I would REALLY dig seeing the Falmer added as a playable race (or just maybe new races in general)

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  • Terin
    Well, I do think it's worth pointing out, the Falmer still clearly exist in the time of Skyrim (over a thousand years after ESO, right?), as well as Snow Elves. I know they're technically kinda-sorta the same, but for the purpose of conversation, I'm calling the "goblin-like elves" Falmer, and "the uncorrupted ones" Snow Elves.

    There is at least one (two?) Snow Elves in Skyrim. I don't know there exact lifespan, but presumably others *have* to exist in the time of ESO. Perhaps not a lot, but even a couple of hundred would still likely "die out" by the time of Skyrim, preserving the timeline. They're essentially mythical creatures that nobody believes actually existed by the time of Skyrim, but again, that's over a thousand years' difference. It's not inconceivable that a few hundred remain in ESO, but die out long before Skyrim and are long since forgotten.

    Now, with the Falmer (the goblin-looking ones), I actually feel like they make perfect sense, personally. The Falmer have already retreated to their sort of "Underdark" realm of underground caverns. It's largely uncharted territory, we've only *seen* monstrous Falmer in these underground caverns, but it's totally feasible that a few pockets of relatively cognitive Falmer are still clinging to the last vestiges of their sanity.

    It *could* play into the themes of Hermeus Mora -- like a few of these still-sane Falmer have taken to worshipping the Daedric prince in order to forestall their further decay. And while that ties quite neatly into the Arcanist class, you could equally explain that these few remaining Falmer are so desparate, they've turned to worshiping absolutely any deity that exists, looking for respite. So perhaps their own Templars or Dragonknights are relatively new to their society, empowered by faith to different deities?

    As far as their "blindness", perhaps these survivors haven't quite lost their physical sense of sight just yet. Or maybe that could be some kind of a racial bonus, that they're more adjusted in dark or underground locales?

    In regards to other races; honestly, I'm just really not super familiar with any others. I remember seeing bits and pieces about the Ayleids(sp?), but I'm unfamiliar with any others. But I'll have to take a look! I just like the idea of exploring new cultures, having some slightly new cosmetic choices, plus racials that maybe "fit" the themes of certain classes or builds in new ways. The Arcanist honestly seems pretty cool, and my gut-feeling is just that I feel like a Falmer character would be *really* fitting for what the Arcanist class seems to be all about.
  • BlueRaven
    You have to think that any new race that a player can use have the possibility of becoming emperor. If a maomer, dwemer, falmer (etc) became emperor that would be a HUGE deal.

    However, it’s not impossible to make “non playable” races in game using the tools already given to us.

    I linked a thread that had great examples earlier. I think few, if any, people checked it out.


    And here is a Falmer a player there made.
    I made a Falmer too!

    I got the look I was going for by using a Bosmer, a sneaky personality, and I think a soul-shriven skin (I am too lazy to log back in and check right now). The chaurus chitin outfit pieces really help with the cosplay.

    Here he is with his beloved pet chaurus.



    And here are my Maomer and Dwemer characters…


    My maomer exile.


    My "time lost" dwemer.


    You don’t have to wait for zos to “break” the lore. Go out, experiment, and have fun!
    Edited by BlueRaven on February 9, 2023 6:11AM
  • amig186
    TaSheen wrote: »

    Um. He specifically referenced "blind" (as being unsure if they were blind in the time of ESO, which they are) - neither Vyrthur nor Gelebor were blind. If he'd meant Snow Elves, one assumes OP would have posted that instead of Falmer.

    The racial passive being ice damage is actually a pretty cool thought for Snow Elves; I'm not much on "ice mages" myself (fire is more my thing) but it might be a nice synergy for the current "ice" warden?

    I know the two words have different connotations despite being synonyms, but interchangable use isn't technically incorrect and in the context of OP's post one meaning makes more sense than the other. Regarding the blindness, you are right there, they couldn't be blind without being at least partially degenerated from those mushrooms, so that's pretty much out.

    there's only 2 and one is a wampire. that's like having a dwemer race to play because there was one cyborg left.

    That's only what Gelebor thinks and how would he know for sure anyway? Would he look it up on the Internet or connect to the Falmer hive mind? It's not implausible to assume there were other groups of survivors who didn't take the Dwemer deal and are just keeping quiet for their own safety. It would have been a lot easier to hide from the Nords than to escape the Dwemer extinction event.
    PC EU
  • Seraphayel
    New races don’t make much sense because all races look basically the same except for their face (and tail, in case of Khajiit and Argonian).

    Falmer, Maormer - all those would be High Elves with slightly different faces. In armor they would be basically unrecognizable.

    As long as they all share basically the exact same body model, new races would add absolutely nothing to the game - unfortunately.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Terin
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    New races don’t make much sense because all races look basically the same except for their face (and tail, in case of Khajiit and Argonian).

