Something like the recount add-on from WoW would be great.
As long as the API only allows parsing of the person using the addon and not the rest of the group, i can see it as a useful tool to test rotations and whatnot.
But when these types of tools allow output of metrics on each player in the group and how they are performing it goes from useful tool to something else, and allows a lot of elitist attitudes to filter into the community.
korwinthale wrote: »I banned DPS meters in my guild and allowed only threat meters during raids in order to help my newer players learn threat management. once in a while I would allow one of my officers to run DPS meter just to see if we as a group met the base requirements for rage timers etc.. But other than that we rolled mostly stock and still downed all content.
korkibucek wrote: »With regards to seeing other players DPS, would it be possible for the DPS data to be sent between group players? Like a P2P solution.
This way we could get full recount DPS meters.
korwinthale wrote: »I banned DPS meters in my guild and allowed only threat meters during raids in order to help my newer players learn threat management. once in a while I would allow one of my officers to run DPS meter just to see if we as a group met the base requirements for rage timers etc.. But other than that we rolled mostly stock and still downed all content.
Assuming your DPS was riding the Threat coat tail (assuming Threat percentage thresholds were being consistently met), then you had the DPS to meet the requirements. So you replaced the DPS meters with a Threat meter where you likely said to people, aim for broke on the meter, so therefor you were a bunch of hypocrits as the threat meter serves the same purpose as a DPS meter.
Just saying, and on that note, how do you know who was using them and who wasn't?
korwinthale wrote: »korwinthale wrote: »I banned DPS meters in my guild and allowed only threat meters during raids in order to help my newer players learn threat management. once in a while I would allow one of my officers to run DPS meter just to see if we as a group met the base requirements for rage timers etc.. But other than that we rolled mostly stock and still downed all content.
Assuming your DPS was riding the Threat coat tail (assuming Threat percentage thresholds were being consistently met), then you had the DPS to meet the requirements. So you replaced the DPS meters with a Threat meter where you likely said to people, aim for broke on the meter, so therefor you were a bunch of hypocrits as the threat meter serves the same purpose as a DPS meter.
Just saying, and on that note, how do you know who was using them and who wasn't?
What a person uses or doesn't use is up to them I told them it wasn't allowed so at least that crap was NOT posted in chat nor was anyone ever called out, and high threat doesn't always mean high DPS either, that's a common misconception among inexperienced raiders.
In my other MMO, I do keep a damage meter but it is purely see what kind of progress that I am making with my character.
However... two things that really irk me is when someone flashes damage meters in party chat to boost their own e-peen or belittle an under performing player.
It does not hurt anyone to take a couple of minutes to help out a player that might be struggling with their class, it actually benefits us all later on down the road. It might be something simple to fix (gear or rotation issue) That person you might have thought of as a scrub, could very well turn out to be an excellent raider or pvp'er as they progress through the game.
You cannot force people to think like this, so the next best option is to prevent people from using these kinds of mods in the first place.
Good decision to remove tracking of other players damage, I really do not want to see this interesting game become just another "clone" of my other MMO.
totally agree with this its just a way to say ones epeen is bigger than another and nothing more. its not how much damage you can do but how well you work as a team.Something like the recount add-on from WoW would be great.
Oh no, please not! Not recount again! It's nothing but stressfull if you constantly have to watch how much DPS you're doing so the tank doesn't kick you... As soon as an addon like this comes out, people won't care about group atmosphere or how well it works together, they will only watch the numbers of this addon and judge after this... I hope recount never makes it to elder scrolls online!
Sorry but I have an inborn hatred for this kind of addon and am really glad the developers decided against that!
TheGodless1 wrote: »In my other MMO, I do keep a damage meter but it is purely see what kind of progress that I am making with my character.
However... two things that really irk me is when someone flashes damage meters in party chat to boost their own e-peen or belittle an under performing player.
It does not hurt anyone to take a couple of minutes to help out a player that might be struggling with their class, it actually benefits us all later on down the road. It might be something simple to fix (gear or rotation issue) That person you might have thought of as a scrub, could very well turn out to be an excellent raider or pvp'er as they progress through the game.
You cannot force people to think like this, so the next best option is to prevent people from using these kinds of mods in the first place.
Good decision to remove tracking of other players damage, I really do not want to see this interesting game become just another "clone" of my other MMO.
Can't agree enough with you! I started my subscription MMOs in Aion. I had no idea what I was doing. I just mashed buttons. Then one day a guildie came up to me and said " are horrible. Sorry to tell you this, but it affects the guild and others." I was insulted and was about to reply in anger, when he continued..."So the guild leader asked me to work with you and show you how to be a better player."
This guy taught me to be one of the best tanks and dps. He took the time to teach a noob about rotations, debuffs, buffs, skill choices to slot, gear set ups. I was inundated by it all. My anger was quickly turned to humility and later pride. I use parsers/DPS meters, but only at end game and with my core group. We don't use them for anything more than to track our progress in DPS. Nothing like getting a new piece of gear or two and watching your DPS skyrocket. It pushes me to new limits without anyone telling me I need "moar deeps!" (forgive the Barrens language). I think Zenimax has it right. It's a personal thing. If you need to know someone else's DPS that badly perhaps it is you woh are lacking and need to berate someone else so you don't look so bad. After all, the spoken words are often considered before the written. In my honest opinion, this game doesn't need a DPS or Ag meter. IT's an Elder Scrolls game. DPS meters are for those cookie cutter games like wow and swtor. Let's just let this be the first game that can be a little different and what it was meant to be instead of ruining it with things you think you need from other games you no longer play due to them being all the same anymore...