatch:
  • Order's Wrath (5th piece crit damage modifier not working)
  • Serpent's Disdain (does not increase duration of status effects, should be +16 seconds)

While food/drink buff active sets:
  • Back-Alley Gourmand (Should be adding +13% crit damage with food buff active)
  • Bone Pirate's Tatters (While drink active gain 2000 stam and 133 stam recov. Would be nice for stamina build diversity)
  • Bright-Throat's Boast (While drink active gain 2000 mag and 133 mag recov. Again, nice for mag build diversity)
  • Green Pact (While food active gain 2500 health and 356 health recov. Good option for defensive setups)
  • Necropotence (While pet active gain 3132 mag. I dont see this as a "proc" while the pet is active, you get stats...)
  • Steadfast's Mettle (while food active, reduce core combat abilities 25%)

Nearby Group Buff Sets The idea is these sets provide a group benefit which opens more group build diversity and IMO are not "Procs" that fire off some powerful effect when xyz occurs. These are simply sets that state: Nearby group members enjoy this effect which falls off when they are not nearby...
  • Apocryphal Inspiration (New set, give nearby group Maj Fortitude/Intellect/Endurance)
  • Ebon Armory (Increases nearby group health 1000. Persists through death)
  • Sanctuary (Increases healing received 10% for nearby group members. Persists through death)
  • Beckoning Steel (Creates an aura that reduces projectiles -10% for nearby group members)
  • Nearby Group Stam recov set (I forget name and cant find)


One problem I notice in Cyrodiil is the zerg. I would like to see ways to assist smaller groups to at least be able to defend themselves from a zerg attack. Here are some ideas I would like to see implemented:

Tri-Keep defensive improvements -
The idea here is to add additional defense options for players to invest AP to improve the defensive posture of their home "Tri-Keeps". What I would like to see are ways to add additional NPC strength, counter mechanics to ball groups, maybe even physical barriers or traps to help smaller teams deal with larger zergs. Let's break these ideas down further:
  • NPC Improvements - We need to be able to further increase power of tri-keep NPCs by investing player time/alliance points into defenses. Maybe add a "Champion" or "Commander" NPC that has boss-like difficulty and mechanics to punish ball groups.
  • Moats/Traps/Debuffs - Give Players the ability to construct pre-determined defenses that force attacking teams to alter their strategy. Instead of the typical Break down the outer door, break down inner door, laugh as 2-3 players try to stop your zerg, give us ways to actually defend better. Some ideas include traps that deal large amount of damage, permanent caltrops (until base is flipped) that cause DoT to enemy players to help funnel them into tighter areas for more effective counter siege, persistent debuffs either physical/magical (will make next bullet for this)
  • Defensive Debuffs/Buffs - Allow players to invest into debuffs/buffs while near the tri-keeps. Ideas can be defile, armor reduction, increase cost of skills, something to help a smaller force deal with a larger force. You could even make these features conditional with the "Low Population Bonus" that already exists. The whole point is to help less-populated factions not get totally gated and discouraged from playing when an enemy zerg is on. Also, it forces the enemy zerg to actually pay attention while attacking enemy Tri-Keeps and increase the difficulty in taking those keeps.
  • Physical Barriers - Allow players to construct pre-determined barriers (Similar to the doors) that have large health pools and require the enemy to destroy before advancing. Essentially this helps to slow down enemy advances. Again the point is to give better defensive options in the tri-keeps to help factions fight against larger zergs.
  • ADawg
  • ADawg
    Lol, looks like I can't edit once I post...
  • Amerises
    Updated servers?
  • ADawg

    One thing I think would be cool, and not too difficult to implement, is an escort type mission. What this could be is some type of Armored Wagon that houses valuable supplies. This could spawn from one of the center areas or even one of the towns and it would path towards the Tri-Keeps or some other area.

    The idea would be to create a condition that spawns the event, then have the wagon be escorted by NPCs and players to get valuable supplies to the designated keep.

    The event would be visible on the map to all, allowing enemy factions the opportunity to destroy the wagon. Players would need to protect/repair the wagon while it slowly travels to its destination.

    The supplies contained in the wagon can either provide a nice AP bonus and/or be tied into the defensive ideas I provided above.

    I think something like this would be a realistic addition to Cyrodiil that would add some exciting flavor and content to PVP.

    8vs8 Battlegrounds

    I would like to see some additional Battleground maps/modes that are designed for larger group vs group play.

    Game modes could be assault/defend, capture the flag, TDM, etc. The maps would need to be modified or new maps made for the larger teams.