    Falmer, Maormer - all those would be High Elves with slightly different faces. In armor they would be basically unrecognizable.

    As long as they all share basically the exact same body model, new races would add absolutely nothing to the game - unfortunately.

    Eh, I think by that token, why have *any* race? Even if they're not TERRIBLY different, it's fun just feeling like you're playing something "new". And it helps capture the fantasy of playing a "character". Plus, even if racial bonuses individually are pretty trivial, I think there's a fun in feeling like your race "matches" your class, in a manner of speaking. To me, again, it helps the character feel a little more grounded, like you're playing a more "authentic" version of a character, like you're truly playing an extension of your race's culture.
  • Seraphayel
    Terin wrote: »

    Eh, I think by that token, why have *any* race? Even if they're not TERRIBLY different, it's fun just feeling like you're playing something "new". And it helps capture the fantasy of playing a "character". Plus, even if racial bonuses individually are pretty trivial, I think there's a fun in feeling like your race "matches" your class, in a manner of speaking. To me, again, it helps the character feel a little more grounded, like you're playing a more "authentic" version of a character, like you're truly playing an extension of your race's culture.

    So it’s all about some passive bonuses that hardly matter and a perception in your mind that your Altmer is called Falmer / Maormer instead in the game code.

    Don’t get me wrong, new races would be dope - but only if they totally rework their appearances and make races different. If they don’t, a new race would basically add nothing besides the very intangible feeling you’ve mentioned. And that definitely would not be worth the dev time spent in regards of all the other stuff they would put on the back burner because of this.
    Edited by Seraphayel on February 11, 2023 7:50AM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Terin
    I mean, "feeling" is the bread and butter of any RPG, or video game at all really.

    The "feeling" of playing in a cool fantasy setting is the only thing that really separates a cool video game, from just plugging some values into an excel sheet and seeing if your numbers are greater than an enemies'.

    I don't imagine many people are choosing races and classes *solely* because of which combination is numerically superior. Nords have a super cool culture and a lot of people have great memories of Skyrim, Khajit and Argonians are the most physically distinctive races which is why some people love them. Those things matter, to some more than others.

    For me personally, I love being able to *immerse* myself in a game and its setting. That's where I have kind of a hard time with ESO, because most of its classes feel kind of arbitrary. A Templar doesn't really "feel" like anything. When I tried playing a Dragonknight, it didn't really make sense to me, why my character has all these weird fire-based abilities for no reason.

    To use WoW as an example, Night Elf Druids are incredibly popular. Not because they have particularly good racials, but because Night Elven culture is largely built around being a druidic society. You can be loads of other races, but Night Elf Druids remain fairly iconic because it suits the "fantasy" of both the race and the class.

    The Necromancer seemed like it had a more concrete identity (even if wasn't quite my cup of tea), and now the Arcanist also seems to have a strong theme. But while I might technically be able to choose any race, do any of those races have *any* kind of connection to the Arcanist, or Hermaeus Mora? Because if not, it feels like a shallow connection, and it becomes harder to feel immersed in the game. I mean, you can make an Argonian Warden, but how does an Argonian "fit" with casting ice spells, or summoning creatures from Morrowind?

    I personally think those kinds of connections are super important. And yeah, as cool as the Arcanist looks, I'd be all the more excited with something like the Falmer having some kind of connection to Hermaeus Mora, to help it feel like a more "complete experience". Or anything else for that matter, like a Shaman class that utilizes magic associated with Argonians, or things like that. Things that go beyond just "mechanics".
  • Vulkunne
    Terin wrote: »
    So, I'm really into choosing races and classes that I feel "match" each other in some capacity. The upcoming Arcanist looks like it could be super interesting, but I feel like I'm already struggling to choose a race.

    Which is when it kind of hit me; I feel like the Falmer would make a *super* cool race. I'm unsure if they'd have been blinded by the Dwemer yet, although even if they're blind, there's certainly a fitting irony in the idea of a blind Falmer Arcanist drawing power from Hermaus Mora, as well as from magical tomes.

    Beyond the Falmer, I also personally love the idea of Snow Elves becoming playable. I personally envision the idea of a Snow Elf Templar, although maybe with light-blue spell visuals instead of the traditional yellow. Or a Snow Elf Necromancer could be kind of cool.

    Where would you guys land? How would you feel about the expansion also bringing Falmer as an option?

    The problem with this is it would break their Story Arc. Same if they introduced something else like the Dwemer.

    So for this story in ESO, these two races are not supposed to be around anymore.

    However, in a different game made for that time then yeah I totally agree with you and would love to play as a Snow Elf trying to fend off the invaders, could have some interesting quest outcomes when dealing with the Dwemer as well.

