Just found a HUGE game breaking leveling bug...

Trying to contact and talk to someone in chat, because this seems like the kind of thing that servers should be brought down for. Is there any way to expedite this process? I don't want to say how it's done for obvious reasons, and I'm sure others have figured it out too. I saw a guy who was level 43 running around. I was wondering how he got that high, maybe he/she doesn't even sleep... but then I found this and it kind of made sense.

Anyway, someone should probably hear about this, otherwise it might spiral out of control with level 50's before the game even gets out of headstart.
  • Censorious
    Just report it. If it's an exploit, anyone who uses it will likely get banned from the game.
    That's what usually happens with this sort of thing.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • GreySix
    Never understood why folks want to rush through content so fast in some weird race to the top.

    And then the same folks are the ones who will inevitably whine and moan about lack of content.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Madae
    I don't know if I would consider it an exploit... more like a loophole in quest dialogue. It's something the developers obviously didn't account for and not so much a "cheat".
    Edited by Madae on March 31, 2014 3:04PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi @Madae, feel free to PM any of the admins or moderators on the forum if you've encountered an exploit. We appreciate you not posting it publicly. :)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • DrAmoveo
    You have to account for the people who have no life. no offense to them but this is all they will do
  • Blackhorne
    Madae wrote: »
    I don't know if I would consider it an exploit... more like a loophole in quest dialogue. It's something the developers obviously didn't account for and not so much a "cheat".

    A loophole the developers didn't account for is by definition a bug.
    Using a bug or design flaw to gain advantage is the definition of "exploit."
    So, yes, this is an exploit.

    When in doubt, the best thing to do is to report it as if it is an exploit. ZOS support can determine the best way to handle it, and they won't be mad at you if it turns out to be not a big deal.
  • Madae
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Madae wrote: »
    I don't know if I would consider it an exploit... more like a loophole in quest dialogue. It's something the developers obviously didn't account for and not so much a "cheat".

    A loophole the developers didn't account for is by definition a bug.
    Using a bug or design flaw to gain advantage is the definition of "exploit."
    So, yes, this is an exploit.

    When in doubt, the best thing to do is to report it as if it is an exploit. ZOS support can determine the best way to handle it, and they won't be mad at you if it turns out to be not a big deal.

    I've always considered exploits a cheat... this isn't really a cheat, because the path is necessary... I guess it doesn't really make sense if you don't know what I'm talking about. When it gets fixed, I'll spill the beans.
  • Putok
    This must be how someone got level 50 in 17 hours /played.
  • Madae
    Well, I just got disconnected. Servers go down? If it's because of this, I would say that's a pretty fast response time. lol.
  • Bansheedragon
    GreySix wrote: »
    Never understood why folks want to rush through content so fast in some weird race to the top.

    And then the same folks are the ones who will inevitably whine and moan about lack of content.

    Like you I never could understand this either.
    Sometimes I have been asking myself if they think their lives depend on the getting to max lvl as fast as possible

    The best thing people can do about this is report it.
    Posting it on the forums will only make more people aware of it and exploit it.
    Madae wrote: »
    Well, I just got disconnected. Servers go down? If it's because of this, I would say that's a pretty fast response time. lol.

    No, the servers are still up, and have been all day.
    I have not been disconnected once, which would suggest to me its on your end.
  • Esteevius
    Madae wrote: »
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Madae wrote: »
    I don't know if I would consider it an exploit... more like a loophole in quest dialogue. It's something the developers obviously didn't account for and not so much a "cheat".

    A loophole the developers didn't account for is by definition a bug.
    Using a bug or design flaw to gain advantage is the definition of "exploit."
    So, yes, this is an exploit.

    When in doubt, the best thing to do is to report it as if it is an exploit. ZOS support can determine the best way to handle it, and they won't be mad at you if it turns out to be not a big deal.

    I've always considered exploits a cheat... this isn't really a cheat, because the path is necessary... I guess it doesn't really make sense if you don't know what I'm talking about. When it gets fixed, I'll spill the beans.

    Either way, you should still report it.
    - Esteevius
    "Wisdom Comes To Those That Are."
  • Madae
    Esteevius wrote: »
    Madae wrote: »
    Either way, you should still report it.

    It was reported a long time ago, good sir. :)
  • Madae
    lol, that level 43 from day 1 is still running around. Looks like the only thing I did by reporting this is screw everyone else out of an easy way to get levels.
  • gharms
    Madae wrote: »
    lol, that level 43 from day 1 is still running around. Looks like the only thing I did by reporting this is screw everyone else out of an easy way to get levels.

    Snitches get stitches. Kidding, of course. I would rather they had rolled back his toon, but whatcha gonna do?
  • Madae
    gharms wrote: »
    Madae wrote: »
    lol, that level 43 from day 1 is still running around. Looks like the only thing I did by reporting this is screw everyone else out of an easy way to get levels.

    Snitches get stitches. Kidding, of course. I would rather they had rolled back his toon, but whatcha gonna do?

    Continue to be irritated that I have morals.
  • Reignskream
    I remember my 2nd day of 5 day early access, and seeing a level 40 running around. The exploit whatever it is, (i myself have no idea, nor do i care to) has already been done. By allot of the big top guilds as well, wont point any names, but its not unusual for "elite" guilds to do things like this, and pass it around to their guild mates to get people leveled. Hopefully it gets fixed, and people get reprimanded as needed.
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