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Train more... Harder... And better. 2bars World Records

  • Auldwulfe
    Mik195 wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    Zezin wrote: »
    Liguar wrote: »
    N3CR01 wrote: »
    OMG, how exactly?
    This is getting all kinda stupid now.

    It was about achievements.

    Can you believe it? People using a different playstyle are getting achievements! In your own homeland! What are you going to do?

    It's not that it's a different playstyle, it's that it's better than anything else out there in that situation while at the same time being 10x easier with the mitigation of a tank on top of it.

    AND, it's completely doable without Oakensoul ..... can't fix an issue if it's constantly being diverted by a red herring.


    Its completely doable for some people without Oakensoul and completely impossible for others. Even if I practiced for a million years, I probably couldn't play 2 bar because of nerve issues. Unless ZOS wants to give me a discount because I can't do trials, hard modes or other elite parts of the game, I appreciate them providing something that les me do more than I could before.

    With Oakensoul, I was just able to complete normal Dragonstar for the very first time. We've only been working on it for a year and a half and our clear was close enough that a fail next time is definitely a possibility.

    That's a 1 bar build, technically using 2 bars with identical setups... and only 3 buttons.... flipping bars is meaningless.
    Lightning staff on both bars, Sergeant's mail as weapon and jewelry, slime craw in medium, and Order's Wrath all in light.
    Lean into the crit, and use Crit surge for constant healing, along with any mages guild skill to trigger empower -- I prefer Magelight, but only because it gives crit bonus, and a unique buff you can't get from Oakensoul with immunity to stun from stealth..... and Daedric Prey with both pets......

    Works just fine to get you in the same ballpark as Oakensoul would..... with more healing involved... and it is a slower rotation than the Oakensoul ones that have been published

    Edited by Auldwulfe on March 22, 2023 10:53PM
  • Auldwulfe
    You were the person asking for an adult conversation, and now going about "elitists" and spoiled milk over a simple message containing some facts and basically defence for oaken's future and ha builds health in general. That's why people aren't responding a lot and "ignoring" even if you might have a point or two at times. You're not on war.

    It's reaching a point of annoyance, when the same thing is said over and over, and when disproven, brought out again, like a new discovery......
    The more people oppose Oakensoul, the more and more it resembles gatekeeping to keep others out......

    I don't even really use it, and it's gotten silly.

    So few people do not recognize humor, or history....

    So for simplicity, in the 1600's, it was believed that horses sweating in the morning, cream that spoiled overnight, or flames that burned blue were signs of witchcraft in your community. The way some people carry on, it reminds me of the 1600's witchhunts, and how if you did anything different than anyone else, you were a witch........

    Edited by Auldwulfe on March 22, 2023 10:58PM
  • axi
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    axi wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    axi wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    Zezin wrote: »
    Liguar wrote: »
    N3CR01 wrote: »
    OMG, how exactly?
    This is getting all kinda stupid now.

    It was about achievements.

    Can you believe it? People using a different playstyle are getting achievements! In your own homeland! What are you going to do?

    It's not that it's a different playstyle, it's that it's better than anything else out there in that situation while at the same time being 10x easier with the mitigation of a tank on top of it.

    AND, it's completely doable without Oakensoul ..... can't fix an issue if it's constantly being diverted by a red herring.


    Please show me an example of 100k+ one bar heavy attack sorc without oakensoul that will also reach similar levels of defense. We are talking about 100k DPS with 30k HP 28k resistances, and 100% uptime on self provided minor protection, aegis, mending and heroism.

    I never said 100k... which isn't even the problem, anyways --- I said about 80 to 85k which is what MOST people get with Oakensoul .... and the real issue is the live trial damage, since anybody can beat a static dummy with all the buffs, and get high numbers.....

    I agreed that the HA Lightning attacks are carrying too much damage --- but I don't agree that it is Oakensoul, as you can get the same averages without... about 37K in a trial.... and do it with a slower rotation. As for defense... I would think having the equivelent of 6600 Health regen that doesn't get effected by Battle Spirit would be enough ..... as Crit Surge has a chance to heal on every tick of that heavy staff... at that point, picking any race with a health boost, and some basic bumps with food, should make you tanky enough to just endure through.... Add a potion focused on heal, and maybe add in unsnareable.... and you will not notice the rest .... defense isn't as important, directly, when you can just continuously heal through.... read up on ball groups.

    However, if you really want to burst skulls... make an Imperial, put everything in stamina - even your armor glyphs... since damage under hybridization scales off the higher, regardless of which it is, and heavy attacks don't use resources, and refill you with every attack... In theory, that should boost the damage higher... haven't tried it yet, but by everything else we have, it should work..... Not saying it makes sense, but with the system, it would work.

    Thing is, ad hominem attacks are not helping, because if they nerf the ring, they nerf the playerbase, and everyone loses.... and the persistent issue with the combo of HA boosting armor sets, empower, and the synergy of Lightning Staves will remain.....

    Screaming about a mythic that wasn't an issue 30 days ago, and that doesn't help in PVP, and therefore only effects gatekeepers and people profiting off of carries, is NOT helping anyone......


    I am pretty sure when person You were responding to was talking about oakensoul being better than anything else out there he/she was not talking about 80-85k DPS so Your answer about being able to do the same without oakensoul is slightly dishonest since You lowered standards just to match Your agenda. And yes I agree real trial damage is an issue and that is because in real trial while You loose almost nothing from heavy attack DPS You get lots of defense thanks to oakensoul which allows sometimes to completly ignore mechanics. That mechanic avoidance in return gives You even more DPS because other setups need to actively react to more things than oakensoul user. For example as an oakensoul user You can ignore liothis poison cone in vAS HM and continue Your rotation like it's nothing when other setups with lower defense will have to block and cause drop in their DPS and when storm heavens mechanic will start during poison cone they will be in way bigger trouble than oakensoul user since they will have to actively dodge/block/heal while moving back when oakensoul user can just move back while continuing rotation.

    On a side note I must say I find it ironic that people are using argument about average player on one bar rotation doing 80-85k DPS while at the same time two bar rotations are being glorified for pulling 130k+ while average two bar player is nowhere near that value and often will be under 80-85k. Food for thought

    You are looking at the issue of one bar heavy attacks oakensoul setups too one dimensionaly. It's not just lightning staff, it's not just oakensoul, it's not just empower. It's all things combined. And Your idea about nerfing either empower or lightning staves is not solving the issue completlyy because it will nerf heavy attack setups for everyone not just oakensoul users when it's only after oakensoul arrival when issues arted to occur. It would just put heavy attack setups back into obscurity. Yes lightning staves are doing lots of damage but without oakensoul heavy attack setups still need to follow the same ruleset as all the other DDs. Even as one bar users they need to keep uptimes up, and care about mechanics the same way as everyone else. Only after equiping oakensoul issues begin because when DPS of said setups stays the same they suddenly get more defense, and extremly simplified rotation with no drawbacks to it. Crit surge wont save You from high dmg hit. High health, high resistances and lot of dmg reduction will. This is why oakensoul heavy attack sorc can even withstand Z'maja one shot in vCR. You can be almost as tanky as a tank if You want and Your DPS is not taking a big hit because most of Your dmg comes from heavy attacks and most crucial offensive and buffs are provided by oakensoul so ironically desspite being a one bar setup You have a lot of flex spots.