    It could be done, it could be awesome but crosses too many lines and would make the story less interesting/believable if the consequences to past events keep getting undone.
    Scourge of the Covenant ~ Sorrow of the Pact ~ Sunder of the Dominion ~ The Emerald Emperor ~ Cyrodiil Solo PvP without Temptation
  • Hapexamendios
    Staying underground and being unable to communicate with anyone doesn't sound very appealing.
  • Terin
    I still feel like this would be a cool addition. Like I said, maybe a small sect of Falmer began worshiping the Daedra in hopes of prolonging their lives, or even just to cling onto their sanity.

    I mean, we know at least a *few* Snow Elves survive, and the Falmer are still alive and kicking, but just further devolve. I feel like that would just give the race a really somber, tragic quality that would be super interesting. Again, particularly coupled with the Arcanist, as it would really feel like a "character", like you're one of the last members of a fading race, clinging to powers you don't fully understand, all in a bid to preserve yourself that's inevitably unsuccessful in the end.
  • Vhozek
    Terin wrote: »
    So, I'm really into choosing races and classes that I feel "match" each other in some capacity. The upcoming Arcanist looks like it could be super interesting, but I feel like I'm already struggling to choose a race.

    Which is when it kind of hit me; I feel like the Falmer would make a *super* cool race. I'm unsure if they'd have been blinded by the Dwemer yet, although even if they're blind, there's certainly a fitting irony in the idea of a blind Falmer Arcanist drawing power from Hermaus Mora, as well as from magical tomes.

    Beyond the Falmer, I also personally love the idea of Snow Elves becoming playable. I personally envision the idea of a Snow Elf Templar, although maybe with light-blue spell visuals instead of the traditional yellow. Or a Snow Elf Necromancer could be kind of cool.

    Where would you guys land? How would you feel about the expansion also bringing Falmer as an option?

    The Dwemer are long gone even in this era. They've been gone since the Merethic era. That's maybe like 2k+ years in the past from this game I think?
    𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆, 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝘀. 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
  • Galiferno
    If the snow elves get to come back, so does Ysgramor to show them why they were defeated in the first place.
  • OtarTheMad
    I don't know about playable but I'd LOVE some snow elf-style pages, motifs, and a skin that can finalize my snow elf character.

    I mean you could run into small clans of unchanged Falmer, who prefer Snow Elf, according to Gelebor from the Skyrim Dawnguard DLC it's possible more chose different paths than accepting Dwemer aid.

    The backstory of my main is that she is a Snow Elf but since it's kind of hard to match the skin tone of Snow Elf (seriously ZOS, I can glow in the dark, look like a coral reef, like I am a zombie but not pale? LOL) I put in that she uses an illusion spell to alter her skin color so she looks more like an Altmer. You could also just lean into the fact that all elves have different tones so Ancient Snow Elves probably did too.

    You could look sort of close to a Snow Elf:
    Arctic Rim Skin https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/arctic-rime/
    Gloomlurker body markings https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/gloomlurker-body-markings/
    Gloomlurker face markings (looks bad imo). https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/gloomlurker-face-markings/
    Could also do vampire to look more pale

    This is an "ancient" snow elf for those who do not know


  • kynesgrove
    I've read what everyone said in this thread, so I agree with not adding them but fully being able to RP them.

    That being said and roleplaying aside, if it ever is considered that new ones be added, I'd sorely like them
    "The shrine is breathtaking, sitting upon a rise and dominated by many standing stones carved with holy runes. The place truly seems to have been kissed by Kyne's icy breath."
    - Urig the Wanderer
  • Kallykat
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    I don't know about playable but I'd LOVE some snow elf-style pages, motifs, and a skin that can finalize my snow elf character.

    I mean you could run into small clans of unchanged Falmer, who prefer Snow Elf, according to Gelebor from the Skyrim Dawnguard DLC it's possible more chose different paths than accepting Dwemer aid.

    The backstory of my main is that she is a Snow Elf but since it's kind of hard to match the skin tone of Snow Elf (seriously ZOS, I can glow in the dark, look like a coral reef, like I am a zombie but not pale? LOL) I put in that she uses an illusion spell to alter her skin color so she looks more like an Altmer. You could also just lean into the fact that all elves have different tones so Ancient Snow Elves probably did too.

    You could look sort of close to a Snow Elf:
    Arctic Rim Skin https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/arctic-rime/

    Gloomlurker body markings https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/gloomlurker-body-markings/
    Gloomlurker face markings (looks bad imo). https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/gloomlurker-face-markings/
    Could also do vampire to look more pale

    This is an "ancient" snow elf for those who do not know


    I would love it if ZOS would add some more subtle skins that just changed the tone and still allowed tattoos to show through. I do use the Arctic Rime skin on my Snow Elf, but I could use silver, golden, pearly white, and brown tones to create other nonplayable races as well.

    I would also love to see a Snow Elf style in the game, or even a furnishing pack/house... heck, just more lore references! I was hoping we'd get some with Greymoor, but no luck.
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