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Sky Ship - HSS Arkthzund

Dear ESO Community,

first I have to apologise, as my desired project has been cancelled as I missed the sell of the House I needed for the project. Never the less after finishing the “Botanicum in the Sky” with its little Sky-Ship, the desire grew to make something like this “little” a bit “bigger”.

So the Idea got shape and with the “Moon-Sugar Meadow” I found the perfect place to build the first HSS Arkzhzund (HSS = High Sky Ship)…


As usual the context around the build is a Sky Ship Harbor, where goods from all around Tamriel are loaded and unloaded, distributed to the different traders who bring it then via roads towards the shops or final destinations. Similar to logistic hub you would expect from an airport – just a Tamriel setup.


As any proper Sky Ship, without Gas no fly. So a tank station was needed:



The Ship is fully accessible through the cargo door with interior for the captains quarter, cargo room, crew quarters and the machine/engineering decks




Besides the Ship and the Gas Station the setup provides:
- 3 Traders and goods turnover to horses and road transport
- A dock to access the ship for loading and unloading
- A landing base
- A tank nozzle

As usual my desire was to build in a way that it looks like it is a natural part of Tamriel. I hope you enjoy the setup and feel free to visit the location EU-PC Server @toovy flagged as the main house currently.

I decided to work on a second story line showing a sister variant of the shown HSS Class with a modified ship body – it needs mor fire power! Pretty advanced so stay tuned if you liked this one already.

Cheers, Karigasa

Previous Projects: Botanicum in the Sky

Special Thanks to my friends from Ellysium, Ars Necandi and Blut und Schweiß for bringing life into the built – Germanys next top models😊
Edited by toovy on February 20, 2023 2:32PM
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Could use some cannons to take out the pesky dragons.
  • MageCatF4F
    That is very nicely detailed! Puts my crude piratey work to shame. What can I say - I'm a crude pirate.

    But glad to see my haunted pirate airship has some prey to hunt. Here's some cannons, and they fire (more or less) too.uh2npv984tn5.png
  • toovy
    Thanks MageCatF4F,
    MageCatF4F wrote: »
    That is very nicely detailed! Puts my crude piratey work to shame. What can I say - I'm a crude pirate.

    Cool Idea with the DeadLands Fire Posts as cannons. I experemented to use them as engines, at the side of the ship but ended up with the main thrust at the balloon. This one is a pure civel version without defense measures, so I may fly a big circle around your mension :-)

    Could use some cannons to take out the pesky dragons.

    Ohhh...thats a true statement - did not consider the Dragen Plaque there.
    Edited by toovy on February 21, 2023 9:21AM
  • Grizzbeorn
    Gotta say, an airship was one thing I didn't think I'd ever see here, but the creativity of the Housing community continues to surprise me.

    Very cool!!

    I also did not realize that those Clockwork spheres were available as furnishings.
    Is there a furnishing plan for them? And if so, what might it be called?
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • toovy
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      I also did not realize that those Clockwork spheres were available as furnishings.
      Is there a furnishing plan for them? And if so, what might it be called?

      Hi Grizzbeorn,

      you can just simply by it from the Achivment Housing Trader in Clockwork. She stands in the pavilion just behind the city port - Her name is Razoufa.
    • Grizzbeorn
      toovy wrote: »
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      I also did not realize that those Clockwork spheres were available as furnishings.
      Is there a furnishing plan for them? And if so, what might it be called?

      Hi Grizzbeorn,

      you can just simply by it from the Achivment Housing Trader in Clockwork. She stands in the pavilion just behind the city port - Her name is Razoufa.

        PC/NA Warden Main
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