    I actually have an one bar heavy attack sorc which is a stamina oriented orc. Being stamina oriented makes this build even more ridicolous because while I am pulling same dmg as magicka based counterparts I can dodge, block and sprint way more than them and I can use vigor as my heal without the risk of running low on stam and since heavy attacks replenish magicka I will never run low on mag. Imperial sounds like an overkill. You can get additional health just by spending Your attributes differently and 6% lowered everything doesnt sound that great when You have zero sustain issues on both resources.

    As I already said if heavy attacks will be nerfed than it will be hit for everyone with and without oakensoul so from playerbase perspective it would be more beneficial to solve the issue of ofense and defense that oakensoul provides at the same time. Everyone would loose if ZoS would straight up nerf heavy attack setups because there would be no alternative. Personally I would love to see a situation where oakensoul heavy attack setups would pull noticably less DPS than non oakensoul heavy attack counterparts but oakensoul would still offer noticable amount of defense. That way oakensoul would become a tool to help people to get into content but there would be still incentive to improve if they would want to reach for some higher goals. As it is right now unless You are some dedicated scorepusher or extreme two bar light attack enjoyer, in vast majority of content there is really no point into building for something else than oakensoul setup.

    You mean all I have to do is put on Oakensoul, and I can stand in stupid and take no damage?
    Last time I checked, you still have to dodge, block etc.... you can still be snared.... and like all mythics, you are deciding if you want the power from a mythic, all of which have drawbacks, in this case losing 6 skill slots, or if you want 2 full 5 piece sets and a full monster set, many of which do NOT have drawbacks.

    And yes, my resistances with Oakensoul are 4% higher, than without .... a whole 4%....
    And, let's be honest, if it is somehow wrong for people to have the buffs with Oakensoul, then it must be wrong for people to get the buffs from teammates if they don't have it......

    Again, in the end, the argument devolves back to gatekeeping, and keeping the plebs from the Holy Trials of the elite.....

    Oddly enough, I don't really use Oakensoul.... it was an interesting learning tool.... but that's about it..... but I do KNOW a huge number of people with physical disability, or age issues..... paying subscribers, by the way..... that do need it to make up for health issues.

    I understand those health issues, ... 30 years ago, as a combat army service member, I could run 11 miles with a 200 pound pack, and then jump into a battle and go out partying that night.....
    Now, I am a grandfather, and my run is capped at 5 miles... and that is a bit of a push to get there.... I have bursitis and arthritis, so not only pain and limited movement, but also occasional nerve twitches and odd responses, like telling my right index finger to push the mouse button causing the toes on my left foot to curl......

    Some days, I go for the easier one bar builds..... others I am fine, and do the two.... but I have no illusions that I'll be doing that in 10 years.
    What you are saying is that this game is so elite, it only needs activites from the proper type of player, with a proper level of ESO-ness..... and if you can't do things the prescribed way that the elites tell you... then you shouldn't be allowed to play past where they want you kept.... but keep putting in that subscriber money, because those same self described elites want the servers and devs working for them......

    As for the claim about unless you are a scorepusher, you won't build something other than oakensoul..... the thousands of casuals that log on, every day, and either RP, work housing, or just explore would refute that claim.

    For that matter, I have 6 active characters, right now, and the only one that even has the ring on is one I did a test run with, to try out something else, and see how it worked with some buffs.... and he's waiting for me to take him to the armory, and rebuild him.... and probably without the ring, he's a DK tank, and it takes too much, and taught me that even with buffs, tanks can't get away with the slot limits...... my firemage concept built on a DK... all about burn (I even joke about him being a Disco Inferno)... and stacking status with DOT.... Oakensoul is very bad for that, too

    My Ice Mage Warden... doing a bit of a shuffle, now that they changed Ice Wall... but probably not a whole lot ... still relies on stacking chilled, with frost sets, and Occult Overload explosions.......

    My Nightblade didn't even finish the delve I tried with Oakensoul, just to see how it worked, there.... I took it off...... And I am not some scorepusher.... it just didn't work well for me.
    Most of these people will use it for a bit, and then get over it.... right now, it is the Pillars of Nirn, in the first 30 days the set was out.... it is Mara's Balm at release...... and I am pretty sure, Snake in the Stars for the next period of time...... the new fad, the new thing...... and it will fade.

    Right now, the game is in an odd state -- I noted it back when U35 happened, that it was just the beginning.... now, I can out mage magicka builds by going all stamina.. etc.

    In the end, it's gatekeeping to ensure that the average players aren't allowed into the hallowed halls of trials, etc..... they can look upon their betters, via youtube videos.... but they are unworthy of treading those places themselves, unless they submit to proper subservience and obedience to specific 2 bar builds, with specific sets, and only push the buttons when they are told.......

    I, for one, am HAPPY that people are surpassing me.... and if they do it with Oakensoul, it does NOTHING to harm me, or my play, in any way, whatsoever..... Yes, I put in work, and if they get it easier.... then good on them, I am not a horse and buggy owner screaming that cars are bad, because they owners don't have to take time to care for their horse.

    I love it when I see a group... and for every single time a bad player is mentioned in these threads, I think back on the dozens of good ones.... people that are now reliable damage dealers, when I tank... that after I pull, take the creature down, and so on.

    We need MORE of them, not less.... so it would probably be a good idea not to chase them off.

    But, if you are really worried about it, you can always tell when Oakensoul is around..... horses that sweat in the mornings, cream that spoils overnight, and flames that burn pure blue..... all signs that Oakensoul is among you.......


    Up to a certain degree yes You can put oakensoul and You can stand in stupid. You will take some dmg but due to defense that oakensoul allows to build this damage will be way less impactfull than for many other regular setups to the point some of the mechanics can be ignored. For example some 27k HP DD will take 25k hit, when You, while having 30K+ HP will take 17k. Having 13k+ HP of wiggle room vs having 2k is a massive adventage. That buys You a precious time to react and since You have lots of HP and dmg mitigation You can react way slower and still survive all of that while keeping the same or even higher DPS than many of Your teammates. Properly built You can be sturdy to the point where if tank dies You can take the heat from boss until someone resses the tank.

