"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
I don't PVP, but am very curious. How can AD glitch through gates but other alliances can't? I remember a few months ago about some alliance abusing low population credits by going into the delves at counting time(?) I know Cyrodill has many bugs, but this just amuses me since it seems like it would be difficult to do on purpose.
Minnesinger wrote: »Jumping through a broken gate has happened on PC too. To be honest, most of the time just going though the tunnel saves time. Or even repairing the gate. Looks to me that some enjpy of the challenge it gives to precise those jumps
I'm going to get some unpleasant feedback here but can we talk about the incredibly suspicious way AD seems to have no lag or issues with lag? I play on GH PS NA server and even though I've been told multiple times "Everyone lags..." it just does not come off that way whenever we engage AD in fights. It feels like we're running in quicksand mashing the same buttons over and over again just to get a skill to work while you watch AD bunnyhop firing skills like lag is non-existent for them, lmao. If they are lagging then it's hidden very very well....
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
Go to the titan two console tuner website, get the invite to the discord channel, and see how they are warning script writers and the lazy people who just pay for scripts to make sure scripts have variability built into them to make it harder for game developers to detect the use of scripts.
I will never understand why Sony and Microsoft as well as every other game developer just do not ban the MAC address to consoles. Make it so a once a console is blocked for cheating it will never be unblocked, guarantee just about all but the 1% of the most hardcore will only lose one console to this and never risk it again.
And regarding AD I think most of the people getting scripts from others are consolidating under AD, I don’t see anywhere near as many EP or DC players pulling off half the garbage AD players are. but this is my opionon.
Not sure what server you're on but I absolutely feel this way on the GH PS NA server and it's not just my guild or zone chat. I've seen DC players bring up the same thing. As I stated above, if AD is experiencing lag like the rest of us, it's definitely well hidden. I'm over here struggling to barswap, fire a skill, barely do anything while AD is hopping around firing skills left and right like it's nothing, lol. Just my perspective
It's an uncomfortable fact that a big part of what determines a player's "skill" in this game is their ping. I've watched videos of fights that I was in, from the perspective of a ball group player that streamed it, and it can be super depressing. The streamer and their buddies are zipping around freely, bar swapping and using skills with no lag or failure, while I feel like I'm crawling through molasses and can't drink a pot or get my ult to fire at all.