silent88b14_ESO wrote: »At a point in the opening of the quest line there are indeed two copies of him, one by the south gate and one by the statues near the north gate. If the one at the south gate (goes to the beach) doesn't respond seek the one of him leaning against a statue near the northern gate.
elfindreams wrote: »I had an issue finding him later in the quest line at level 10 or so... It seemed to be related to a network issue on my part as other NPCs were not appearing and chats had stopped going through as well. Quitting and re-entering the game cleared it for me.
Interesting. I remember hearing him through the gate before I entered the little town were you find the shard up in the tower, but Razum-dur was in there, and in both spots as well as running around to lead me in the opening quests to the two NPCs I needed to chat with.OK so I tried the fix suggested by customer support (log out, log back in, abandon quest, try to restart quest). Still no sign of Razum-dar anywhere. However, I found Sugar Claws near the small boats on the south side of Eagle's Strand and she said that she can take me back to the main AD island- so at least I am not stuck in the starter zone for ever!
SilkyBlueCoral wrote: »I've run into this issue, or something similar, for me I got the request to go look for Razum-Dar on the starter island from the prophet. But before I did that I started doing the Queen's questline, which also had me talking to Razum-Dar. I also started the Green Lady Questline, and finished it.
But now I can't find Razum-Dar in Eagle's Strand although the compass still takes me there. I think I inadvertently skipped the first portion quest, because if I'm remembering correctly from the beta I talked to Razum-Dar at Eagles Strand and that led into Green Lady which Led into the Queen Questline. By doing the other questlines first, I tripped up the logic in the game. It doesn't think Razum-Dar needs to be at eagle's strand for me.
I'm hoping it will clean itself up (in my journal) when I finish the queen's questline. If it doesn't I'll try abandoning the quest and restarting it.
I never finished Storm on the Horizon because Razum-Dar didn't appear at the end. I tried every suggested solution, none worked, so I gave up, reported it and continued with the questline without issues. 10 levels lated the quest is still hanging in my journal, waiting for a fix.
I didn't see anything I could interact with, no. That's not the problem though. I think I broke it by completing objectives out of order; I went out exploring and did Raz's quests before talking to him. I finished Tempest Unleashed too, so now he's standing in Cat's Eye Quay.
xy_productions wrote: »This one had the same problem, walked away from Razum-Dar and "failed" quest because of walking out of mission area. When this one returned there he was no longer around, but Ri'Dariit remembers the note Yasha talks about. In center of Eagle Strand there is tree-stump, where Razum-Dar was before, leaving note that he is busy Khajiit and you just need to finish quest and find him in Mistral.
SordanKlatir wrote: »
there is no stump with a note for me.i finished all the quests on the roost, except this little buggy thingy.
SordanKlatir wrote: »you mean in mistral? yes, i checked the town, but no stump. maybe i've missed it?
RustyBlades wrote: »Talking to Raz in Mistral doesn't count towards the Storm, unfortunately. It is possible to do the Storm and then hope they fix the bug by the time you are done. It is a bug, Raz never shows. Oddly for me it was my first and third character (out of 3 for this faction) that Raz never showed up for.
One character he stalked all the way to the tower of sales to talk to... I just hope this bug is sorted out eventually.
SordanKlatir wrote: »you mean the piece of paper, which is attached to a pole with a knive? saw it, but cannot interact with is still broken.