    As for loosing 6 skill slots, the biggest irony of oakensoul is that in group enviroment it's not a drawback. Normal rules for backbar for DDs are usually to slot some crucial offensive buffs like minor force and some DoTs but since in this setup overwhelming majority of Your DPS comes from heavy attacks, few additional DoTs wont make the difference. You already have most crucial buffs like minor force from oakensoul. The only thing You will loose is an back bar infused berserker but the irony here is that minor slayer from oakensoul compensate that loss. yes You could use Infalible mage set or even relequen but both of these options will be DPS loss when compared to storm master not even mentioning sergant.

    I did a test where I tried a non oakensoul two bar heavy attack setup and my DPS was 106k which is only 3-4k higher than with oakensoul when my rotation was more complicated, more situational and I had way less defense since for example I needed to use spell power pots instead of resistance pots. So loosing 6 skills slots cost me 3% of DPS but in return I get 20-30% more defense and rotation that is way easier to manage. Do You really consider that a drawback?

    If You have only 4% higher resistances with oakensoul than without it it means You can be built incorrectly. You also seem to not count other buffs like minor aegis and minor protection. Main question is do You use resistance potion that provides You with unique 5,3k resists? With oakensoul You can freely use it because You are not bound to any otyher potion since You have enough sustain and all buffs provided normaly by potions like major sorcery/brutality, prophecy/savagery and minor heroism are already part of the mythic.

    No, it have nothing to do with gatekeeping. I don't know why do You insist with that argumentation. Belive me, personally I have no issue with more people participating in content I also don't care wheter it's a casual or veteran player who uses oakensoul. I am also all for increasing build diversity although I must say oakensoul really does a poor job at that since it's just a one setup for almost every class in every content type. It all boils down to giving everyone an even playing field and as it is right now one bar heavy attack setups have noticably easier life than two bar setups when it comes to completing the content which doesn't feel right. If anything I find lots of arguments defending one bar heavy attack setup, as some kind of wierd reverse gatekeeping because main argument in defense of one bar setups is that two bar setups can pull over 130k when in reality barely anyone is capable to do that. This thread alone is the best example of that reverse gatekeeping because OP basically says that everyone who don't like one bars and preffer two bars should become top 0,1% of playerbase.

    Health issues of some portion of playerbase are really not a valid argument to balance whole game content around that. With all due respect but that sounds like an escape goat argument that can backfire really quickly rather than a valid point. I belive middleground can be created where people who struggle more to compete will still be able to complete content but setups that will allow them to do it won't be as dominating and overperforming, especially in mid game as oakensoul builds are right now.

    I would ask You to not put words into my mouth. I've never said or suggested that ESO is for elites only. I even objected Your idea of nerfing heavy attacks accros the board as it would in my opinion be too drastic and hurt too many players. While I am all for build diversity and increased accesibility I also think everything have its reasonable limit and currenlty oakensoul helped to move the bar too high.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough but when I was saying about scorepushers as the only group for whom two bar setups are still desirable I was reffering to a group content not a housing, RP or overland. My whole post was and still is about a group content perspective where oakensoul dominates right now because as I said unless You're not a scorepusher and even worse if You do not have very well optimised support in group than oakensoul setup will outperform everything else if we consider its offense, defense, sustain and rotation.
    Edited by axi on March 22, 2023 11:42PM
  • xStaticx
    If you are a pet sorc using Oakensoul, you don't lose 6 skill slots. You only lose 4 since pets have to be double barred on a 2 bar build.
  • axi
    xStaticx wrote: »
    If you are a pet sorc using Oakensoul, you don't lose 6 skill slots. You only lose 4 since pets have to be double barred on a 2 bar build.

    Yes, that is also one of the reasons (not the only one) why sorc and warden are so strong when it comes to one bar heavy attack setups. They have abilities designed to be on both bars and because of that stronger than regular abilities but with oakensoul, double bar drawback dissapears and higher effectiveness remains.
  • Auldwulfe
    axi wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    axi wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    axi wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    Zezin wrote: »
    Liguar wrote: »
    N3CR01 wrote: »
    OMG, how exactly?
    This is getting all kinda stupid now.

    It was about achievements.

    Can you believe it? People using a different playstyle are getting achievements! In your own homeland! What are you going to do?

    It's not that it's a different playstyle, it's that it's better than anything else out there in that situation while at the same time being 10x easier with the mitigation of a tank on top of it.

    AND, it's completely doable without Oakensoul ..... can't fix an issue if it's constantly being diverted by a red herring.


    Please show me an example of 100k+ one bar heavy attack sorc without oakensoul that will also reach similar levels of defense. We are talking about 100k DPS with 30k HP 28k resistances, and 100% uptime on self provided minor protection, aegis, mending and heroism.

    I never said 100k... which isn't even the problem, anyways --- I said about 80 to 85k which is what MOST people get with Oakensoul .... and the real issue is the live trial damage, since anybody can beat a static dummy with all the buffs, and get high numbers.....

    I agreed that the HA Lightning attacks are carrying too much damage --- but I don't agree that it is Oakensoul, as you can get the same averages without... about 37K in a trial.... and do it with a slower rotation. As for defense... I would think having the equivelent of 6600 Health regen that doesn't get effected by Battle Spirit would be enough ..... as Crit Surge has a chance to heal on every tick of that heavy staff... at that point, picking any race with a health boost, and some basic bumps with food, should make you tanky enough to just endure through.... Add a potion focused on heal, and maybe add in unsnareable.... and you will not notice the rest .... defense isn't as important, directly, when you can just continuously heal through.... read up on ball groups.

    However, if you really want to burst skulls... make an Imperial, put everything in stamina - even your armor glyphs... since damage under hybridization scales off the higher, regardless of which it is, and heavy attacks don't use resources, and refill you with every attack... In theory, that should boost the damage higher... haven't tried it yet, but by everything else we have, it should work..... Not saying it makes sense, but with the system, it would work.

    Thing is, ad hominem attacks are not helping, because if they nerf the ring, they nerf the playerbase, and everyone loses.... and the persistent issue with the combo of HA boosting armor sets, empower, and the synergy of Lightning Staves will remain.....

    Screaming about a mythic that wasn't an issue 30 days ago, and that doesn't help in PVP, and therefore only effects gatekeepers and people profiting off of carries, is NOT helping anyone......


    I am pretty sure when person You were responding to was talking about oakensoul being better than anything else out there he/she was not talking about 80-85k DPS so Your answer about being able to do the same without oakensoul is slightly dishonest since You lowered standards just to match Your agenda. And yes I agree real trial damage is an issue and that is because in real trial while You loose almost nothing from heavy attack DPS You get lots of defense thanks to oakensoul which allows sometimes to completly ignore mechanics. That mechanic avoidance in return gives You even more DPS because other setups need to actively react to more things than oakensoul user. For example as an oakensoul user You can ignore liothis poison cone in vAS HM and continue Your rotation like it's nothing when other setups with lower defense will have to block and cause drop in their DPS and when storm heavens mechanic will start during poison cone they will be in way bigger trouble than oakensoul user since they will have to actively dodge/block/heal while moving back when oakensoul user can just move back while continuing rotation.

