support... what support???

I pre ordered the game so I could get the 5 day early access. made my character when I tried to log in ... loaded for about 5 secs then froze. has been doing this for the last 2 days . I thought OH well should be alright ill contact customer support . big mistake there 3 times I sent a phone call request ..nothing . countless emails only receiving one every 3-5 hours just sending me in a circle telling me to try things I've already done just be patient ... *** *** I have asked for a refund and what a surprise no *** reply . thought this game was going to be awesome what a *** huge let down get your *** act together guys just lost 1 sub before I could even play the game ...
  • Sarajlija
    Seems like u need to upgrade ur gaming machine?

    Have you read the minimum req?
    Edited by Sarajlija on March 31, 2014 11:43AM
  • stinismo
    I brought a 2 grand computer about 6 months ago lol runs wow on ultra no problem
  • TRG_Ebrasu
    WoW is so far from a benchmark of how good your machine is it is not even funny. What exactly are you PC's specs?
  • stinismo
    AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series that's the graphics card . I know its not a issue with my comp I put the setting on poor and still the same problem ..
  • stinismo
    also I don't no how long it takes for most people but after I click play in the launcher it takes several mins to start up the game not shore if that is the standard sort of wait time or not but yea
  • TRG_Ebrasu
    The rest of your specs would be beneficial to diagnose whether it is your machine or some of other issue. Did you download the game fresh within the last few days or is a patched beta client? Did you try and re-download the client? What is your internet connection speed?

    My game launches to the login screen within about 30 seconds or less. And I can be playing within a minute. So the issue sounds more like your setup, or your client.

    As far as the customer so far. I have been more then pleased, I have used the in game chat as well as the e-mail and have received responses quickly both ways. The biggest issue I have had with the ingame help feature is there seems to be a CS rep who will connect to the chat and then immediately drop back out; I am basing that on one experience I had plus several of the same complaint voiced in the general chat.

    Good luck I guess.
  • Thybrinena
    Yeah I highly rate the customer service I've received so far. Maybe I've been lucky but if you're going to demand a refund on the second day of early access, before the game has even launched, then you're not giving them much of an opportunity to help you.

    Good luck with it regardless.
  • Nikolas
    Hirion wrote: »
    Yeah I highly rate the customer service I've received so far. Maybe I've been lucky but if you're going to demand a refund on the second day of early access, before the game has even launched, then you're not giving them much of an opportunity to help you.

    Good luck with it regardless.

    same here, had the best support experience for the two times i contacted them
  • stinismo
    I downloaded it in beta then the update couple days ago . well good for you guys . haven't giving them much of a chance to help, they replied very quickly when I first emailed them but as soon as I told them what they said didn't work they didn't reply till the next day and gave me the oh lots of people are trying to log on *** ...ah so that's why it freezes every time ah ok. maybe you have more patience then me but if I pay 120 bucks for something I expect it to work ...
  • Thybrinena
    stinismo wrote: »
    maybe you have more patience then me but if I pay 120 bucks for something I expect it to work ...
    So do other 3,000,000+ people playing so give them a chance to figure it out. You know it's working for plenty of people so be safe in the knowledge that it could be a problem on your end and that they'll work with you to solve it at this very busy time.

    I understand your frustration but demanding your money back right this minute could be chopping off your nose to spite your face. That is entirely your business of course.

    I hope they manage to sort it out for you in good time.

  • stinismo
    AMD fx 8150 3.6GHz 8 cores ( factory overclocked) 16gb DDr3 1600Mhz gaming memory 1TB SATA hard disk drive NCQ ATI Radeon 7770-1gb GDDR5 PCI-E gaming edition graphics widows 8 64bit edtion
  • beriiel
    Your graphic card is a low end card. I'm not surprised you're having problems. Also your processor will make a difference, so what is it?

    Also how much ram do you have?

    At the very least, try using Razor Game Booster. It's a free download, and helps people with low end computers run games with less problems.

    The point I'm making is I have the AMD Radeon r9 series, with i5 processor and 16 gigs of ram, and am playing on all maxed settings and have had no problems with the game at all. So it's your system, not the game.

    As far as customer support, yeah it's going to take a while. You're not the only person with a low end system having problems.
    stinismo wrote: »
    AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series that's the graphics card . I know its not a issue with my comp I put the setting on poor and still the same problem ..

