spantifical wrote: »Are you finding this pattern on just purples or with blues and greens as well?
I recently posted a video on Pattern Cooldowns which focused on blues and greens (I didn't get a 2nd purple within my 8 hours of farming). At the 7 minute mark, I show that I got 2 High Isle blue patterns within 8 minutes of each other by swapping toons. I would assume this would hold true for purples as well, though...that the cooldown is simply character-wide and any variation is coincidence. Would love to see your findings.
I decided to only farm that loop of urns I was using (outer ring of the PD group boss) once ever 20-24 hours (I used the daily reset as a timestamp), and found that I'd get 1 (or two if homemaker procced) purple vamp plans every time I'd go in there.
That's not a very helpful comment. Care to elaborate?
rng rng rng.
whether you get a furnishing plan is down to rng. if there were actual cooldowns people's supposed cooldowns wouldn't be so inconsistent.
some people say purple plans are on a 1 hour cooldown others say 20 hours, some say green and blue have no cooldowns and others say it's 10 or 30 minutes or 1 hour.
being unlucky is frustrating but it really seems to just be you're either lucky or not
ShadowPaladin wrote: »
If I am not wrong - please, someone do correct me if I am - the Devs stated and confirmed that there are cooldowns for some furniture plans/diagrams/etc.. At least for some of them and some ways to aquire them.
For what it's worth, I've pulled multiple purple furnishing plans in the same day in Summerset and in Northern Elsweyr. I'm not 100% certain about Northern Elsweyr, but I'm positive that you can pull more than 1 purple plan in the same day on the same character in Summerset, as I farmed a specific plan there for quite a while.
I've been farming the Galen delve/world boss dailies trying to get the new structure furnishing plans, and those drops have been absolute trash. I've pulled a couple of green plans and a single blue plan since those plans started dropping, and that's with running 3-4 characters each day.
Which public dungeons are you running this in, and do you think that this is the best way to farm purple Vampiric furnishing plans? I'm trying to complete the collection on my crafter and am not keen on paying 250K-1M per plan...
Purple pattern-wise, I am farming Nchuthnkarst public dungeon using the loop of urns around the group boss. I've only ever gotten one purple to drop per toon per day, no matter how long I've farmed, and it usually takes me 1-3 hours of farming per day to get 4 out of my 5 toons I have in there a purple. Sometimes I'll get purples within the first 5-10 mins of farming, sometimes to takes a bit.
Do you just farm the urns and then log out and switch characters, then rinse/repeat as necessary?
First, thanks for all your testing and answers provided.
God forbid, Zos actually gives use the rule set for plans they have programmed into the game so as not to waste its player time in trying to figure out their cooldowns they have programmed and set up. It would be such a simple thing to answer the question of cooldowns without such grief/frustration it causes its player base.
Stay Safe
Here is a video of someone getting two Purple Aylied furnishings back to back
Here is a video of someone getting two Purple Aylied furnishings back to back
Here is a video of someone getting two Purple Aylied furnishings back to back
I have received back to back Purple plans and motifs within 20 hour, 18 hour, daily reset, 5 min and 10 min "cooldowns"
every time the claims gets pushed out by players.
People really hate RNG, and Random Chance,
when it goes against them.
Long live casinos, superstitions, and myths.
P.S. After years of testing I have found only one thing that works regarding ESO RNG,
Sacrifice yourself to the Slaughterfish every time you log in, and the RNGoddess will put you on her favoured list.
I decided to only farm that loop of urns I was using (outer ring of the PD group boss) once ever 20-24 hours (I used the daily reset as a timestamp), and found that I'd get 1 (or two if homemaker procced) purple vamp plans every time I'd go in there.
The cool-down for furnishing plans is a debunked myth. There is that video of someone getting the purple Ayleid plans back to back posted earlier. I also got a double blue drop in of Galen plans, then less than 5 minutes later got another blue Galen plan drop. It all comes down to stacked probability. Very low chance of getting purple plan, even less of a chance of getting it again anytime soon.