    On a side note I must say I find it ironic that people are using argument about average player on one bar rotation doing 80-85k DPS while at the same time two bar rotations are being glorified for pulling 130k+ while average two bar player is nowhere near that value and often will be under 80-85k. Food for thought

    You are looking at the issue of one bar heavy attacks oakensoul setups too one dimensionaly. It's not just lightning staff, it's not just oakensoul, it's not just empower. It's all things combined. And Your idea about nerfing either empower or lightning staves is not solving the issue completlyy because it will nerf heavy attack setups for everyone not just oakensoul users when it's only after oakensoul arrival when issues arted to occur. It would just put heavy attack setups back into obscurity. Yes lightning staves are doing lots of damage but without oakensoul heavy attack setups still need to follow the same ruleset as all the other DDs. Even as one bar users they need to keep uptimes up, and care about mechanics the same way as everyone else. Only after equiping oakensoul issues begin because when DPS of said setups stays the same they suddenly get more defense, and extremly simplified rotation with no drawbacks to it. Crit surge wont save You from high dmg hit. High health, high resistances and lot of dmg reduction will. This is why oakensoul heavy attack sorc can even withstand Z'maja one shot in vCR. You can be almost as tanky as a tank if You want and Your DPS is not taking a big hit because most of Your dmg comes from heavy attacks and most crucial offensive and buffs are provided by oakensoul so ironically desspite being a one bar setup You have a lot of flex spots.

    I actually have an one bar heavy attack sorc which is a stamina oriented orc. Being stamina oriented makes this build even more ridicolous because while I am pulling same dmg as magicka based counterparts I can dodge, block and sprint way more than them and I can use vigor as my heal without the risk of running low on stam and since heavy attacks replenish magicka I will never run low on mag. Imperial sounds like an overkill. You can get additional health just by spending Your attributes differently and 6% lowered everything doesnt sound that great when You have zero sustain issues on both resources.

    As I already said if heavy attacks will be nerfed than it will be hit for everyone with and without oakensoul so from playerbase perspective it would be more beneficial to solve the issue of ofense and defense that oakensoul provides at the same time. Everyone would loose if ZoS would straight up nerf heavy attack setups because there would be no alternative. Personally I would love to see a situation where oakensoul heavy attack setups would pull noticably less DPS than non oakensoul heavy attack counterparts but oakensoul would still offer noticable amount of defense. That way oakensoul would become a tool to help people to get into content but there would be still incentive to improve if they would want to reach for some higher goals. As it is right now unless You are some dedicated scorepusher or extreme two bar light attack enjoyer, in vast majority of content there is really no point into building for something else than oakensoul setup.

    You mean all I have to do is put on Oakensoul, and I can stand in stupid and take no damage?
    Last time I checked, you still have to dodge, block etc.... you can still be snared.... and like all mythics, you are deciding if you want the power from a mythic, all of which have drawbacks, in this case losing 6 skill slots, or if you want 2 full 5 piece sets and a full monster set, many of which do NOT have drawbacks.

    And yes, my resistances with Oakensoul are 4% higher, than without .... a whole 4%....
    And, let's be honest, if it is somehow wrong for people to have the buffs with Oakensoul, then it must be wrong for people to get the buffs from teammates if they don't have it......

    Again, in the end, the argument devolves back to gatekeeping, and keeping the plebs from the Holy Trials of the elite.....

    Oddly enough, I don't really use Oakensoul.... it was an interesting learning tool.... but that's about it..... but I do KNOW a huge number of people with physical disability, or age issues..... paying subscribers, by the way..... that do need it to make up for health issues.

    I understand those health issues, ... 30 years ago, as a combat army service member, I could run 11 miles with a 200 pound pack, and then jump into a battle and go out partying that night.....
    Now, I am a grandfather, and my run is capped at 5 miles... and that is a bit of a push to get there.... I have bursitis and arthritis, so not only pain and limited movement, but also occasional nerve twitches and odd responses, like telling my right index finger to push the mouse button causing the toes on my left foot to curl......

    Some days, I go for the easier one bar builds..... others I am fine, and do the two.... but I have no illusions that I'll be doing that in 10 years.
    What you are saying is that this game is so elite, it only needs activites from the proper type of player, with a proper level of ESO-ness..... and if you can't do things the prescribed way that the elites tell you... then you shouldn't be allowed to play past where they want you kept.... but keep putting in that subscriber money, because those same self described elites want the servers and devs working for them......

    As for the claim about unless you are a scorepusher, you won't build something other than oakensoul..... the thousands of casuals that log on, every day, and either RP, work housing, or just explore would refute that claim.

    For that matter, I have 6 active characters, right now, and the only one that even has the ring on is one I did a test run with, to try out something else, and see how it worked with some buffs.... and he's waiting for me to take him to the armory, and rebuild him.... and probably without the ring, he's a DK tank, and it takes too much, and taught me that even with buffs, tanks can't get away with the slot limits...... my firemage concept built on a DK... all about burn (I even joke about him being a Disco Inferno)... and stacking status with DOT.... Oakensoul is very bad for that, too

    My Ice Mage Warden... doing a bit of a shuffle, now that they changed Ice Wall... but probably not a whole lot ... still relies on stacking chilled, with frost sets, and Occult Overload explosions.......

    My Nightblade didn't even finish the delve I tried with Oakensoul, just to see how it worked, there.... I took it off...... And I am not some scorepusher.... it just didn't work well for me.
    Most of these people will use it for a bit, and then get over it.... right now, it is the Pillars of Nirn, in the first 30 days the set was out.... it is Mara's Balm at release...... and I am pretty sure, Snake in the Stars for the next period of time...... the new fad, the new thing...... and it will fade.

    Right now, the game is in an odd state -- I noted it back when U35 happened, that it was just the beginning.... now, I can out mage magicka builds by going all stamina.. etc.

    In the end, it's gatekeeping to ensure that the average players aren't allowed into the hallowed halls of trials, etc..... they can look upon their betters, via youtube videos.... but they are unworthy of treading those places themselves, unless they submit to proper subservience and obedience to specific 2 bar builds, with specific sets, and only push the buttons when they are told.......

    I, for one, am HAPPY that people are surpassing me.... and if they do it with Oakensoul, it does NOTHING to harm me, or my play, in any way, whatsoever..... Yes, I put in work, and if they get it easier.... then good on them, I am not a horse and buggy owner screaming that cars are bad, because they owners don't have to take time to care for their horse.

    I love it when I see a group... and for every single time a bad player is mentioned in these threads, I think back on the dozens of good ones.... people that are now reliable damage dealers, when I tank... that after I pull, take the creature down, and so on.

