I get the following error after putting in my password and then clicking "LOGIN" or pressing enter. I have to put my password in again, and then it lets me through, but it looks like the same error comes up again just before the screen changes. I've logged in to PTS three times now, and it happened this way each time. I mentioned the "...Gamepad.lua" file in the subject, because that's new, right? Working on making it possible to use gamepads on the character select screen?
/EsoUI/Pregame/CharacterSelect/ZO_CharacterSelect_Manager.lua:441: operator < is not supported for nil < nil
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Pregame/CharacterSelect/ZO_CharacterSelect_Manager.lua:441: in function 'ZO_CharacterSelect_Manager:CanCreateNewCharacters'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{accountChampionPoints = 0, bestSelectionPriority = 0} </Locals>|r
/EsoUI/Pregame/CharacterSelect/Gamepad/ZO_CharacterSelect_Gamepad.lua:550: in function 'CreateList'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, scrollToBest = T, slot = 1, numCharacterSlotsAdded = 0, characterDataList = [table:2]{} </Locals>|r
/EsoUI/Pregame/CharacterSelect/Gamepad/ZO_CharacterSelect_Gamepad.lua:574: in function 'RecreateList'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud </Locals>|r
/EsoUI/Pregame/CharacterSelect/Gamepad/ZO_CharacterSelect_Gamepad.lua:1232: in function '(anonymous)'