Ugh. No thank you. The falmer are antagonists in TES. I hope that doesn't change.
There are various eyes and skins that might help you with RP. There is a variety of glowing eyes and skin options, but they are usually tied to crown crates.Well, the Falmer *eventually* become blind; not sure the state of them in ESO's timeline, but if they're still cognitive enough to be playable, I could see them not having fully devolved into blind, mindless enemies.
Plus, with the super cool green aesthetic, and the Eldritch/cosmic horror vibes of the Arcanist, it just kind of feels like a perfect fit, thematically speaking, at least to me.
Like... Falmer who are slowly succumbing to corruption, bartering with the Hermaus Mora(sp?) to stall their corruption, but as we see in later Elder Scrolls games, are tragically doomed to fail.
And honestly, even though ESO doesn't seem super keen on any sort of "glowing eyes" aesthetic, I could absolutely imagine how cool it might look for a Falmer to have eyes with a trace of that unnatural-green glow. Just my two cents, of course.
Still, it's definitely cool seeing the "looks" that other people come up with. Like I said, I've always thought it would be cool to see more of the Snow Elves in general, and this feels like a potential opportunity to even showcase a bit more of their fallen descendants, the Falmer, in a way that seems like it would tie it quite nicely to the themes of the expansion.
But then, there hasn't been a new playable race in an Elder Scrolls game since... well, at the very least, Morrowind (I've not played any games prior). So adding a new playable race maybe has far-reaching consequences that Bethesda just doesn't want for the universe.
Well, the Falmer *eventually* become blind; not sure the state of them in ESO's timeline, but if they're still cognitive enough to be playable, I could see them not having fully devolved into blind, mindless enemies.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »
We're way past the point as the Dwemer have already vanished from the world and their blindness happened while the Dwarves were still feeding them the poison that caused them to become what they are. Falmer numbers that didn't accept help from the Dwemer would be far too few in numbers to make sense as a playable race.
Maormer are more likely to be a playable race, a fallout in a later Era can explain their short-lived truce we had with them in our timeline. They could join us for 10, 20, 50 years before tensions became hostile again and were forced out once more.
Ugh. No thank you. The falmer are antagonists in TES. I hope that doesn't change.
So, I'm really into choosing races and classes that I feel "match" each other in some capacity. The upcoming Arcanist looks like it could be super interesting, but I feel like I'm already struggling to choose a race.
Which is when it kind of hit me; I feel like the Falmer would make a *super* cool race. I'm unsure if they'd have been blinded by the Dwemer yet, although even if they're blind, there's certainly a fitting irony in the idea of a blind Falmer Arcanist drawing power from Hermaus Mora, as well as from magical tomes.
Beyond the Falmer, I also personally love the idea of Snow Elves becoming playable. I personally envision the idea of a Snow Elf Templar, although maybe with light-blue spell visuals instead of the traditional yellow. Or a Snow Elf Necromancer could be kind of cool.
Where would you guys land? How would you feel about the expansion also bringing Falmer as an option?
AnduinTryggva wrote: »
Mh, as far as I see, in the era we are playing, Falmers are just like they will be/were in Skyrim. So I think it does not make sense to have them as playable as they are as they could not interact with other characters, including NPC characters due to lack of a means of communication with the other Tamriel folks.
What I could see could be the original version of Falmers/Snowelves due to time travel. However, I don't think this would make sense either as if it would be a playable race it would need an explanation as why they were able to time travel in such a large number and why they later became extinct nonetheless.
Ugh. No thank you. The falmer are antagonists in TES. I hope that doesn't change.
SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »so you'd be blind and feral and unable to communicate with regular npcs? how would you do quests? or shopping? or banking?
WTH. Clearly OP means survivors like Gelebor who still look like Mer and are in full possession of their faculties. Most characters would probably think you're just an extremely pale Altmer. The only problem I see is that basegame Maormer already look like exactly that, so something would have to be done to differentiate them further. I suppose their racial passives could be increased ice damage on top of the usual weapon and spell damage bonus, plus a resistance to cold and brittle like the Nords'.
WTH. Clearly OP means survivors like Gelebor who still look like Mer and are in full possession of their faculties. Most characters would probably think you're just an extremely pale Altmer. The only problem I see is that basegame Maormer already look like exactly that, so something would have to be done to differentiate them further. I suppose their racial passives could be increased ice damage on top of the usual weapon and spell damage bonus, plus a resistance to cold and brittle like the Nords'.
So, I'm really into choosing races and classes that I feel "match" each other in some capacity. The upcoming Arcanist looks like it could be super interesting, but I feel like I'm already struggling to choose a race.
Which is when it kind of hit me; I feel like the Falmer would make a *super* cool race. I'm unsure if they'd have been blinded by the Dwemer yet, although even if they're blind, there's certainly a fitting irony in the idea of a blind Falmer Arcanist drawing power from Hermaus Mora, as well as from magical tomes.
Beyond the Falmer, I also personally love the idea of Snow Elves becoming playable. I personally envision the idea of a Snow Elf Templar, although maybe with light-blue spell visuals instead of the traditional yellow. Or a Snow Elf Necromancer could be kind of cool.
Where would you guys land? How would you feel about the expansion also bringing Falmer as an option?