    We need MORE of them, not less.... so it would probably be a good idea not to chase them off.

    But, if you are really worried about it, you can always tell when Oakensoul is around..... horses that sweat in the mornings, cream that spoils overnight, and flames that burn pure blue..... all signs that Oakensoul is among you.......


    Up to a certain degree yes You can put oakensoul and You can stand in stupid. You will take some dmg but due to defense that oakensoul allows to build this damage will be way less impactfull than for many other regular setups to the point some of the mechanics can be ignored. For example some 27k HP DD will take 25k hit, when You, while having 30K+ HP will take 17k. Having 13k+ HP of wiggle room vs having 2k is a massive adventage. That buys You a precious time to react and since You have lots of HP and dmg mitigation You can react way slower and still survive all of that while keeping the same or even higher DPS than many of Your teammates. Properly built You can be sturdy to the point where if tank dies You can take the heat from boss until someone resses the tank.

    As for loosing 6 skill slots, the biggest irony of oakensoul is that in group enviroment it's not a drawback. Normal rules for backbar for DDs are usually to slot some crucial offensive buffs like minor force and some DoTs but since in this setup overwhelming majority of Your DPS comes from heavy attacks, few additional DoTs wont make the difference. You already have most crucial buffs like minor force from oakensoul. The only thing You will loose is an back bar infused berserker but the irony here is that minor slayer from oakensoul compensate that loss. yes You could use Infalible mage set or even relequen but both of these options will be DPS loss when compared to storm master not even mentioning sergant.

    I did a test where I tried a non oakensoul two bar heavy attack setup and my DPS was 106k which is only 3-4k higher than with oakensoul when my rotation was more complicated, more situational and I had way less defense since for example I needed to use spell power pots instead of resistance pots. So loosing 6 skills slots cost me 3% of DPS but in return I get 20-30% more defense and rotation that is way easier to manage. Do You really consider that a drawback?

    If You have only 4% higher resistances with oakensoul than without it it means You can be built incorrectly. You also seem to not count other buffs like minor aegis and minor protection. Main question is do You use resistance potion that provides You with unique 5,3k resists? With oakensoul You can freely use it because You are not bound to any otyher potion since You have enough sustain and all buffs provided normaly by potions like major sorcery/brutality, prophecy/savagery and minor heroism are already part of the mythic.

    No, it have nothing to do with gatekeeping. I don't know why do You insist with that argumentation. Belive me, personally I have no issue with more people participating in content I also don't care wheter it's a casual or veteran player who uses oakensoul. I am also all for increasing build diversity although I must say oakensoul really does a poor job at that since it's just a one setup for almost every class in every content type. It all boils down to giving everyone an even playing field and as it is right now one bar heavy attack setups have noticably easier life than two bar setups when it comes to completing the content which doesn't feel right. If anything I find lots of arguments defending one bar heavy attack setup, as some kind of wierd reverse gatekeeping because main argument in defense of one bar setups is that two bar setups can pull over 130k when in reality barely anyone is capable to do that. This thread alone is the best example of that reverse gatekeeping because OP basically says that everyone who don't like one bars and preffer two bars should become top 0,1% of playerbase.

    Health issues of some portion of playerbase are really not a valid argument to balance whole game content around that. With all due respect but that sounds like an escape goat argument that can backfire really quickly rather than a valid point. I belive middleground can be created where people who struggle more to compete will still be able to complete content but setups that will allow them to do it won't be as dominating and overperforming, especially in mid game as oakensoul builds are right now.

    I would ask You to not put words into my mouth. I've never said or suggested that ESO is for elites only. I even objected Your idea of nerfing heavy attacks accros the board as it would in my opinion be too drastic and hurt too many players. While I am all for build diversity and increased accesibility I also think everything have its reasonable limit and currenlty oakensoul helped to move the bar too high.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough but when I was saying about scorepushers as the only group for whom two bar setups are still desirable I was reffering to a group content not a housing, RP or overland. My whole post was and still is about a group content perspective where oakensoul dominates right now because as I said unless You're not a scorepusher and even worse if You do not have very well optimised support in group than oakensoul setup will outperform everything else if we consider its offense, defense, sustain and rotation.

    I'll own that after repeated posts, I probably got a bit defensive ...
    I still think that empower down to 60%, or the Cleave from Tri-force for lightning beig reset to 40/80 is the best choice..... As many have noted, the defensive buffs can be gotten from other sources... and the problem with Oakensoul is almost exclusive to the lightning staff..... I do lean more towards the Cleave change.... mostly because it is unique to lightning.

    I have yet to see anyone complain about a 2Handed build with it.....
    And so many sets can be combined.... from my experiments, I found that you really only need one set that empowers heavy attacks to get up there.... using ONLY Sergeant's Mail and Order's Wrath, which is craftable, I was able to pull 37K in Hel Ra Citadel.... and have done it on VET .... remaining in the top 4 of our group for DPS, and using 2 bars, albeit identical ones... so mostly just a one bar, no Oakensoul build.......

    I found that Slime Craw does amazing things on that heavy attack, adding to both crit and damage... beyond anything it ever did with my Dual Wield builds......

    As for outperforming, I would, honestly, suggest that the rest of the game has been overnerfed, then.....
    U35 was a travesty... and I nearly joined the flood of people that left, except that I had just renewed mine, my fiance's, and my stepmother's subscriptions for 6 months......
    And we do have to accept disability in there.... they are also subscribers, and pay for the whole game.... and should have a means of accessing what they paid for.

    The people screaming that there must be a nerf, because they spent x hours parsing, and it's not fair, are the ones that have gotten to my last nerves.... That was their choice.... the game is an option, and if you decide to make it a second job.. that is something you did.

    I still don't hold that Oakensoul people are super tanky.... I've seen too many of them dead on the ground.... honestly, when I first tried it, I was opposed to it, and then, just kind of meh..... it really didn't add enough to matter... and it didn't really give me anything I hadn't already worked out from other sources,..... a LOT of the buffs are specific .... you can get Brutality/Sorcery and Prophecy / Savagery from multiple sources.... Major Resolve is so widely available, that it's almost a gimmee.....

    The rest are minor level buffs... empower being the only stand out. And, who knows, we're likely to see that having an Arcanist in the party gives EVERYONE the powers of Oakensoul, and lets you keep both bars.....after U35, and TOT, that class has a huge amount of work ahead of it, just to sell this expansion.

    And, between, U35, and the recent rescaling to light attacks.... I think we are in for a wild rollercoaster ride of changes, anyways..... and in the end, one mythic probably won't matter.......

    I do know, however, about 30 some people that have already said, that if Oakensoul is nerfed... they are done. They hated U35, and aren't happy with TOT, etc.... and the number of people on other forums, where they can talk about it, without being snipped for bashing are also talking about leaving if it's nerfed.......