  • stinismo
    btw thanks for the help dude
  • TRG_Ebrasu
    No offense but you pay $2k Canadian for that 6 months ago? Your PC seems adequate to be able to run TESO. That being said that biggest glaring issue hardware wise will be that video card.
  • stinismo
    ah so only people with high end gaming machines can play eso *** yea !! I go set default with the graphic setting and it puts evry thing on high so yea dunno whats going on there ..
  • beriiel
    @stinismo I just read a post on facebook and it seems a lot of people with windows 8 are having the same problem you are. It seems to be a compatibility issue, but I didn't see a reason for it.

    Anyway, someone upgraded to 8.1 and is now running the game on maxed settings with no problem. So, you may want to think about upgrading that. It should solve your problem.
  • KerinKor
    stinismo wrote: »
    I brought a 2 grand computer about 6 months ago lol runs wow on ultra no problem
    TBH, a machine 10 years old would do that, WOW was designed to be very easy-going on CPUs and GPUs and still is so results from that really don't say anything about your system's ability to handle a more modern gfx-based game.

    Your systems are classic of heating and power problems, both down to poor system build or sub-standards gfx cooling.
  • Kyosji
    Have you confirmed that ALL of your drivers are up to date? Even a bad audio driver can crash your game (usually a main culprit). Also, do you have any background programs running? Have you tried running the game with your antivirus turned off and see if maybe that is blocking some essential files from running?
  • stinismo
    ill try that ky thanks yea I didn't think it was my comp beagle all these people saying running wow is peace of *** try running it on ultra with a 10 year old comp have fun with your 1fps lol
  • Kyosji
    Some games don't use the same parts of your hardware others do. Never use a "this game can play it so this one should to" as an argument to specs.

    The last few times I had sudden crashes with games, my audio drivers were to blame. Also, a bad section of memory could cause it. You may never have known it was bad, because nothing you've run actually stored and read off that section before, but that one time would crash it.

    So if your drivers are working, try running memtest86 on it, let it pass fully a few times overnight to see if you have any bad sectors.
  • Gedalya
    @stinismo your system is more than adequate for this game; if you have any doubts you can read here the System Requirements:

    Your graphics card is perfectly fine and should be able to handle this game well. I suspect the real issue is hiccups related to rolling out a new game; some people will get burned and others won't. I would recommend just being patient.

    I am curious at what RPM your HDD runs. If it is a 5400 RPM HDD then it will be particularly slow. Good luck and best of wishes.
    Edited by Gedalya on March 31, 2014 1:26PM
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • stinismo
    cheers for the helpfull information every one updateing windows now hopefully that works
  • stinismo
    yea im updating to windows 8.1 now and downloads widows drivers update so hopefully I get some progress with all of this cheers
  • Sylwa
    my computer is 5 years old and I can run WoW on ultra with no problems, graphics card is GTS 250 (bad bad bad). I can run ESO on high no problems as well.
    I had issues yesterday but turned out I had the old beta client and it didn't patch correctly so I deleted everything and downloaded the client again, smooth sailing since then.
    And my computer is crap.
    ~Petra tou Romiou~
  • Invisioblack
    There were known issues with Windows 8 just recently. Contact support - they should be able to help you through this.
  • pema
    also check ya internet connection. When it times out then the game kicks you out. Especialy with many people in the area that can get nasty. I had some lag issued then found out the stupid laptop was still on wifi, and my connection is good.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site
  • Marviah
    It's funny how people keep blaming the hardware when that isn't the case, it's because they don't know what the fault is so blaming hardware is the easiest solution.

    Anyway, I do hope you'll find a solution to your problem. It's early access so I think the devs have a LOT of issues on their hands right now so give them time.
  • dispatcher505_ESO
    Wont solve your problem but a good suggestion in the future.....

    Best way to see if your PC can run a game is to use "Can I Run It" by System Requirements Labs. It will scan your PC and tell you how you stack up against the minimum and recommended requirements for the game.
    Edited by dispatcher505_ESO on March 31, 2014 2:23PM
  • Orchish
    I am running windows 8.1 and have had no problems running the game on max. So i don't see it being related to that, although if you haven't updated to 8.1 from 8 then probably best to try that.
  • Sanspoof
    beriiel wrote: »
    Also how much ram do you have?
    You'd be surprised but I have 2 gigs and win xp (as well as an hd 6770 ati) and while I do get CTD after a few hours of playing and my framerate isn't the best I didn't have any of the issues the OP had. I even survived situations like this:

    If the game can run on my toaster, the OP should technically be able at least logon and play for a long while without issues.

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