Because people will find a way to abuse it, like equipping arena 1h + 5piece 1h.
not a good example since arena bonuses are 2pc bonuses
also the application of "play how you want" is misused in the op
no it only counts as a two piece if your off-hand is empty.. otherwise its a one piece if you equip shield or weapon in your off-hand...
and how is it misused??
So.... if you're only using a single one handed weapon you're now incredibly weak and basically have no skill line. Not sure how this change will help you either to be completely honest.
edit i just realized that light and heavies are the same whether you have an offhand equipped or not.. sorry for that
Those cast iron skillets hit pretty darn hard
When I was a kid, a neighbor threw her iron skillet at her kids who were rushing out of the house and it cut clean through her screen door. It didn't hit her kids (thank goodness) but her screen had to be replaced.
But on topic: if you are role playing in overland, try using a light and heavy attack set, use empower, and whack with your one sword through the overland enemies. Consider that for now because if they do what you asked, it could take forever.