    WIthout those subscriptions, can the game avoid going into maintenance mode.... especially with some of the titles coming out this year......

    Edited by Auldwulfe on March 23, 2023 12:10AM
  • merpins
    Here is what I was going to say:
    I think top end should stay the same for HA builds, but the bottom end should be lower. I think the graph should also meet in the middle. Currently the floor of HA builds is around 70k, but should be around 40-50k. By moving the floor down but keeping the ceiling the same, it would make it so the middleground of effort, where the graph for HA builds and normal builds meet, would be the same damage. This is around the 80-90k dps mark.

    I reread my post a couple times though. this was more of an in the moment idea/take. But unfortunately it does undermine the purpose of HA builds as they currently are: a tool for disabled and casual players to experience end game content without needing to make an end-game build. If it's just as hard to make it to 80-90k dps on a Ha build as it is for a normal build, then everyone but disabled players would pick the normal build since that's the minimum for real end-game content, and then disabled players wouldn't be able to attain the top end of HA builds damage that they need to do the content I mentioned before.

    Basically, no matter the choice here, it's either:
    1. Let casual players and disabled players play the game and experience end game at the expense of... Well, no one. It doesn't hurt anyone.


    2. Remove this playstyle, and don't let disabled and casual players experience end game.

    The second option is worse imo, since again, the first option still hurts no one.
  • Rkindaleft
    The extremely low APM requirement for HA (sorcs specifically) is a pretty good thing overall for accessibility, but it's -extremely- narrow and it's essentially limited to 2 sets, Storm Master and Sergeant's Mail. It is a good thing for new/low APM players to explore more difficult content, however.

    The Oakensoul build also has 100% of it's AoE damage, is fully ranged if needed, has infinite sustain, has 23k+ resists and can have 30k health, including full undaunted passives, so it's significantly better in content than a pure ST dummy parse (comparing LA to HA) could be able to tell you. I play on PS5/NA and there's 100s of new Immortal Redeemer in the last month alone because the build gives so much survivability and good damage.

    I still think that Oakensoul as a whole should not be nerfed via the buffs it gives, but Empower became way overtuned at 80% as soon as they changed it and needs to be.
    Edited by Rkindaleft on March 23, 2023 1:20AM
    https://youtube.com/@rkindaleft PlayStation NA. I upload parses and trial POVs sometimes.
    6/9 Trial Trifecta achievements.
    Tick Tock Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker
  • merpins
    Rkindaleft wrote: »
    The extremely low APM requirement for HA (sorcs specifically) is a pretty good thing overall for accessibility, but it's -extremely- narrow and it's essentially limited to 2 sets, Storm Master and Sergeant's Mail. It is a good thing for new/low APM players to explore more difficult content, however.

    The Oakensoul build also has 100% of it's AoE damage, is fully ranged if needed, has infinite sustain, has 23k+ resists and can have 30k health, including full undaunted passives, so it's significantly better in content than a pure ST dummy parse (comparing LA to HA) could tell you. I play on PS5/NA and there's like 100s of new Immortal Redeemer in the last month alone because the build gives so much survivability and good damage.

    I still think that Oakensoul as a whole should not be nerfed via the buffs it gives, but Empower is overtuned at 80% and needs to be.

    Agreed. Rather than nerf HA builds, they should just buff non-ha builds. Which is the opposite approach that they've been taking lately.
  • colossalvoids
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    You were the person asking for an adult conversation, and now going about "elitists" and spoiled milk over a simple message containing some facts and basically defence for oaken's future and ha builds health in general. That's why people aren't responding a lot and "ignoring" even if you might have a point or two at times. You're not on war.

    It's reaching a point of annoyance, when the same thing is said over and over, and when disproven, brought out again, like a new discovery......
    The more people oppose Oakensoul, the more and more it resembles gatekeeping to keep others out......

    I don't even really use it, and it's gotten silly.

    So few people do not recognize humor, or history....

    So for simplicity, in the 1600's, it was believed that horses sweating in the morning, cream that spoiled overnight, or flames that burned blue were signs of witchcraft in your community. The way some people carry on, it reminds me of the 1600's witchhunts, and how if you did anything different than anyone else, you were a witch........


    It is irritating for everyone. Case the point of message that bringing up elitists, gatekeeping or witch hunt when faced with facts doesn't help. Those won't automatically change and be disproven that way.
  • Auldwulfe
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    You were the person asking for an adult conversation, and now going about "elitists" and spoiled milk over a simple message containing some facts and basically defence for oaken's future and ha builds health in general. That's why people aren't responding a lot and "ignoring" even if you might have a point or two at times. You're not on war.

    It's reaching a point of annoyance, when the same thing is said over and over, and when disproven, brought out again, like a new discovery......
    The more people oppose Oakensoul, the more and more it resembles gatekeeping to keep others out......

    I don't even really use it, and it's gotten silly.

    So few people do not recognize humor, or history....

    So for simplicity, in the 1600's, it was believed that horses sweating in the morning, cream that spoiled overnight, or flames that burned blue were signs of witchcraft in your community. The way some people carry on, it reminds me of the 1600's witchhunts, and how if you did anything different than anyone else, you were a witch........


    It is irritating for everyone. Case the point of message that bringing up elitists, gatekeeping or witch hunt when faced with facts doesn't help. Those won't automatically change and be disproven that way.

    Same as discounting facts from the other side.... or just restarting the argument every time something is disproved..... it's been a problem..... and yeah, a lot of time, crap happens.... I was booted from a PUG, because I used a lightning staff... so I must be using Oakensoul ( I wasn't).... but just using lightning is now grounds to be vote-kicked, and still remains the only time I have been kicked.......

  • colossalvoids
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    You were the person asking for an adult conversation, and now going about "elitists" and spoiled milk over a simple message containing some facts and basically defence for oaken's future and ha builds health in general. That's why people aren't responding a lot and "ignoring" even if you might have a point or two at times. You're not on war.

    It's reaching a point of annoyance, when the same thing is said over and over, and when disproven, brought out again, like a new discovery......
    The more people oppose Oakensoul, the more and more it resembles gatekeeping to keep others out......

    I don't even really use it, and it's gotten silly.

    So few people do not recognize humor, or history....

    So for simplicity, in the 1600's, it was believed that horses sweating in the morning, cream that spoiled overnight, or flames that burned blue were signs of witchcraft in your community. The way some people carry on, it reminds me of the 1600's witchhunts, and how if you did anything different than anyone else, you were a witch........


    It is irritating for everyone. Case the point of message that bringing up elitists, gatekeeping or witch hunt when faced with facts doesn't help. Those won't automatically change and be disproven that way.

    Same as discounting facts from the other side.... or just restarting the argument every time something is disproved..... it's been a problem..... and yeah, a lot of time, crap happens.... I was booted from a PUG, because I used a lightning staff... so I must be using Oakensoul ( I wasn't).... but just using lightning is now grounds to be vote-kicked, and still remains the only time I have been kicked.......