    We need the ability to form PVP as a community on our terms. One way to do this would be either through a Guild vs Guild flagging system and/or within player housing. A Guild vs guild system would allow PVP in open world. Players should be able to opt into a "Guild war" to avoid casual/low levels getting ganked by avid PVPers.


    One idea I had was allowing players to create their own "Battlegrounds" within player housing. What this would entail is craftable/purchasable player housing items that give players the ability to create their own PVP battles within their homes.

    Some items could be:
    • Start Event Item/NPC - allows player house owner to "kickoff" the PVP event
    • Spawn Point - Allows players to spawn/respawn at pylon for PVP
    • Team Declaration Item - Allows players to pick the team (1 or 2) for the PVP event
    • Capture the Flag Pylon - Allows house owner to place for CTF games
    • Capture Points - Allows house owner to place for Domination type game modes

    This idea would give the PVP community the ability to innovate creative and fun PVP event for their guilds and can be tied to the Guild vs Guild idea. Also, since the player houses are instanced, this should help with performance with open-world PVP effecting casual PVE players.
  • Jaraal
    Some interesting ideas.

    Also, I would suggest reversing the "scaling Emperor buffs" mechanic that was recently introduced. All that has done is to further stagnate the map, as rank and file players have lost motivation to work for something that quickly becomes worthless as the enemies zerg down your home keeps. The only ones who grind to take all the ring keeps now are streamers and farming groups.

    What ZOS should have done is make Emperor faction-wide buffs more attractive than a simple 1750 HP, which now can scale to nothing while your alliance still holds Emp. Make the buffs better, or grant a significant AP buff that can encourage the second and third place faction to grind to catch up to the runaway first place alliance. When one alliance gets over 5000 points ahead 1/3 of the way into the camp, the other two log off or stop playing the map. Introduce some sort of catch up mechanic that will keep players engaged and motivated.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Lumenn
    Personally I've always wondered where the siege towers, scaling ladders/ropes were. We can control the very elements to do our bidding but we can't climb a rope...

    Of course I could see how that would TOTALLY suck if there are only a few defenders inside while a zerg comes over the walls like a kicked ant hill....
  • Jamie_Aubrey
    Necropotance 5th piece doesn't work in RW, all it is is more magic so WY does this not work in No CP ?
    Former Empress & Grand Overlord Vex Valentino
  • irswat
    Really.nice ideas here. Could really revitalize pvp and with enough content could be enough for an entire pvp focused chapter
    The Lord Jesus Christ saved me from sin and darkness. His love has transformed me so that I am a new creature in Him. May you find Him too, and experience His richness and goodness!
  • virtus753
    Necropotance 5th piece doesn't work in RW, all it is is more magic so WY does this not work in No CP ?

    It requires a pet to be active, so it seems somewhat analogous to the sets with food/drink requirements. Perhaps these can’t be coded to work entirely server side, which was explained to be a requirement for proc sets to function in no-proc.

    It would be nice if they could get all those to work.
  • Zur_Keshh
    Soul Shriven
    Like the idea of expanding counter-siege equipment with traps and barriers to trip up zergs (having been one of the 2-3 players defending a keep from them). Would also be cool to see what kinds of custom battlegrounds arenas people could come up with for housing.
    A suggestion for the list: building on the "disputed" icon in pvp ON-mapicon-Battle.png
    Getting a sense of how an alliance dispute is progressing leaves something to be desired right now. If the icon showed more information, such as which alliance of a three way battle has the most troops present, or showing where a previous skirmish took place/who won, it would go a long way for relaying information more quickly. Additionally, if it was more dynamic like the dragon icons from the Elsweyr maps (for instance, the swords alternating alliance colors during an active battle, or becoming a rotating ouroboros for a three way battle), it would better match the flow of pvp than just merely appearing and disappearing.

    Speaking of moving bosses and pvp, adding icons for the Imperial City's patrolling horrors would be handy too.
  • Adernath
    My requests

    1) Update the servers dedicated for PvP.
    2) More frequent and mindful class balancing based on community feedback (while maintaining class identity).
    3) IC overwork:
    - Reduce the frustration with TV loss which turns off many people because of high-reward/low risk ganking.
    - Population caps overwork to reduce the time where a single large zerg group controlls the city.
    4) Cyrodill scoring taking into account population imbalances (e.g. no scoring below a given pop threshold or strong imbalance).
    Edited by Adernath on April 2, 2023 5:05PM
  • gariondavey
    Nice post Mr dawg
    Edit: also to edit hit the gear icon on your post
    Edited by gariondavey on April 3, 2023 6:44AM
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
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