    Even if you were using oaken or any item set in a game it does not justify such things. Especially against a weapon type. Had no such experience myself despite started to pug again recently and my character rotation goes through 2 that are actually using lightning staves. Heck, queued as an oaken one bar NB with sword and board (rp setup?) for laughs and it wasn't even merely a problem.
  • Auldwulfe
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    You were the person asking for an adult conversation, and now going about "elitists" and spoiled milk over a simple message containing some facts and basically defence for oaken's future and ha builds health in general. That's why people aren't responding a lot and "ignoring" even if you might have a point or two at times. You're not on war.

    It's reaching a point of annoyance, when the same thing is said over and over, and when disproven, brought out again, like a new discovery......
    The more people oppose Oakensoul, the more and more it resembles gatekeeping to keep others out......

    I don't even really use it, and it's gotten silly.

    So few people do not recognize humor, or history....

    So for simplicity, in the 1600's, it was believed that horses sweating in the morning, cream that spoiled overnight, or flames that burned blue were signs of witchcraft in your community. The way some people carry on, it reminds me of the 1600's witchhunts, and how if you did anything different than anyone else, you were a witch........


    It is irritating for everyone. Case the point of message that bringing up elitists, gatekeeping or witch hunt when faced with facts doesn't help. Those won't automatically change and be disproven that way.

    Same as discounting facts from the other side.... or just restarting the argument every time something is disproved..... it's been a problem..... and yeah, a lot of time, crap happens.... I was booted from a PUG, because I used a lightning staff... so I must be using Oakensoul ( I wasn't).... but just using lightning is now grounds to be vote-kicked, and still remains the only time I have been kicked.......


    Even if you were using oaken or any item set in a game it does not justify such things. Especially against a weapon type. Had no such experience myself despite started to pug again recently and my character rotation goes through 2 that are actually using lightning staves. Heck, queued as an oaken one bar NB with sword and board (rp setup?) for laughs and it wasn't even merely a problem.

    As I noted, though... I did try Oakensoul... for a little while..... maybe 3 months.
    It is an excellent tool for teaching what the buffs can do, but it is very limited in so many ways. After a while, most people realize that the limitations trap you, and drift past it... unless they feel attacked, and then they tend to dig in.....
    I don't see the buffs hurting.... seriously, if you are a bad player, you still die.... if you are a poor teammate, it isn't because you use a ring.... you were already that type of person to begin with... and would use any excuse.

    In my case, it let me join groups as a DPS.... UP until then, I was parsing 50K to 80K .... but could not consistently guarantee, to my team, that I could pull that weight every time.... as I noted, some days, my age and injuries in life make themselves known.

    I had tanked on my good days, and ran healer on my poorer days.... but I had wanted to try DPS.... it allowed me to do that, but more importantly, it allowed me to see which buffs were truly necessary, and which were just a bonus to have.
    That knowledge has let me build solid DPS... I won't win records, but I can now hold my own in most things... and I got to see, learn, and begin to understand, how the mechanics worked in trials.....

    I have grown past the need for the mythic, at this point..... but I see others that are still learning... and suffering attacks, because they use it, and some who's personal limitations make it a necessary tool... no different than an automobile set for all hand controls, for driving by people in wheelchairs.... those exist, too.
    And I, and others, have received less than polite personal messages that suggest. among other things, that "not every game is for everyone... ESO requires a certain amount of intelligence, and if you are struggling, maybe it's not for you, there are simpler games, and maybe you should try those"..... yes, reported, no, I am not naming who.

    But, for a very long time, this game has channeled everyone into very limited build options... DPS was dual wield front, with 2Handed back.... tanks are 1 handed and shield front, with ice staff back... and deviation from that formula is still attacked.....
    This is just a parallel path that is just starting... I would rather we refined it, and broadened it out, and encouraged MANY more branches of build, rather than try and destroy any growth, and push everything back into ... this is the only prescribed meta... do NOT deviate or think outside of this box/

    I would absolutely love to talk openly about the issues involved with Oakensoul, but right now, it is a sensational topic... it is being used as clickbait, and so over inflated or under inflated, that there are no goalposts, as they keep getting dragged off the field.

    I am, also, still of the mind that we are missing something in the Lightning staff and it's synergy with heavy attack boosting sets.... oddly, I have seen some of the same synergy in restoration staves... but they are strictly single target, so I don't think it is noticed as much..... but I was able to get up into DPS levels with it..... breaking 40K on a parse with just the heavy attack and 5 healing skills on my bar, and keeping 28k of that in a live trial...... and within about 90% of that with mage guild empower, and a skill that gave Major Brutality..... which, oddly, also enhances healing... LOL
    Yes, Major Brutality makes you heal better.... LOL

    I think it has to do with the way the pulses are being calculated on the backside..... because, again, I don't have this issue with a firestaff, with everything else the same, or an ice staff.....
    And we aren't seeing floods and floods of Dual Wield Oakensoul users.... and NONE of those buffs are only limited to staves.... and would be useful to ANY build..... so, why is it only lightning staves?

  • Lancer1602
    Liguar wrote: »
    Zezin wrote: »
    It's easy to look at the extreme top and think that everyone on 2 bar builds is doing this kind of damage, the reality is that 90% of players that use 2 bars are currently underperforming compared to HA builds and that is ultimately why I believe it will be nerfed.

    That may be true, but does it really seem reasonable that a build should be nerfed because other people choose to use the more complicated LA weaving mechanic? Whether they execute it perfectly or not, I'm not sure that it's a great idea to balance other builds around the fact that a chunk of players aren't enjoying their LA builds.

    edit: What i mean to say is that possibly, rather than ruining someone else's day they could help the ones that are struggling and make the 2 bar builds a teeny bit more forgiving for imperfect weavers. Live and let live and all that jazz.

    As some people proved multiple times, you dont need LA weaving to parse 100k+


    2 bar builds are already pretty forgiving on imperfect weaves to the point where you can not weave at all and still do a lot of damage. But why would you want to tune your build - farm trial sets - spend time practicing weaving when you can just go HA Oakensorc and play with one hand and have the better output?
    Edited by Lancer1602 on March 23, 2023 10:27AM
  • Liguar
    Lancer1602 wrote: »
    2 bar builds are already pretty forgiving on imperfect weaves to the point where you can not weave at all and still do a lot of damage. But why would you want to tune your build - farm trial sets - spend time practicing weaving when you can just go HA Oakensorc and play with one hand and have the better output?

    I don't do trials, so no trial gear. And if I want to "play with one hand" I will. I don't think it's better output though since I don't use pets, or storm master.


    Edit: I'm sure that DK build in the video is nice and all but I would have to play it with my eyes closed. Is that better or worse than playing with one hand? ;)

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on March 26, 2023 5:45PM
  • Yazrz
    Lancer1602 wrote: »
    2 bar builds are already pretty forgiving on imperfect weaves to the point where you can not weave at all and still do a lot of damage. But why would you want to tune your build - farm trial sets - spend time practicing weaving when you can just go HA Oakensorc and play with one hand and have the better output?

    Why is there a need to want to tune the build? Some people like min-maxing, some do not. It is a simple as that. Neither is right or wrong, and neither is objectively better or worse.
    Edited by Yazrz on March 23, 2023 12:37PM
  • axi
    Lancer1602 wrote: »
    Liguar wrote: »
    Zezin wrote: »
    It's easy to look at the extreme top and think that everyone on 2 bar builds is doing this kind of damage, the reality is that 90% of players that use 2 bars are currently underperforming compared to HA builds and that is ultimately why I believe it will be nerfed.

    That may be true, but does it really seem reasonable that a build should be nerfed because other people choose to use the more complicated LA weaving mechanic? Whether they execute it perfectly or not, I'm not sure that it's a great idea to balance other builds around the fact that a chunk of players aren't enjoying their LA builds.

    edit: What i mean to say is that possibly, rather than ruining someone else's day they could help the ones that are struggling and make the 2 bar builds a teeny bit more forgiving for imperfect weavers. Live and let live and all that jazz.

    As some people proved multiple times, you dont need LA weaving to parse 100k+


    2 bar builds are already pretty forgiving on imperfect weaves to the point where you can not weave at all and still do a lot of damage. But why would you want to tune your build - farm trial sets - spend time practicing weaving when you can just go HA Oakensorc and play with one hand and have the better output?

    Thing is for less skilled players the root of the issue isn't in light attack weaving alone. Base issue comes from inability to control different timers within 1 second intervals. Video above presents a dynamic rotation of 8 DoT abilities with spammable ability as a filler. Some of the used DoTs like venomous claw and carve require good reaplication. One shouldn't be reaplied too early and the other cannot be reaplied too late. Then there is a coral riptide set which requires to keep stamina as low as You can throughout whole fight. It's too much for an average player, he/she will be lost already. Adding light attack weaving on top of it makes things just worse.

    Saying "oh look You can do decent DPS without LA weaving" is really disingenuine when the example for it presents a master level rotation with weaving average of 0,02, almost all timers of DoTs being reaplied in less than a second after they run out and with stamina being kept under 40% throughout whole fight to maximize coral riptide DPS. Even more experienced players struggle to do it all.
    Edited by axi on March 23, 2023 12:44PM
  • Gibrans
    Can't wait for it to be nerfed(probably conveniently when the expansion releases) only to see threads of a shrinking end game community by the same people calling for it to be nerfed lol
    IGN: Tletva
    Role: Tank
    Class: Necromancer
    CP: 1657
  • Quethrosar
    I made the HA build and it allowed me to beat VMA after 100 deaths in same weekend i did it enough to get flawless conqueror. It allowed me to concentrate on the actual fighting and mechs instead of watching the bar swapping weaving.

    I am 48, i am not a twitch kiddy gamer who clicks buttons without thoughts.

    I can parse the same with 2 bars (no staves, pets, etc... whorl and nirn) as i can with the HA build, but it's much more relaxing to use the HA build. and guess what ? i can actually use the staff with HA ! wizards should not be forced to use swords for DPS.
  • Auldwulfe
    I decided to push the narrative -- I am NOT using Oakensoul, instead, my Imperial Sorc is using identical front and back bars --- just to keep the 3 button meme .... and I used Sergeant's Mail, only for weapons and jewelry, Order's Wrath in all light, and Slime Craw in medium. It was about stacking passives. Skills are Critical Surge, Radiant Magelight, Daedric Prey, Unstable Scamp thing, and the Matron.

    Between being Imperial, and Undaunted, I am quite tanky, already.... and with a 60% chance to crit, I am triggering Critical Surge every second, so healing for 3300 ....
    I am soloing VET dungeons, and barely seeing my health bar move.

    Then, I decided to just try something.... I swapped out my Lightning staff for a Restoration staff... and yes, my damage in combat, not parse, went from about 36 - 37K average, to about 33 - 34K. But... with the passive healing, and Critical Surge, I don't think I EVER saw my health bar move, in 5 different vet dungeons.

    I was already using infused (charged, not infused, sorry, my mix up), and a flame glyph on the staff, so I was able to proc burning status every second, on someone... and I tossed in Occult Overload, instead of one that takes advantage of off balance.......

    Yeah, that is a healing joy, I get about 15k healing EVERY SECOND.... nothing hurts me, and it only takes me a little more time to burn down targets... best part is that I usually kill the bosses by never touching them... hitting minions causes them to explode with Oblivion damage.... one every second, until the boss is the last one.....
    And my scamp also does AOE, if I need it.......
    Now, I am thinking of some of the sets that proc all the bonuses if you overheal.... just wondering what THAT's going to do.

    Edited by Auldwulfe on March 28, 2023 6:41AM
  • bachpain
    Here is my take on this. I use a one bar HA build from time to time but absolutely hate that #1 It is button holed into 2 to 4 sets that have to be used and ONE weapon type that will really work (lightning staff). #2 I find the fact that it exists in its form a great thing for people to do reliable DPS but again it is so entrapping into a small selection of weapon, class, style to work.

    I play a traditional build as well and do comparable DPS while also providing group synergies and buffs that aren't just going on me via oakensoul but it does take a lot more work and #1 it is button holed into 2 to 4 sets that have to be used but I can at least choose the weapons 😉. Albeit grinding solo arenas to advance to higher levels of DPS isn't my cup of tea. #2 unless I spend stupid amounts of time, effort, and use add-ons to get the weaving right I will never really do a whole lot more than the HA builds because the changes to LA weaving did bubkiss for people who have decent builds. You still have to parse hump to get the timing just right and it matters going from skill to skill, and weapon to weapon. I'm not doing that sorry, not sorry. I have limited time in a game and I won't treat it as a gym session for LA weaving.

    What I would like to see is some variety for use with oakensoul that allows for 1 bar traditional LA builds. Holding mouse 1 is exceptionally boring and I would love to move back to my mediocre LA weaving of skills every second but without having to deal with bugged bar swaps that sometimes don't happen or double swap messing up my rotations. As it is there is no way to do this because there is no way on earth you could do enough DPS unless of course you are holding mouse 1 with a lightning staff while wearing Stgs, storm masters, etc. So I guess I'm not for nerfing HA builds but buffing mediocre LA weaving. Something that u37 was supposed to be billed as but wasn't by the way...
  • CompM4s
    Im just happy that I can que as a tank for Vet DLCs and get dds that do enough damage with their HA builds to complete the dungeon.
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